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Title : J-Fest Balikpapan

Member : - Aqza (2213027) as Leader

- Satria (2213024) as Moderator

- Dzaky (2213021) as Participant 1
- Naufal (2213018) as Participant 2

Dialog :

Sarata : Good morning, everyone! Thank you for joining this meeting today. As
you know, we're here to discuss the upcoming anime event that our community
has been eagerly waiting for. I believe we have a great team here to make it a
memorable experience. Let's begin by introducing ourselves. I'll start. I'm
Sarata, I’ll be moderating the event.

Aqza: I'm Aqza, and I’m the leader of our community. I've been an avid anime
fan for years

Dzaky: I'm Dzaky. I've been attending anime conventions for a while now and
I'm looking forward to contributing to the event planning.

Noval: Hello, Aqza, Sarata, and Dzaky. I'm Noval, I have a background in event
management, and I've organized several successful pop culture events in the
Aqza: Great to have you all on board. Today’s Meeting is about The Next J-Fest
at Balikpapan. So Let’s start with the primary goal. Our primary goal is to create
an engaging and immersive experience for anime enthusiasts of all ages. Any
initial thoughts on what we can include?

Noval: I suggest having a diverse panel of industry experts and voice actors
who can share their insights and experiences. This will not only provide
educational content but also engage the attendees through interactive Q&A

Dzaky: That's an excellent idea, Noval. We could also organize cosplay

contests, where attendees can show off their creative costumes and win prizes.

Noval: Alongside that, we can have a dedicated gaming zone where participants
can play anime-themed video games or even participate in friendly tournaments.

Aqza: Hmmm… These suggestions are fantastic. Any more ideas guys?

Dzaky: We can organize interactive games, trivia sessions, or even karaoke

competitions where fans can showcase their love for anime through singing
popular theme songs.

Noval: Building on that, we could create dedicated areas for fan meet-ups, where
people with similar interests can connect and discuss their favorite anime series
or characters.
Aqza: These ideas are incredible, team. We'll reconvene next week to discuss
the progress and make further decisions.

Sarata: Sounds like a plan, Aqza. I'll take the lead on drafting the schedule and
coordinating with potential panelists and guests. We can discuss it during our
next meeting.

Aqza: That's great to hear. We're off to a fantastic start. Remember,

communication and collaboration are key throughout this process. If anyone
needs assistance or faces any challenges, please don't hesitate to reach out to the
team. Let's make this anime event one that attendees will cherish for years to
come. Oke, I think that’s it. Sarata, you can closing the meeting now

Sarata: Okey, Thanks, everyone! Let's stay connected, communicate, and bring
our vision to life. Great job today. Until next time, let's make this event a
success. Have a great day!

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