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Elaine Ampatin BEED -2A

1.Why is VMGO important?

For future educator VGMO is important to give us some knowledge on how we will perform
academically to the students while teaching And specially to enchance our skill's on how a good teacher
acknowledge students to learn.

I will promote an VMGO to every students who are expected to learn, because as a future educators as
we encounter those types of learnings we should apply it to students and make them also provide their
own skill's and acknowledge to perform it will.Because as long as we learn their are many effective
learnings that we will adapt.

2.How do you effectively uphold the vision'mission and values,of the school?

We should demonstrate the values of the school in your own behavior and interactions with
students,collegues,and families.We should integrate the school vision,mission,and values into all aspects
of the school 'such as curriculum activities,and decisions.And hold all stakeholders accountable for
upholding the schools.

3.what impultto the vision and mission of school may have on a student?

The vision and mission of a school can have a significant impact on a student. A clear school vision and
mission will provide the student with a sense of purpose and direction, setting the foundation for their
academic and life goals. It will also help them to understand the values and expectations of the school,
providing a set of guidelines for their behavior and attitude. Ultimately, a school’s vision and mission can
give the student a sense of belonging within the school community and a feeling of security and

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