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8 JAN, 2023

Tutor Weekly
Happy New Year!

In our last vol. of Tutor Weekly, we launched the GauthExpert 2022 Year End
"Lucky Contest". During the event period, we received responses from 133 tutors
and collected 360 excellent works for participation. According to the rules of the
event, all the submitted works will compete for the following prizes. The prize
money will be paid along with the January salary in Feburary 2023.

All submissions are eligible to participate in the lucky

Lucky Star
draw, which will be done randomly. A total of 10 tutors
will be selected, each receiving 10 USD!

Selected by GE team, each receiving 20 USD!

Gauss Prize recognizes the tutor who challenges
themselves with the most difficult math problems.
Da Vinci Prize recognizes the most artistic and creative
Jury Prize submissions.
Plato Prize recognizes tutors who provide clear and
effective guidance to students (whether at students of
college level or middle school kids), helping them
understand math concepts efficiently.

The final grand prize will be chosen by all tutors

Best Answer through a vote in this vol. of Tutor Weekly among the
Award works that received the Jury Prize above. The tutor with
the highest number of votes will win an additional prize
of 50 USD.
“Lucky Star” winners

Let's congratulate the following 10 tutors who won the Lucky Star prize! Through
the random drawing function, we selected the following 10 tutors from all the
participants of this event. Thank you all for your participation!

Winner UIDs Winner UIDs

7025986009951650817 7025991424492160001
7025977263808185346 6998474680437638145
7025991475876496385 6970982359177905154
7025972925605905410 7004699659781145601
7026000753076978689 7026000868517266433

In order to ensure that the lucky draw is fair, we have recorded the drawing
process. Click HERE to see the drawing process.

Some examples of great works from the lucky winners:

Jury Prize winners
Gauss Prize
Nathan R. was awarded the Gauss Prize
for his ability to solve Calculus and
Statistics tasks perfectly. Plus, Nathan
explains hard tasks efficiently with tools.

Winner UID: 7025977310265410562

"I wanna say, I am very thankful to

GauthExpert for providing me with an
opportunity to help many students with my
knowledge and math skills. It always feels
so good to help students in need. Thanks
to GauthExpert. Wishing you a Merry
Christmas and a happy new year. "
---- Nathan R.

Jury Prize winners

Da Vinci Prize

Winner UID: 7025991424492160001

"Thanks a lot. GauthExpert gives me a

place to help others."
---Kexin G.

Kexin G. won the Da Vinci Prize for

neat writing and vivid illustrations. In
the answers, Kexin makes good use of
multi-colored fonts and graphics to
highlight key points and help students
to understand, which are highly
praised by her students.
Jury Prize winners When solving math tasks, Max O. followed
Plato Prize the ancient Greek philosophers in the way of
thinking and explanation. All tasks are
explained step-by-step with fine graphs
assisting. The Plato Prize goes to Max.

Winner UID: 7025985942616278018

"Very grateful for working at Gauth

expert this 2022 and being able to help
many students with their math problems;
I hope this platform continues to grow
and improve to reach more students who
need us."
----Max O.
UID: 7025985942616278018

Final Grand Prize

Best Answer Award
Now, please choose your favorite tutor
above and your favorite works! The final
grand prize will be chosen by all of you
through this vote. The 2022 Best Answer
Award will go to the vote winner!


UID: 7025977310265410562
UID: 7025991424492160001
What do you want to say to

I would like to say a huge thanks to GauthExpert

for giving me this opportunity to be the part of
TutorPro and connect with the students
worldwide. It is always amazing to meet new
students and share my knowledge with them.

GauthExpert is the best platform for extra

earning along with your full time job and best
way to expand your knowledge with the futute
of the world. Students can get help easily with
this app from the best tutors all around the
world. Loved it❣️

I enjoyed the past 4 months with GauthExpert.

In beginning I wasn't able to earn more or
provide quality answers but with time a tutor will
understand how it works. I actually want to
emphasize that tutors in the beginning shouldn't
worry about earning but try to provide quality
answers which will automatically increase
confidence, accuracy and speed.
What do you want to say to

Being involved with GauthExpert has been and

continues to be a rewarding experience. Being
able to bring a smile to a student's face makes
my day. I also feel a sense of belonging when I
am part of a community of fellow tutors.
Thanks, GauthExpert .

Working with GauthExpert has been a

wonderful experience, though there has been
cases when the students give negative reviews
despite your hard work, I am really elated to
find out that GauthExpert desires the best for
her tutors and decided to look into this matter. I
hope to continue working with you to attain
great heights as an educational company and
give the best for these students.

First of all "Happy new year" to all the team

members as well as Tutors of GauthExpert. This
platform provided a Golden opportunity for me
to share my knowledge efficiently among the
students along with decent earnings. I have
been working hard for a couple of months to
solve the doubts of students in an easier way.
What do you want to say to

I am extremely grateful to GauthExpert for the

many benefits it has brought to my life. As a
tutor on the site, I have had the opportunity to
learn and grow academically while also earning
an income. The training sessions offered by
GauthExpert have been invaluable in helping me
to improve my skills and knowledge.

GauthExpert have really been an amazing site,

which help students in becoming successful in
their academics. They bridge the gap between
the students and their education difficulty. It is
lovely experience here.

Thanks to GauthExpert for giving me a part-time
job opportunity. I not only gained money from
this platform, but also improved my problem-
solving skills and English.

Above are the messages from tutors about what they would like to say to the
GuathExpert platform. Because of the limited space in Tutor Weekly, we can't
show all of the wonderful messages and pictures, but we've heard what
everyone has said and taken careful note of your suggestions.

In 2023, we will strive to build a better platform for everyone. In the end,
GauthExpert would like to say a sincere Thank You to all tutors.

Happy New Year. 新年快乐!

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