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Task 1

Title: Identifying a Suitable Project

Reported to: Abid Miah

Reported by: Aljazi Al-Kubaisi

The following section will detail the different new business venture options that were
considered for my Enterprise coursework. Two possible company options were analysed to
identify the best choice in terms of having the highest chance of success. The advantages
and disadvantages of each choice will be listed with market research, PEST and SWOT
analysis used. Then I will explain why I made the choice I did.

Evaluation of Options
Option 1 – Ice cream parlour
Summary of Idea
Ice cream is a very popular snack food that is consumed all over the world. The plan would
be to set up an ice cream shop that produces high-quality gourmet ice cream. This would
require setting up a stand in our school, the Gulf English School (GES), that would have the
equipment to make batches of ice cream and be able to store them in display cabinets. The
group will work at the stand and serve student customers. The ingredients for the ice cream
such as milk and flavourings would also have to be purchased.

The primary research indicates a strong demand for ice cream among the youth
demographic, which is the stand's target market, demonstrating a solid foundation for
customer base. The pie charts in appendix A show the target demographic of individuals
aged 15 and under, have a high consumption rate of 2-5 times a week. The preference for
well-known brands like Pinkberry and Baskin Robbins shows we have a lot of competition,
but we can also imitate some aspects of their business. The pie chart in appendix A shows
that students prefer vanilla and chocolate but there was also a lot of interest in more exotic
flavours which suggests that while the stand should offer traditional options, there is also
room for differentiation and innovation. The spending trends identified signal the need for
competitive pricing strategies to attract the price-sensitive segment of the market as most
respondents inclined to spend between 10-25 Qatar riyals per purchase. The data also show
a preference for traditional consumption methods, with cups and cones making up 95% of
the desired delivery device among students.

The toppings pie chart in appendix A shows that students like a wide variety of ingredients
to accompany their ice cream so this is something that our stand must account for and
provide. As 66% of respondents ranked their like of ice cream at the highest point on the
Likert scale, it shows there should be an extremely high demand for our ice cream if we can
get the flavour profiles right.

One point of concern is that just under 10% of students have an allergy which means we
must be extremely mindful when offering our ingredients and have everything well labelled
so that we can avoid causing any harm to our customers.

From a PEST perspective, Qatar's political and economic climate is excellent for new business
ventures, with a specific growth trajectory in the food service sector, including the ice cream
market. However, economic indicators such as inflation rates mean mindful financial
planning. Social trends towards healthier eating and local production preference can guide
the stand's product development and marketing strategy. Technologically, adapting to
efficient production methods and embracing e-commerce can provide operational
advantages and align with consumer preferences.

The SWOT analysis further adds to these insights. The stand's strength lies in its ability to
offer high-quality, customisable products, aligning with the 'Made in Qatar' sentiment. Yet,
the challenge of high initial investment and brand establishment in a competitive landscape
cannot be overlooked. Opportunities for growth are evident in the expanding market and
potential for diversification into delivery services. However, threats from competition and
changing consumer health trends necessitate a strategic approach to product offerings and

In conclusion, the ice cream stand in Qatar has a promising outlook if it strategically
leverages its strengths and market opportunities while effectively addressing its inherent
weaknesses and external threats. Success hinges on its ability to differentiate itself in a
competitive market, maintain high-quality offerings, and adapt to consumer preferences and
economic conditions. By focusing on the school as a primary location, most of the challenges
associate with competition can be minimised which should give us an opportunity when
starting the enterprise.

Option 2 – Flower delivery and arrangement

Summary of Idea
Floral arrangements are very popular gift items in the Qatari community. Many women buy
their family and friends flowers for birthdays, weddings, births, and celebrations. By offering
an online flower delivery service with installation at homes and event places then I can give
bespoke solutions to customers. A delivery driver who is also a florist would be needed to
take the flowers to the home and make bouquets for customers. A car would have to be
rented so that the flowers can be bought from a wholesaler and then transported where
needed. An online order platform would have to be used to increase awareness of the new
enterprise and allow for sales to be made.

The primary research highlights a substantial demand for flower delivery services, with a
significant portion (42%) of consumers purchasing flowers at least once a month. The
preference for home delivery (72%) and premade bouquets (62%), alongside a desire for
custom arrangements, indicates a market leaning towards convenience and personalisation.
The pie chart shows the price range most customers are comfortable with varies, but is most
popular at around 150QR, which suggests that the service should focus on offering a variety
of options catering to different budgetary needs. The expectation for rapid delivery
underscores the importance of efficient logistics.

Secondary research supports these findings, showing a trend towards online shopping and a
demand for personalised services in Qatar's flower delivery market. The growth of e-
commerce platforms and the high disposable income in Qatar present a promising
opportunity for a new business. The cultural inclination to gift flowers on various occasions
further bolsters the potential customer base. Technological advancements in flower
preservation and logistics can aid in maintaining quality and freshness, essential attributes as
indicated by consumer preferences.
The PEST analysis reveals a relatively straightforward regulatory environment but
emphasises the necessity of compliance with specific laws related to delivery and business
operation. Economically, the market's value and the daily volume of flower transactions in
Qatar signify an opportunity that could make a lot of money.

The SWOT analysis identifies strengths such as lower overheads and the ability to offer
custom designs as key advantages. However, challenges include finding skilled staff and
maintaining a robust online platform. The opportunity for growth is evident given the
country's high disposable income and the popularity of flower gifting. Yet, the business must
navigate potential threats like competition from established brands and any shifts in
consumer spending due to economic fluctuations.

In conclusion, the flower delivery service in Qatar appears to be a promising venture with a
clear demand and significant market potential. Success will likely hinge on the business's
ability to offer a range of quality, competitively priced products, and to ensure a strong
online presence and efficient delivery service. Adapting to market needs, focusing on
customer satisfaction, and leveraging technology will be crucial strategies for capitalizing on
the identified opportunities and overcoming potential challenges.

Final Choice
Given the comprehensive analysis and research findings, the decision to undertake the ice
cream stand as the new venture is well-justified and presents a promising opportunity. The
primary research indicates a strong demand for ice cream among the target demographic at
the Gulf English School, with a high frequency of consumption and a clear preference for
flavours and serving methods. The possibility to have a high mark up on the ingredients is
very attractive as this will help to deliver a good return for the enterprise. It is also relatively
easy to complete with the group members, meaning the project implementation should be
smoother. As students eat ice cream often and have the spending money to purchase, the
consumer base within the school provides a solid foundation for the venture's potential

The secondary research, PEST, and SWOT analyses further underscore the viability of this
venture. Economically, the growth of the food service market in Qatar, particularly the ice
cream sector, shows a strong market with room for new entrants. The political and economic
stability in Qatar, combined with a pro-business climate, offers a good environment for
launching a new enterprise. Technological advancements and the trend towards online
engagement can be used to enhance the ice cream stand's reach and operational efficiency
with can be exploited if future growth is desired.

Appendices – Task 1
Appendix A - Research Findings for Ice Cream Stand
A market research survey was conducted to discover consumer trends and preferences.

The majority of respondents were female which may provide a slight bias with the results as
the majority of the Qatari population is male.
All the respondents were aged 15 and under which is not representative of the population,
but my ice cream parlour will largely be targeted at younger people anyway. Therefore, their
views are most important.

The majority of participants eat ice cream 2-5 times a week, with almost all eating it at least
once a month. This is a good sign for the ice cream parlour because it shows that demand is
high amongst the target demographic.
The result of this question shows that Baskin Robins is by far the biggest competition we will
face, with more than half of the respondents favouring that brand as their choice of ice
cream. Pinkberry is also very popular with other brands not really registering with
participants. Ideas from these companies can be adapted to my new enterprise since this is
what consumers seem to like.

The cup and cone options represent almost all of the ways that consumers prefer to eat and
store their ice cream. This means the ice cream parlour will have to ensure that these
offerings are well covered in our products.
People prefer quite a diverse range of ice cream flavours, but vanilla is significantly the most
popular. This means the shop will need to have plenty of vanilla on hand but also a big
selection of flavours. By mixing the ice cream on site, we can allow customers to choose
what specific combinations they want with enough forward notice.

The vast majority of survey respondents, about 70%, spend between 10-25 Qatar riyals on
ice cream which was the lowest price bracket. Only two people were willing to spend
between 41-60QR. This shows that I will have to manage costs well and be able to provide
my ice cream at the lowest price possible to attract customers.
Unsurprisingly, almost all the participants either strongly or very strongly likes the taste of
ice cream. No one rated the taste less than 3 which shows that ice cream is a very popular
food amongst the younger demographic. This is a good sign for the business because it
means that demand for this product should be high, and people will be willing to repurchase
if they like the flavour.

Respondents like a variety of toppings which means a big selection will have to be offered in
the parlour if we are to be successful with customers.
Around 10% of the surveyed population have allergies which means a new business will have
to follow strict protocols when labelling food and offering items which could be dangerous
to some people. Laws must be followed, but more importantly, customers need to be

Appendix B - Secondary Research Findings

Customer Needs and Wants
Flavour Preferences

Research indicates that children and teenagers have a preference for classic flavours like
chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, but also show a keen interest in trying new, exotic
flavours. Including a mix of classic and innovative flavours can cater to a wide audience.

Health Consciousness

There is a growing trend towards healthier food options, even in treats like ice cream.
Offering low-fat, low-sugar, or dairy-free alternatives could attract health-conscious students
and staff.

Presentation and Variety

Younger audiences are attracted to visually appealing food. Incorporating colourful toppings
and creative presentation can enhance the appeal. Additionally, offering a variety of serving
options, like cones, cups, and sundaes, can cater to different preferences.
Sourcing of Ingredients

Locally sourced ingredients can reduce costs and support the community. However, certain
exotic ingredients might need to be imported to create unique flavours that could
distinguish the stand from competitors.

Emphasising the use of high-quality and fresh ingredients can be a strong selling point. It can
also contribute to the overall taste and customer satisfaction.

Competing with Other Food Outlets

We can differentiate the ice cream stand with unique flavours, dietary options (like vegan or
allergy-friendly), or innovative serving methods. Also, it might be best to implement
promotional offers, loyalty programs, or collaborating with school events can increase
visibility and customer retention compared to other food outlets in the school. By engaging
with students through interactive activities, like allowing them to create their own flavour or
topping combinations, can create a memorable experience and foster loyalty.

Appendix C - PEST Analysis


1. There are strict laws with selling food products so I will have to ensure food
preparation and storage is up to code.
2. Qatar is now open to GCC visitors and trade so can expect increased demand.
3. Must be honest about the contents of the ice cream and the nutritional value so will
have to research and test it.
4. The Qatari government is stable and pro-business with low corporate tax rates of


1. The Qatar food service market is currently worth $1.72b and is expected to reach
$2.89b by 2029.
2. The overall value of the ice cream market in Qatar was valued to be about $75
million in 2019, expanding at a pace of 10-15%.
3. Current economic growth is 2.7% in Qatar which represents a slowdown from recent
years but still healthy.
4. Qatar’s inflation rate was 5.00% in 2022 which is a 2.69% increase from 2021 so it
might mean people have less disposable income to spend.


1. People are trending towards eating more healthily which might mean I will have to
focus on the health benefits of the ice cream and not state the negatives too much.
2. Teenagers and young people still like ice cream though so interest may be high.
3. Made in Qatar products have seen an increase in sales so I can emphasise the local
production of the business.


1. Online delivery platforms have become very popular so I could look to do e-

commerce sales.
2. The technology used in ice cream makers is much quicker that before so I can
produce a lot with a smaller investment.
3. Energy prices are rising so I will have to use energy efficient freezers.

Appendix D - SWOT Analysis

 Smaller batch production can be  High cost of shop rental
higher quality than producers  Need a lot of capital to start
 Can take customer order flavourings business
 Made in Qatar badge  New brand may find it hard to
attract customers
 Increased spending on food and ice  Low barriers to entry so competition
cream is high
 Home delivery services growing  Strict food preparation and storage
quickly laws
 Fast economic growth and high  People may choose against
income levels in Qatar unhealthy food
Appendix E - Poster
Appendix F - Research Findings for Flower Delivery
Market research was conducted to discover the likely popularity and use of the flower
delivery service.

Forty two percent bought flowers at least once a month and the majority of respondents
bought flowers at least once every six months which shows that there is high demand for a
flower delivery service.
The most common amounts spent of flowers is between 101-250QR which means a new
company should try to design most of the bouquets in that price range. Some more
affordable and luxurious packages can also be designed to attract the other segments of the

The most common purchasing behaviour is to buy flowers as gifts for celebrations and
general gifts. This means the online platform should focus largely on creating sections for gift
giving ideas to make ease of use and purchase better. A section can also be created to sell
flowers for display in the home.
The vast majority of participants (72%) prefer to have bouquets of flowers delivered to their
home, rather than going out to have to buy them. This means that demand for the online
delivery platform should be high and there is little need to waste capital on renting shop
place. As the trend for online shopping increases, the new venture will see many

Most people like premade bouquets but there is also reasonable demand for custom flower
designs so the flower delivery store should offer both services to help increase sales.
A lot of the survey respondents expect quite quick delivery after placing an order. Only 6%
would be happy with delivery taking more than one day. This means that more drivers and
florists may be required to ensure that bouquets and floral arrangements are reaching
customers as quickly as possible.

The vast majority of people didn’t mind having a florist come into their home to prepare
bouquets for them. This means that we could provide highly specialised services where
customers can tailor their own bouquets individually. This is something that could be
charged higher for.
Appendix G - Secondary Research Summary
Market Trends

The flower delivery market in Qatar is influenced by global and local trends, including
increased online shopping and a preference for personalized services. There's a growing
demand for a variety of flowers, including both local and imported exotic species, catering to
Qatar's diverse population.

Consumer Behaviour

Customers in Qatar value quality and freshness when it comes to flowers, often seeking
arrangements for special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and cultural celebrations.
There's a notable preference for convenient shopping experiences, hence the importance of
a robust online presence and efficient delivery services.


The market includes a mix of local florists and international chains, with competition based
on quality, variety, service, and price. To be successful a new business should differentiate
itself, possibly through unique offerings, exceptional service, or niche market targeting.

E-Commerce Growth

The rise of e-commerce in Qatar is a significant trend, with more consumers opting to shop
online for convenience and safety, particularly as delivery services such as Talabat and
Snoonu have grown so popular in recent years. An effective online platform and digital
marketing strategy are essential for tapping into this growing segment.

Cultural Influences

There are huge peaks in demand during important holidays such as Eid and Ramadan. It is
also very traditional in Qatar for people to buy others flowers on their birthday, to celebrate
graduation, when individuals are sick, or when gatherings are held.

Appendix H - PEST Analysis


1. Deliveries in the heat are required by law for the driver to be in a car.
2. There are few legal requirements relating to flower storage and preparation.
3. Would need a business license to do a delivery service.


1. Cut-flower market value is anticipated to reach $49,074 million by 2028.

2. Every day in Qatar, 100,000 flowers are sold and 50,000 are exhibited at hundreds of
3. Qatar's disposable income is also among the greatest in the world, with a figure of
US$ 97,096 in December 2022 which means that people can afford to buy lots of gifts
for others.


1. Giving flowers as gifts has become a very popular trend in Qatar among women.
2. Flowers are viewed as being green and pleasant which helps to promote
environmental benefits.
3. People prefer to stay at home than go out to shop so online is a good choice.


1. Qatar has developed their own greenhouse technology for flowers making wholesale
prices lower.
2. Smart coolers can help keep flowers fresh in transport.
3. All sales and deliveries will be tracked digitally to make company paperwork easier.

Appendix I - SWOT Analysis

 Lower overheads make the initial  May be difficult to find a
capital investment less of a risk driver/florist
 Custom flower designs can be  Requires excellent relationships with
arranged flower suppliers
 No large storage devices are  Requires constant surveillance of
required online platform
 Increased spending on gifts and  Tightening laws on delivery systems
flowers and driver conditions
 Home delivery services growing  Large established brands may
quickly undercut prices
 High disposable income levels in  High inflation may lead to reduce
Qatar mean opportunities for spending on luxuries
Appendix J - Poster
Task 2 Planning the Project
Task 2a Planning to manage potential problems or issues in the action plan
Problem 1: Choosing the right location
Having decided on the gourmet ice cream option, one of the most challenging aspects of the
new enterprise will be to select an appropriate location. While there are a few options
available in the school, not all of them meet the extensive legal requirements that are
necessary to establishing a food selling service. We will have a limited budget since we will
mainly be relying on a loan from our parents to establish the new start-up, so the space
should easily allow all the equipment to be fit in a small area. As the primary objective of our
new enterprise is merely to survive, we will also have to select a place that is friendly to our
cash flow forecast and doesn’t require too much initial expenditure when making it suitable
to our needs. The problem is that I will not be able to find a suitable location within the
budget that doesn’t require substantial reworking to be up to code for serving food. My
parents will likely refuse the initial loan if the initial costs are too high, and it will also create
a greater risk of not being able to recuperate the initial capital expenditure if it is too much.

If we couldn’t get a place to put the stand and ice cream making equipment, then we simply
would not have an enterprise to run. It would have been impossible to make ice cream and
provide it to students without an established area inside the school. Due to the heat in
Qatar, it would also have been inadequate to place the stall outside as it would have been
too hot for the equipment and students would be reluctant to walk and queue outside for
their treats. This is a dilemma that requires the enterprise skill of resourcefulness to solve.
We must be able to get the most out of our limited budget and the best way to do this is
choose a site on the school grounds that will make have a high footfall but not require too
much spending to bring it up to a suitable standard to prepare and serve ice cream.

The solution to this issue involves repurposing a service area in the cafeteria section of the
school. A single ice cream machine will be sufficient at launch, and apart from that, only
storage for the raw ingredients and a chilled display cabinet is required. Therefore, the
optimal strategy will be to drastically scale down the amount of space used and select a
position that already has a lot of student foot traffic. This innovative approach will require us
to compact the equipment into a unique layout which will have a compact square shape
meaning we won’t have to use up a lot of floor space. However, this would require getting
permission from the school to use the area for our intended enterprise. Solving this problem
will involve holding many negotiations with different members of staff at GES who represent
different stakeholder groups. I will have to coordinate with my teacher to talk to the
administration manager and get approval for the head of health and safety. Explaining our
plans to these individuals will be quite time consuming as we have to provide extensive
details of our plan, but the actions should be successful to get the required permission to
establish our enterprise.

Problem 2: Training to use the ice cream making equipment

A significant issue we will face is that none of our group members have experience with
creating ice cream using large scale equipment which we intend to purchase. Therefore, we
will have to teach ourselves how to use the ice cream machines so we can blend interesting
and enticing flavours. If we do not master the equipment properly, the worst-case scenario is
that we will not be able to manufacture ice cream that is suitable for sale. If we don’t get the
process right, we also run the risk of producing low quality ice cream which is unlikely to
encourage repeat custom which is something we will require since we are relying heavily on
customer loyalty due to the relatively small niche market size of our fellow students in the
school. As an objective as our team is to achieve sales growth in the early stages of the
enterprise, we must use creativity skills to make good flavoured ice cream with our new
skills, but we must also train ourselves in a short time as the launch date is approaching so I
must use good time management skills to learn how to use the equipment in time.

There are a number of options to overcome this problem. Firstly, we could watch tutorial
videos online which contain technical information on how to use the devices and create
different flavours of ice cream. A second option will involve going on a training course where
we will receive one-on-one instruction. However, this is an expensive and time-consuming
option since we have a limited budget and time is constrained before our planned launch.
When trying to survive as a new business, it is imperative we keep costs as low as possible
initially, to improve cash flow and ensure we break even as soon as possible. Another option
could be to hire an employee who already has experience of working in ice cream
production so they could either make and serve for us on site or provide us training. While
this is the better option in terms of satisfying quality concerns, it is also the most expensive
choice which would require a lot of administration and legal processes. Therefore, the
optimal strategy may be to watch instructional videos as this is cost-effective and we could
set time aside for experimentation with our equipment and product making.

By taking the initiative and experimenting ourselves, we could hone our skills and become
adept enough to use the equipment at launch. This is a calculated risk we are willing to take
as it would help us to keep expenditure low and we are confident in being able to teach
ourselves due to our enterprise skills of perseverance. With the appropriate risk
management strategy of having a contingent plan to hire an experienced worker we will be
able to mitigate any problems that will arise as quickly as possible if we cannot master the
ice cream making equipment in time. Therefore, we will also look for a candidate to work for
us and conduct interviews with potential employees. That way, if it is deemed that we
cannot make ice cream to a suitable standard by launch, we already have an employee lined
up who can take over this task from us.

Problem 3: Making the point-of-sale display

Another problem that must be overcome is creating an attractive display front for our ice
cream stand. To draw in students who are walking past our kiosk, we must use bright colours
and images which will get people’s attention. Then, the point-of-sale display must have all
the pertinent information required to convince the students to come over and purchase of
offerings. Making the displays attractive and professional looking is quite difficult, especially
since the printing equipment in the school has limited capabilities to make the large signage
that we require. This would require strong creativity skills so we have a nice-looking design
which will help us reach the objective of growing revenue since we can attract more
customers at launch.

There are a few solutions that we could employ for this problem. Firstly, we could outsource
the whole task to a graphic designer and then have the signage printed by a specialist
company. This would be beneficial because a professional designer would be able to make
the designs better than we could due to their skills and experience. However, this is an
expensive option, and we have a tight budget. Delegating the whole task to another
company is wise if the budget allows but it might be better to consider other options and
take on the responsibility ourselves. As the professional printing is also costly, it would be
better to spend money on this as there are no other viable options to get the high standard
of signage we require, that would also hold up for a long time. Therefore, the optimal
strategy would be to design the point-of-sale display ourselves, creating a nice logo, slogan,
pictures of products, and pricing. Then, we will send that to the printers and pay for the
signage delivery and installation. This is a very important part of our enterprise success,
because even if we create great ice-cream, it will be hard to attract visitors without a display
that instils confidence in first-time purchases. Hence, it is well worth the investment for

Additional Problem: Obtaining financial capital from parents

The new venture would require 50,000QR initial startup capital so that the new equipment,
display pieces, storage items, and ingredient costs can be covered for the first few months.
This is an awful lot of money which I do not have saved up. It would have been ideal if I
could raise the capital from my own savings because that way I would not have to rely on
investors or financial institutions for funding. Banks are unlikely to lend me that amount of
money without a proven track record and it would also mean that I would incur interest
costs, must make regular repayments, and carry a debt burden. That makes this option

To solve this issue, I will attempt to raise the funds from my parents. As it is a significant
sum, I am likely to face a lot of resistance. To handle the challenge, the business plan,
forecasts, and marketing strategies will be explained to my parents in detail so that I can
overcome any objections they might have. Promising to repay the initial loan and share a
percentage of the profit with them should also entice them to be investors in my business
venture. This is an optimal solution as repayment plans can be more flexible and control
over the company will be maintained.

Appendix A: Action Plan
The following stages of starting the enterprise with each set, the resources, and time needed
are listed below.

Timing of Person Date For How Progress is

Activity Responsible Completion Monitored
Market 5 days Whole team 04/11/23 Analyse market
research and data, consult
business plan with team
Regular check-
Location and
Aljazi and ins with school
equipment 4 days 08/11/23
Ghalya representatives
and suppliers
Ensure all
Maryam and permits and
registration and 14 days 22/11/23
Lulwa licenses are
Financial Review financial
Team and
planning and 3 days 25/11/23 plans and
funding secure funding
Branding and
5 days Aljazi 30/11/23 Finalise designs
logo design
strategy and Create social
5 days Maryam 05/12/23
online platform media accounts
Have kiosk
Store kiosk and Lulwa and
7 days 12/12/23 equipment
get materials Ghalya
Equipment Have
installation and equipment in
4 days Whole team 16/12/23
recipe kiosk with
development recipes ready
Have stock
Get ingredients 5 days Maryam 21/12/23 ready to make
ice cream
videos on how Have ice cream
7 days Ghalya 23/12/23
to blend the maker ready
best quality ice
Have everyone
be able to
Training 2 days Whole team 25/12/23
Test products
Soft opening
7 days Whole team 02/01/23 with friends and
and testing
Grand opening Have marketing
Maryram and
and marketing 7 days 09/01/23 campaigns
campaign running
Regular 7 days Ghalya and 16/01/23 Gain feedback
operations and Lulwa and makes
changes to ice

Task 2b Planning Marketing Communications

The following section will analyse the different marketing communication options available
to the new ice-cream parlour stall. It is important to identify the marketing activities that will
be used to reach my customers so that awareness of the new brand can be established, and
demand can be generated for the products. Breaking into a market with established
competition can be difficult so I must ensure I am being cost-effective with my marketing
strategy. Four different marketing communications are listed with their descriptions and a
summary of their strengths and weaknesses.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X to
promote the ice-cream stall in the schol. It encompasses creating engaging content, running
targeted advertisements, and interacting with potential customers through comments,
direct messages, and posts. This strategy aims to build brand awareness, engage with the
local community, and drive foot traffic to your stall.

1. Wide reach potential
2. Targeted advertising capabilities
3. Direct engagement with the student audience

1. Demands consistent effort
2. Dependence on platform algorithms

Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing involves collaborating with popular local influencers in Doha to
promote our ice-cream stall. This strategy includes partnering with influencers who have a
significant following on platforms like Instagram or YouTube. They create content featuring
our stall, share their experiences, and recommend our products to their audience, aiming to
influence their followers' purchasing decisions.
1. Enhanced credibility and trust
2. Targeted reach within specific demographics
3. Potential for authentic promotion

1. Costly collaborations or free product provision
2. Limited control over influencer content

Local Events and Sponsorship

Local events and sponsorship involves participating in or sponsoring community events,
festivals, or local gatherings that take place at the school. This strategy includes setting up
our ice-cream stall and running them when these events take place or having our brand
associated with them through sponsorship. It aims to engage with the local school
community, increase brand visibility, and potentially reach the student target audience
interested in such events.

1. Direct community engagement
2. Increased brand visibility
3. Networking opportunities

1. Cost and resource-intensive
2. Potential limited reach depending on event scale

Email Marketing
Email marketing involves creating and maintaining an email list to directly communicate
with students in the school to have persistent communication with them. This strategy
includes sending newsletters, updates, promotions, and exclusive offers to subscribers,
aiming to retain customers, drive sales, and encourage repeat visits to your ice-cream stall.

1. Direct communication with subscribers
2. Cost-effective method
3. Customer retention through personalised content
1. Reliance on an engaged email list
2. Risk of being marked as spam if not managed effectively

This selection of marketing communications should be suitable as they match my new

business types. The following is a justification of the choices and what I can expect to

Social Media Marketing

Justification: Qatar has a high social media penetration rate, with a significant portion of the
population actively engaging on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and X. Leveraging social
media allows direct interaction with potential customers, showcasing visually appealing
content of our ice-cream offerings, and targeting specific demographics within Doha. As a
visual product, ice-cream is inherently shareable on social media, making it an ideal fit for
this platform.

Expected Success: The wide reach potential of social media combined with targeted
advertising capabilities and direct engagement opportunities can effectively build brand
awareness, attract students, and encourage them to visit the stall.

Influencer Marketing
Justification: Influencers hold substantial sway over their followers in Qatar. Partnering with
local influencers who have a significant and engaged following can leverage their credibility
to endorse our ice-cream stall. Their authentic promotion can influence their audience's
purchasing decisions and create a buzz around our offerings.

Expected Success: By associating our brand with trusted influencers in Doha, we can reach a
more targeted audience and establish trust more quickly, potentially leading to increased
foot traffic and sales.

Local Events and Sponsorship

Justification: GES hosts various cultural events, school festivals, and gatherings throughout
the year. Participating in these events or sponsoring them offers a direct way to engage with
the local education community. It allows our ice-cream stall to gain visibility among event
attendees who are likely interested in exploring different food options.
Expected Success: Active involvement in local events can create a positive brand image,
generate word-of-mouth promotion, and offer networking opportunities, fostering
relationships within the community and potentially leading to loyal customers.

Email Marketing
Justification: Email marketing offers a direct line of communication with both existing
customers and potential student/staff leads. It allows for personalised content delivery,
enabling us to share updates, special offers, and promotions directly with subscribers
interested in our ice-cream offerings.

Expected Success: By maintaining an engaged email list, we can nurture customer

relationships, encourage repeat business, and drive traffic to your stall through exclusive
offers or updates, resulting in increased sales and customer loyalty.

The combination of these marketing methods allows for a multi-faceted approach that
maximises reach, engagement, and conversion opportunities. By leveraging social media's
wide reach, influencer credibility, local event engagement, and personalised communication
via email, the ice-cream stall can create a strong presence, establish brand recognition, and
drive customer traffic in Doha.

Final Choice
While all these options would be great to do simultaneously, we are limited by our
marketing budget and the time we can commit to our marketing activities. For this reason,
we had to assess the cost-effectiveness of each option and decide which avenues to follow.

The first point of agreement was that social media marketing is the optimal way to reach
students and faculty in the school. We can target adverts directly at them and access
potential customers through the school’s existing presence on social media. The cost of
running this marketing communication is also low, as we will only need an internet
connection and a team member to run the social media accounts.

The social media campaign will use attractively designed post images which resonate with
the student demographic. The images of the ice cream will take centre stage, but funny and
interesting elements will also be added as this helps the marketing communication stand out
while the students are scrolling on their social media platforms. The interactive element of
this choice is also important since we can provide direct feedback with our customer base
and we will run a promotion where the first 100 visitors get a discount on their ice cream,
which should convert the social media adverts into real-life foot traffic.

While the idea of influencer marketing is attractive, the costs associated with it are
prohibitive. Popular influencers want tens of thousands of riyals just for a single day of
posting. Since our target audience reside solely in GES, the wide exposure generated from
this method is unnecessary, making the method unsuitable for the costs associated so we
decided not to use this marketing communication.

The email marketing campaign was also signed off on by the group as it was relatively easy
to access the emails of the students in the school. Also, the costs were also essentially free
as there are no charges associated with using the school’s network system to write the
emails and send out news of our launch and introductory promotions. That made this option
extremely cost-effective and a powerful way to reach our target demographic. We must
ensure we use a large font size when developing the headings of these emails because we
want them to stand out and grab the reader’s attention. Nice graphics will also be used to
highlight the aesthetic value of the ice cream which should encourage more students to visit
the stall and try it.

The event attendance and sponsorship were also a very attractive option and the group
pledged to use this marketing communication after the enterprise was better established in
the school. We decided it would be optimal to master our manufacturing and customer
service processes first and then coordinate events at the school when we were more
comfortable with the equipment and had the confidence to move it around to the sites they
would be required for school events. Attending a school event would also require further
authorisation from school authorities so it is not something we could do initially at launch,
instead we would schedule this activity to align with the school’s event calendar.
Task 3 Using Enterprise Skills to Implement the Plan
The following section will detail how I employed different enterprise skills to carry out my
project. Five different skills will be identified and analysed including negotiation, time
management, creativity, problem solving, and leadership and delegation. Utilising enterprise
skills are essential to managing successful new venture initiatives so I will describe how I put
my abilities to use.
Negotiation skills are crucial in enterprise as they enable effective communication, foster
collaboration, and facilitate mutually beneficial agreements, ultimately driving successful
outcomes in complex business transactions and relationships. Raising the significant capital
requirement to start the ice-cream stand was one of the largest challenges that had to be
overcome during the planning and implementing stages. The only real viable option was to
encourage my parents to provide a loan which could then be used to start the business, with
a promise to make repayments over time. However, convincing my parents to lend me
money was not an easy feat and required employing negotiating skills to achieve what was
necessary. I carefully planned for the negotiation that would take place (see appendix) and
was successful in persuading my parents to provide financial support.

Time Management
Time management is an important enterprise skill because it enhances productivity,
optimises resource utilisation, and ensures efficient project execution, enabling businesses
to meet deadlines, reduce operational costs, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.
I generally struggle to manage my time effectively so I decided to take a new approach with
this venture and created a daily schedule which would lay out all the tasks that needed to be
completed such as obtaining the raw ingredients, checking stock levels, administrative tasks,
and support activities. Following a pre-planned agenda really helped me to reach critical
milestones in a timely fashion so that costs were reduced, and deadlines were met.

Implementing an effective time management strategy was instrumental in the successful

establishment of my ice cream kiosk venture. To ensure a systematic approach, I maintained
a comprehensive checklist of essential tasks throughout the planning and execution phases.
While some aspects, such as finding the ideal kiosk location, took longer than initially
anticipated, having a well-organised plan in place allowed me to adjust my time schedule
accordingly. The checklist served as a dynamic tool, helping me prioritise tasks, track
progress, and adapt to unforeseen challenges. This proactive approach not only allowed for
efficient time allocation but also provided a clear overview of the venture's development,
enabling me to navigate setbacks and uncertainties with relative confidence.
Creativity is essential in enterprise as it fuels innovation, allows for adaptive problem-
solving, and enables businesses to stay ahead in dynamic markets. I can used it to create
new products, services, and strategies that set us apart them from competitors and align
with evolving customer needs. In the pursuit of success with my ice cream kiosk venture,
creativity played a pivotal role in two distinct areas. First, recognising the importance of
offering unique and appealing flavours, I used creativity in the innovation of new ice cream
varieties. Through experimentation and close attention to customer tastes, I introduced
inventive flavour combinations that set our offerings apart in the market. This not only
catered to diverse preferences but also established a reputation for the kiosk as a hub of
innovative and delightful treats.

Additionally, in designing the physical space of the ice cream stand, creativity was crucial for
creating an attractive and attention-grabbing space. Understanding the impact of visual
appeal on customer engagement, I employed creative design elements that went beyond
the ordinary. From vibrant and inviting colour schemes to visually appealing displays, the
stand became not just a place to purchase ice cream but an experience that drew customers
in using a creative point-of-sale display. This innovative approach to design not only
enhanced the aesthetic appeal of the kiosk but also contributed significantly to attracting
attention and creating a positive customer perception.

Leadership and Delegation

Leadership and delegation are crucial in enterprise as they help establish a cohesive team,
allow for efficient task allocation, and enable the effective utilisation of individual strengths.
These aspects ultimately helped us to drive group productivity and innovation, which
allowed for strategic goals to be achieved. In our ice cream kiosk venture, leveraging
leadership and delegation played pivotal roles in ensuring both operational efficiency and
external stakeholder management. Recognising the expertise of the team members in ice
cream making, I demonstrated effective leadership by delegating the task to them.
Delegating responsibilities such as utilising ice cream-making equipment and crafting new
flavours allowed for a streamlined production process, capitalising on their experience and
enhancing the overall quality of our offerings.
Moreover, in dealing with external stakeholders like investors (my parents), suppliers,
customers, and school staff, effective leadership involved clear and transparent
communication. Through regular updates, addressing concerns promptly, and providing a
comprehensive overview of the business strategy, I established trust and confidence among
my parents. Simultaneously, communicating openly with suppliers ensured smooth logistical
operations, while engaging with customers allowed me to adapt to their preferences and
needs. Managing schools administrators with effective communication ensured compliance
and positive relations so that we were permitted to set up our stall in the first place. In these
instances, leadership and delegation not only enhanced internal operations but also
established a foundation of trust and collaboration with external partners critical to the
success of the enterprise.

Problem Solving
Problem-solving skills are essential in enterprise as they empower individuals to analyse
challenges, devise innovative solutions, and adapt to dynamic business environments,
ensuring the organisation can overcome obstacles, capitalise on opportunities, and achieve
sustained success. During my project, I ran into a few problems which required me to
identify the issue, assess different options available to overcome the problem, select a
solution, and implement the new course of action to be successful.

The first large problem I came across was that brand new ice cream making equipment was
much more expensive than I had budgeted for, based on cost estimates in the USA. The
equipment shops in Qatar charged much higher prices and informed me they would need to
import new products from abroad to provide for me. This introduced unacceptable time and
financial costs which would set back my enterprise project. To overcome this issue, I
considered different options and decided that buying second-hand equipment would be the
optimal solution. Using an online platform, I was able to source used ice cream equipment
which I could purchase quickly and at a fraction of the cost of buying new.

Another problem arose when trying to create the branding materials for the new enterprise.
My technical digital design skills are not well developed and my attempts at making logos on
Canva were not very impressive or professional looking. Having impressive branding is an
important aspect of a new business so I had to solve this issue in a cost-effective way. I had
heard about people using new AI software to aid in digital designs, so I taught myself how to
use a software program called Gencraft which greatly helped me in creating a much more
professional looking logo and supporting promotional materials.

Appendix 1
Negotiation Plan: Successfully Secured Start-up Capital from Parents

Objective Achieved: Secured a start-up capital of 50,000QR from parents with a structured
repayment plan and a percentage of profits offered as a return on their investment.

Stages of Negotiation:

1. Research and Preparation:

o Conducted thorough market research to present a compelling case for the ice
cream kiosk venture.

o Clearly outlined start-up costs, including equipment, licenses, and initial


o Identified potential risks and mitigation strategies to assure parents of a well-

thought-out plan.

2. Defined Terms and Conditions:

o Established a detailed repayment plan, proposing a feasible schedule

considering the business's anticipated cash flow.

o Determined a reasonable percentage of profits to offer as a return on their


o Anticipated questions and concerns they might have, preparing well-

supported responses.

3. Presentation Design:

o Created a professional and visually appealing presentation outlining the

business concept, market potential, and financial projections.

o Highlighted the benefits of the investment, such as potential returns,

contribution to a successful family business, and potential future growth.
4. Pitch Meeting:

o Scheduled a dedicated time for the pitch, ensuring a focused and

uninterrupted discussion.

o Began with the market opportunity, emphasising the demand for quality ice
cream and the uniqueness of the venture.

o Presented the financial details, showcasing how the start-up capital would be
utilised and the projected returns.

5. Addressed Concerns and Benefits:

o Addressed any concerns raised by my parents, offering solutions and


o Emphasised the emotional and financial benefits, such as family involvement,

potential profits, and the opportunity for shared success.

6. Negotiated Terms:

o Was flexible and open to adjustments, demonstrating a willingness to

collaborate on terms that satisfied both parties.

o Highlighted the long-term potential of the business, emphasising the shared

vision for success.

Successful Outcome:

 Through effective negotiation, secured agreement on a repayment plan and a 15%

percentage of profits for my parents.

 Reinforced the collaborative nature of the venture, fostering a positive and

supportive family dynamic.

 Regularly updated my parents on the business progress, ensuring ongoing

transparency and reinforcing their confidence in the investment.

By carefully navigating each stage of the negotiation process, I successfully obtained the
start-up capital from your parents, establishing a solid foundation for my ice cream kiosk
venture and fostering a mutually beneficial partnership.
Task 4 Evaluating the Project
Embarking on the journey of establishing and managing an ice cream kiosk venture has been
a dynamic and enlightening experience. This report undertakes a comprehensive analysis
and evaluation of the enterprise project, focusing on two pivotal aspects: the planning and
implementation processes, and the marketing strategies employed. Through an examination
of both positive and negative outcomes, a comparison with initial predictions, and the use of
evidence-based insights, this report aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the
project's trajectory. By exploring the planning, execution, and marketing communications,
the key lessons learned, areas of success, and potential avenues for improvement will be
identified. The objective is not only to assess the project's current standing but also to
inform strategic decisions and recommendations for future enhancements, enabling a
greater chance of success in future endeavours.

Planning and Implementation of Project

Methods Used for the Plan
The planning phase of the ice cream kiosk venture was characterised by a comprehensive
and meticulous approach, employing strategic methods to address potential challenges and
optimise resources. The use of market research tools, industry reports, and business plan
templates during the conceptualisation and planning stage provided a strong understanding
of the market landscape. Additionally, engaging with school administrators and equipment
suppliers during the location and equipment selection phase demonstrated a practical and
hands-on method to secure essential components for the venture. The action plan, outlined
in detail in the appendices, provided a structured roadmap with clear stages, resources, and
timelines, ensuring a systematic approach to project execution.

Analysis of Deviations
While the planning process was thorough, the real-world implementation presented some
deviations from the initial plan. One notable deviation was in the location selection strategy.
The initial plan proposed scouting for a stall right at the front of the school cafeteria;
however, unforeseen circumstances, namely the health and safety restrictions imposed upon
us by the school, prompted a change in plans. As a result, securing an optimal stand location
proved more challenging than anticipated, leading to adjustments in the final location
decision. We were quite a way off from where we planned to be but successful negotiations
with administrators meant we were still in a place with high footfall which was important in
our success.

Another area of deviation occurred in the financial planning stage. Despite the initial goal of
relying solely on a loan from parents, the actual implementation saw the exploration of
alternative funding sources. This shift was driven by practical considerations and the
realisation that diversifying the funding base could enhance financial stability, especially
since our marketing communications and kiosk set up had run over budget. Consequently,
we decided to use some of our own savings to help supplement the additional costs we
incurred when printing out of point-of-sale display.

How Well the Plan Was Implemented

Overall, the implementation of the plan showcased a good level of adaptability in response
to real-world challenges. The ability to pivot from the initial plan to a kiosk location away
from the front of the cafeteria demonstrated a practical and flexible approach to overcoming
obstacles. Moreover, the exploration of alternative funding avenues, while not initially
anticipated, showcased a proactive response to ensure adequate financial support for the

Staying as close as possible to the stages detailed in the action plan allowed for a systematic
progression through various steps of the project. Key milestones were achieved within
specified timeframes, such as market research, equipment setup, branding, and marketing.
The inclusion of regular monitoring and evaluation points in the plan enabled adjustments in
response to evolving circumstances, contributing to the overall success of the

In conclusion, while deviations occurred, the adaptability demonstrated during the

implementation phase allowed for effective problem-solving and strategic adjustments. The
ability to navigate unforeseen challenges while maintaining the core vision of the project
reflects a resilient and entrepreneurial spirit, contributing positively to the overall success of
the ice cream kiosk venture.
Marketing Communications
The marketing strategy implemented consisted of three main factors: social media
marketing, branding, and email distribution. The cost effectiveness, appropriateness, and
reach of each communication method will be evaluated below.

Social Media Marketing

The ice cream stand's marketing communications strategy embraced the digital age through
comprehensive social media marketing, using platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok,
and X. This approach is particularly advantageous for its cost-effectiveness compared to
traditional advertising channels. The ability to tailor budgets on these platforms allowed for
precise targeting, aligning with the business's need to reach a younger demographic within
GES. These platforms have enormous reach, especially considering Qatar’s extraordinarily
high smartphone penetration and internet access rates. Therefore, the overall social media
strategy was deemed appropriate for the enterprise, providing a visually engaging platform
to showcase the unique ice cream offerings and build an online community. The continuous
updates and interactions with students contributed to sustained engagement, effectively
attracting potential customers in the digital realm.

Branding Elements
Integral to the marketing communications strategy was the development of a robust brand
identity through carefully crafted branding elements, including a distinctive logo, employee
clothing, and specialised cups. While these elements incurred initial costs, they played a
crucial role in establishing a memorable and recognisable presence in the market. The logo,
acting as a visual representation of the business, contributed significantly to brand recall.
The incorporation of branded items, such as employee clothing and cups, further enhanced
the overall customer experience by presenting a cohesive and professional image. The long-
term benefits of these branding efforts, in terms of customer loyalty and a strong brand
identity, are considered well worth the initial investment, contributing to the success of the
ice cream stand.

Email Marketing
In combination with the new digital initiatives, the ice cream stand embraced a more
traditional approach through email distribution. While email sending was time consuming to
perform since all student email addresses had to be manually inputted, it was an extremely
valuable method for local marketing because it allowed us to directly reach out to students
who we knew were our target demographic. The targeted distribution of emails allowed for
direct communication with potential customers in GES and let them know where we put our
kiosk, so they would be able to visit us. Effectiveness in attracting potential customers
through emails hinges on a well-planned strategy and the appeal of the content. When
strategically deployed, the emails proved to be an effective means of providing information
about the ice cream offerings, location, and promotions students which drew them to the
stand. In particular, we gave the first 100 customers a discount if they referenced the social
media or email posts which allowed us to track their effectiveness and many of the early
purchases took advantage of this offer, showing it had successfully reached our audience.

Cost-Effectiveness and Appropriateness

Overall, the marketing communications mix demonstrated cost-effectiveness, balancing the
expenses associated with each channel against the benefits derived. Social media marketing,
branding elements, and email marketing collectively contributed to a well-rounded and
appropriate strategy for the ice cream stand. The combination of online and offline
approaches ensured a broad reach, engaging both digital-savvy and on-site audiences. The
appropriateness of each method was underscored by its alignment with the visual nature of
our ice cream and the target audience.

Effectiveness in Attracting Potential Customers

The ultimate measure of success for any marketing strategy is its effectiveness in attracting
potential customers. The social media marketing efforts, with visually appealing content and
community engagement, were highly effective in creating awareness and sustaining
customer interest. The branding elements contributed to a professional image, enhancing
the stand's appeal, and reinforcing brand recall. Email distribution, with its strategic
execution, proved effective for local student outreach, directly connecting with potential
customers in the immediate vicinity. The synergy of these marketing communications
methods significantly contributed to the ice cream stand's success in attracting a diverse
customer base.
To enhance the efficacy of future enterprise projects, several key areas could be targeted for
improvement, drawing insights from the experiences of planning, implementing, and
marketing the ice cream kiosk venture.

Risk Management and Contingency Planning

One critical aspect for improvement lies in the enhancement of risk management strategies.
While the ice cream kiosk venture displayed adaptability in the face of unforeseen
challenges, a more proactive approach to risk identification and contingency planning could
be beneficial. Future projects could benefit from a comprehensive risk assessment at the
planning stage, identifying potential obstacles and outlining clear strategies for mitigation.
By establishing contingency plans for various scenarios, we could be better prepared to
navigate uncertainties, minimising the impact of deviations from the original plan.

Scenario Analysis and Flexible Budgeting

Another improvement opportunity lies in the refinement of financial planning. While the
initial budget for the ice cream kiosk venture was based on estimations, incorporating more
detailed scenario analysis into financial projections could have provided a more realistic
financial overview. In the future, we can explore a range of potential scenarios, considering
variations in expenses, revenue, and external factors. This approach allows for more flexible
budgeting, enabling quick adjustments when faced with unexpected challenges. A dynamic
financial plan that accounts for different scenarios contributes to better financial resilience
and strategic decision-making.

Continuous Communication and Stakeholder Engagement

Improvements can also be made in communication, particularly with stakeholders. Clear and
consistent communication throughout all stages of the project, involving not only investors
but also key team members, suppliers, and customers, creates a collaborative environment.
As an entrepreneur I can seek feedback, engage stakeholders in decision-making processes,
and provide regular updates on project progress. This approach ensures that everyone
involved is well-informed, aligned with project goals, and ready to adapt to changes as
Marketing Communications
I could use data analytics tools to measure and analyse the performance of social media
marketing campaigns. This will provide actionable insights for refining strategies and
targeting specific demographics more effectively, so that the enterprise has a better chance
of reaching potential customers. Furthermore, while digital marketing is crucial, exploring
additional traditional methods could further broaden the customer base. I could consider
including leaflet distribution and collaborating with local influencers to enhance the overall
marketing mix.

Additionally, I could conduct a thorough evaluation of the email marketing strategy, ensuring
it aligns with changing student behaviour. The email could have QR codes or links to the
other digital elements which would bridge the gap between our online marketing tools. This
streamlined approach would help drive people who have seen the emails onto our social
media platforms. Finally, sustainability factors could be introduced into branding elements.
By considering eco-friendly packaging options, we can communicate environmentally
conscious practices to create a unique selling point with environmentally conscious

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