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describing action,
feeling and emotions

what do you know about characters

Character trait
Character traits are a combination of
the different qualities that define a
character, such as thoughts, feelings,
personality, and the choices they

Character trait example:

Loyal, generous, mean, open-minded,

unvorgiving, and so on.
Action words
Action words example:
Action words are words that
describe the actions of a subject in 1. I wash my car and wipe
a sentence. The actions can be the windows every
physical actions, such as to run or weekend.
mental actions like to think. Action 2. Yesterday while
words are sometimes called action walking around the
verbs or doing words. market, I met an old
feeling words
Feeling words example:
Feeling words is a word that
describe the way we feel about a
1. When it's canceled due
situation. There are many
to rain, I am so
different words that can be used
to describe feelings. Just a few
2. When it's time to go to
of these include happy, sad
a soccer game, i am so
cranky, angry, jealous or excited. eadger to play
describing emotion
According to Fell's opinion in Strongman (2003: 28), human emotion is a
meaningful relationship between a person and their invirontment. In
addition, emotions can be seen in the characters in the novel.

Based on Krech's (1969: 521) statement in the book Elements of

Psychology, there are four classifications of emotion:
1. basic emotions (joy, anger, fear, sadness),
2. sensor stimulation (pain, disgust, pleasure),
3. self-assessment (success and failure, pride and shame, guilt and
4. emotions related to other people (love and hate).
emotion example
Emotions of sadness
“I have a few weeks... I asked for some
time to say good-bye to you all, to help
Padma adjust, and to prepare.” I blinked
back my tears. “I can’t believe you’ll be
gone so soon.” The joy I had at gaining a
new sister was on par with the pain of
losing another. (Cass, 2016: 107)

Excerpted from the novel The Siren by

Kiera Cass
thank you!!

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