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“Why I Didn’t Pay Attention to the Test Instruction”

Assalamualaikum, Mr. Rahmawan

My name is Messa Adi Saputra with student number 21/480423/EK/23599.

In this article I would like to explain why I did not pay attention to the available test instructions.
In this paper maybe I just want to apologize and want to explain some reasons to Mr.
Rahmawan. This is because I am not careful in reading the available test instructions.

First I'm sorry Mr. Rahmawan, when I was working on the English mid-term question, I didn't
have time to open the message from Mr. Rahmawan that was sent in the group, that's because I
always turn off my cellphone when it starts, so I only saw the message when I sent my work
which caused the error when I do the questions.

I'm sorry Mr. Rahmawan, it caused me to post my answer twice. And I was not careful in reading
the order about the matter, Mr. Rahmawan. Sorry, Mr. Rahmawan, the network at my house is
currently experiencing problems, which caused my time to run out. I was also too hasty in
working on the questions Mr. Rahmawan.

Maybe that's all Mr. Rahmawan is the reason why I pay less attention to the test instruction.
Once again I apologize to Mr. Rahmawan for making it difficult for Mr. Rahmawan. For the
scores , I leave it to Mr. Rahmawan. I also promise to be more careful in reading the instructions

Thank you, Mr. Rahmawan.

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r kerp erp rkrekkee e w w w messa adisa paie rme k ke ke keoe oe kekewkw
keowmewoemoeoeoeneof wksm ke w kwoe ow eo wo w owewowo ewoeow w e................

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