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Pay off – to yield profit or return

I’m quite sure this business will pay off.
2. Sort of – kind of: (adv) somewhat
I’m sort of disgusted with his flattery.
3. Quota – a proportional share to be filled.
The quota for imports this year has already been filled.
4. Policy – refers to a course of action or a guiding principle.
Our basic policy is that the customer is always right.
5. Warranty – refers to a written guarantee provided by a company to specify the maker’s
responsibility for the repair or replacement of the defective parts.
When does the warranty for your printer expire?
6. Breach – an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship
The employee can seek compensation from the employer for breach of contract.
7. Upon request – when ask for
Other documents are available upon request.
8. Take effect – be effective, begin
The new law takes effect next week.
9. Bank balance – money left over in one’s bank account
10. Resign – to give up one’s job or position
He is determined to resign from the government.
11. Distract – to cause to turn away from the original focus of attention
The television distracts me when I study.
12. Cash a check – to convert into ready money
13. Transfer – to convey from one place to another
Can I transfer money online to Brazil?
14. Be contemporary – to belong to the same period of time
Hemingway was a contemporary of Fitzgerald.
15. Costly – involving loss or sacrifice
The US is a waging a costly war overseas.
16. Conclusive – serving to put an end to doubt, question, or uncertainty.
There is no conclusive evidence that power lines are a health risk.
17. Be preoccupied – thinking or worrying about st too much
The manager was preoccupied with checking the reports.
18. Be likely – to be very probable
Our team is likely to win this time.
19. Warm – showing friendliness or kindness
They’ve arranged a warm reception for us.

One / The other: used when there are 2 things/people…

 Of the two pens, one is red and the other is white.
One / Another / The other: used when there are 3 things/ people…
 He has 3 brothers: one is doctor, another is a professor, and the other is a singer.
One / Another / The others: used when there are more than 3 things/ people…
 We have 5 dogs: one is from China, another is from Germany and the others are from Spain.
Shortly = soon; nearly = almost but not quite; approximately = roughly

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