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UNIT- 3a
4 periods
The students will develop listening skills
Will learn new vocabulary
Will learn rhyming words
The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the children to smile as wide as they can and to
measure it by using their fingertips. Once the conclusion is reached about the widest smile in
class, they will clap for themselves. They will watch the video on smiles and decide how
important it is.
The teacher will begin reading the poem, A SMILE, with the correct pronunciation and
expression. After this, she will explain the poem to the students. Now, when she reads the
poem again, she will ask the children to repeat after her. They will practise the, ‘Say aloud’, and
writing exercises.
1. The teacher will give a
short synopsis about the story so that they are able to grasp the concept better. She will also
explain the difficult words as and when necessary.
2. Clay smileys will be done. The students will be asked to use wet clay and draw smileys on
them. They can use their imagination to make it as attractive as possible. They will make a hole
on top while it is still wet. After it is completed and dried, they can put a string through the hole
and hang it in class.
METHODOLOGY: Direct and task-based
The teacher will read the poem aloud with the correct pronunciation. . She will ask the students
to read along with her. Once, they have learnt the poem well, she will explain the poem. A
smile has a way of brightening up people’s day and a frown can make people sad. So, it is
always better to keep a smile on one’s face so that everyone is happy.
Vocabulary: The students will be given a list of words. Using a color pencil, they will circle the
silent letter in each.
Listen, knee, honest, walk, wrap, joke, talk, should, answer, lamb, muscle, hour, would, calm
If You Are Happy and You Know It is a fun poem and can be taken up anytime during the week.
Questions to check understanding:
1. Why is smile a funny thing? A smile is a funny thing because________
2. What happens when you smile at someone? When we smile at someone________
3. Make sentences of your own with: secret, wrinkles, wonderful.
CREATIVE THINKING: Students will talk about and list out the things which happen when
nobody smiles.
Learn the poem.
Complete the Let’s Practice.
SKILLS: Listening skills, reading skills, poem appreciation.
COMPETENCIES: Creativity and information.

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