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Formation of Statistical table.

Creating a statistical table involves organizing and presenting data in a structured format to
facilitate analysis and interpretation. Here's a general guide on how to create a statistical table:
1. Title:
 Start with a clear and concise title that summarizes the content of the table.
2. Column Headings:
 List the variables or categories being measured in the columns. These are often placed
at the top of the table.
3. Row Headings:
 If applicable, include row headings to provide additional information or categorize the
data further.
4. Data Cells:
 Populate the table with the actual data in the cells. Ensure that the data is accurate and
properly formatted.
5. Units and Labels:
 Include units of measurement for numerical data (e.g., dollars, percentages, units) and
provide labels for categorical variables.
6. Summary Statistics:
 If appropriate, include summary statistics such as totals, averages, or percentages.
7. Source and Notes:
 Mention the source of the data and provide any relevant notes or explanations to help
readers understand the table better.
8. Formatting:
 Use consistent formatting throughout the table for a professional look. Consider using
bold or italics for emphasis, and use borders to distinguish between rows and columns.

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