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My Lord....My Lord.......

increased my tone and repeatedly shouted My Lord and My


Justice Sri Vijayakumar passed order on the date 01.12.2023 to post my case on
10.01.2024. Yester day cause list published by Madurai bench of Madras High court,
my WP(MD) 28314 of 2023 was not list for hearing today (10.01.2024). When a Judge
pass an order to post a case on such and such date, it used to come on the date
ordered. I found that the portfolio is changed and now service matters are posted to
Justice Smt L.VICTORIA GOWRI. Even if the portfolio changed, the writ will come
before the judge assigned with service portfolio on the day order by the then judge. ,
Since my Writ is not posted for today hearing, morning, to bring it to the knowledge of
Justice Smt L.VICTORIA GOWRI, , I through VC was trying to speak to Judge. Though
through VC, the judge was available and I was able to hear what judge was telling to
others, but my calling "...My Lord and My Lord", there was no response from the
judge. So it was clear that one can see the court proceedings, but through VC nobody
can speak to judge. During Covid time during 2020 I filed four public interest
litigations through on line. After attended all queries I came to court and filed the writ
physical . During 2020 and 2021 for the four PIL, I appeared through VC and argued
the case before chief justice of Madras High Court, sitting in my home. Now after
Covid, a litigant can see the court proceedings in laptop like a live TV programme.
Since through VC nobody can interact with Judge, the only option left to the litigant is
to appear physically in high court. When Covid time, court were able to update the
system, now going back to outdated old system of physical presence in court is
shocking. In Kerala High Court still VC which was updated during Covid time is
continuing, but I do not know, on basis, why Madras high court made a VC like a live
TV programme?. So under RTI Act I decided to call details and records how, and
under reasons now Madras high court went back to pre Covid time of physical
appearance and noting through VC. Now from my native place Tirunelveli I will travel
to Madurai which used to take about 4 hours journey and submit my protest letter
directly to Registrar ( Judicial).

R P Ilango Yadav
General Secretary,
Syndicate Bank OBC Employees Sangham

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