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Title: _________________JB____________________

A. Topic sentence: _________JB is a renowned pop singer admired by many for his

various music skills_________________________________________________.

B. Supporting sentence 01 (transition): ___For one thing, one of his most admired _

___skills has to do with songwriting ________________________________.

Detail / Example: _’Sorry’, ‘Baby’, and ‘Boyfriend’ are a few examples of JB’s most_

_profound songs to date______________________________________________.

C. Supporting sentence 02 (transition): ___Moreover, he always mesmerizes people_

_with his ability to perform intricate and accurate pirouettes to music in his videos.

Detail / Example _Even the Washing Post, in one of its articles, stated that JB was_

an amazing young man full of creativity when it came to creating new dance moves.

D. Supporting sentence 03 (transition): ___Finally, another reason why JB is a greatly

_admired pop singer is due to his distinctive, mellifluous voice________________.

Detail / Example: according to an article published by the Peruvian newspaper

Trome, most JB’s fans claim that this young singer-songwriter possesses an

angelic voice and that is why most of his fans are female____________________.

E. Concluding sentence: __In brief, having an exceptional talent for songwriting,

_constantly coming up with new dance moves, and possessing a

pleasant-to-the-ear voice have earned JB worldwide admiration and respect______.

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