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Competitive Programming

StopStalk profile: ganekasar (Ganesh Kasar)

Linkedin: Ganesh Kasar

1. YouTube Channels
a. Code NCode - for video editorials of problems
b. TECH DOSE - for Leetcode problems
c. Errichto - Topics + video editorials
d. Tushar Roy - Standard DSA Problems
e. Aditya Verma (DP) - for DP
f. Kartik Arora - for DP and Range Queries
g. CP Roadmap by Striver - must watch
2. Blogs
a. CP Algorithms - recommended, if topics not found or not understood, go for GFG
b. GeeksforGeeks
3. C++ Notes
a. C++ Notes

Practice Problems:
1. CSES Problem Set - Highly recommended
2. Topicwise CP Problems - for solving topic wise problems, start with easy ones first
3. Leetcode - must for Third and Final Year Students
4. A2OJ Ladders - for CF levelwise problems

1. AtCoder’s Beginners Contests
a. 100 minutes duration
b. 6 - 8 problems
c. Every Saturday, 5 : 30 pm
d. Highly recommended for beginners

2. CodeForces Contests
a. Usually 2 hours duration
b. At 8 : 05 pm, 2 - 3 contests per week
c. 5 - 8 problems
d. Div 3 & Educational Rounds - Highly recommended for beginners

3. CodeChef Contests
a. Long Challenge
i. 10 Days Long
ii. Recommended only if you are first or second year student
b. CookOff
i. 2.5 hours duration
ii. Second Last Sunday of every month
iii. Recommended for all
c. LunchTime
i. 3 hours duration
ii. Last Saturday of every month
iii. Recommended for all

4. LeetCode Contests
a. 4 problems (1 Easy, 2 Medium, 1 Hard)
b. 90 minutes duration
c. Weekly
i. Every Sunday, 8 am
d. Biweekly
i. Every other Saturday, 8 pm
e. Recommended for all, must for Third and Final Year students

5. HackerEarth Contests
a. Data Structures and Algorithms Challenges
b. Easy Challenges

6. Google Kickstart
a. Recommended if you are Third or Final Year student

Contest Strategy
1. Participate in 3 to 5 Contests per week
2. Try to utilize full contest duration
3. Avoid using templates, write Clean Code - imp
4. After Contest, checkout the Editorials / Best Solutions of problems you were able to solve
5. Upsolve 1 or 2 problems
6. Make list of topics you have to learn

1. Maintain Balance between
a. Learning Topics
b. Practicing problems on topics you have learnt
c. Contest + Upsolving (Upsolving is very imp!)
2. Gradually increase the difficulty level of your problems
3. Follow Good Coders on CF and checkout there solutions

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