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Honorable judges, respected audience, and every one here tofay

Assalamualaikum wr wb
First of all in this occasion I’d like to say Alhamdulilah, praise be to god, the creator of the universe, so we
can meet in this contest without any obstacle
Ssecondly sholawat and salam may always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him)
who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness that is full od Rahmatullah.
Thirdly, thank you very much to the commite of this program, who has given me time and chance. So im here
in front of you all.
Ladies and gentle man! Good morning!
My name is Jihan Kamiliya Fathin and im 16 years old, I am student of MAN 1 WONOSOBO. Standing
here before you all to delivered my speech. I hope you feel as amazing as I am right now. To be honest im a
little nervous, but im not here to tell you about feeling instead I will tell you my pure experience.

From the beginning, I really wanted to study abroad. Even since I was in elementary school. I often
watch western movie, and maybe this reason can explain why i have desire to study abroad. My
parents always show me western chartoon channel since I was in elementary school. Disney junior,
Disney XD, cartoon network, BBC is my daily viewing. And the desire to study abroad get bigger as
I get older. Until I was finally in junior high school, my desire to study abroad is still big. And then
when I was in my final year of junior high school, I decided stidy abroad to turkiye. Yes, Türkiye! I
choose turkiye as my country destination. Why turkiye? Why not US or England or japann? I don’t
know, maybe because im ukhti and im sholehah girl and that’s why I choose turkiye. I struggled
desperately to prepare all the
necessary requirements, starting with report cards, essays, CVs, and other requirements. Long story
short, I finally graduated from junior high school. But I haven't received an announcement regarding
whether I passed or not. Finally, 2 months before the new school year, there was a notification from
the Turkish government that I passed stage 1 and could proceed to the next stage and the final stage.
I went to Jakarta to take part in the interview step, or the final step, which determines whether I will
be accepted or not. Long story short, the day of the interview arrived. I arrived a little early so I
could prepare myself and reduce my nervousness. And I was very surprised because i got 2nd turn.
There I felt like I was going to cry and scream, and I even felt like I wanted to die. Finally, my name
was called and I entered the room. In the room, I really was like in a judgment and I was the killer.
And you know what? I know this is my fault, because I prepared myself far from perfect. And yep,
it's true that during the interview process I was only able to answer a few questions I just left the
room and cried and immediately hugged my father. OK, just keep it short, because I'm here, it means
I didn't qualify for the Turkish scholarship. Hehe, sad? Oh, that's clear. And even now, until I'm in
senior high school, I'm still trying to catch up. "My dream is to be able to study abroad. In fact, up to
now, I have registered 2 exchange program, last year I apllied but fail hehe, and the one is on
procees. So please pray for me, may Allah bless me. I always believe that if I keep trying and never
give up, Allah will definitely reward me.
There is a hadith that says "Seek knowledge from as far away as China." This means that to seek
knowledge in our own country is still not enough, we have to seek knowledge from other people's
Imam syafawi says
‫ َو َم ْن َأَر اَد ُهَم ا َفَع َلْيِه بِالِع ْلِم‬، ‫ َو َم ْن َأَر اَد اآلِخ َر َه َفَع َلْيِه ِباْلِع ْلِم‬، ‫َم ْن َأَر اَد الُّد ْنَيا َفَع َلْيِه ِبْالِع ْلِم‬
“Whoever wants (happiness) in the world, then it should be with knowledge. And whoever wants
(happiness) in the afterlife, then it should be with knowledge. And whoever wants (happiness) in the
world to come, then it should be with knowledge."

I believe if I keep trying and still have good intentions to study, studying abroad will be very
possible for me. Today, all of you will besilent witnesses in the history of Jihan. A few laters, maybe
you will read in several news articles “Jihan, a girl from wonosobo who succeded in qualifying for
an undergraduate scholarship at Harvard”
“jihan, a girl from small town of wonosobo, success in achieving her childhood dream of studying

There is a song that also encourages me when I always remember all my failures. The tittle is “A
million Dreams” by Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams. This song is like my vitamin, because
whenever I remember my failure, or whenever I feel want to give up, this song will encourage me.

Di sela sela lagu….

"There is no dream too high to achieve, only an intention too low to take a step." If you have dream, please
run to your dream, running running and keep running. Even if your dreams are too high, just keep running.
“You never shine if you don’t glow.”
“You and me, we are the ones who will make a better tomorrow.”

Probably that is enough for the speech that I can deliver on this occasion. If there is any mistake, both in
my speech or my movements in delivering the speech, I apologize profusely to all of you who have been
present in this hall and I really, really thank all of you.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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