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Compounds & Mixtures Questions

1. Define a compound:

2. Is water an element, compound or mixture?

3. If Jo wants to get some iron filings out of some sand, what could she use to separate these two solids?
A. A magnet
B. Evaporation
C. Decanting

4. What are the ways in which compound can be separated?

5. In the electrolysis experiment, explain what you see happening at the negative and positive rod?

6. Name the substance produced at each electrode. Bear in mind what was in the beaker.

7. What did you learn from the experiment about the principle of Electrolysis?

8. What is formed when two or more elements are chemically combined? Give an example.

9. Define a mixture?

10. Describe the way you can separate Hydrogen and oxygen from water?

11. What is paper chromatography used for?

12. How does paper chromatography work? Draw a picture and explain using words.

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