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Title: The Profound Impact of My Godparents

Speaker: Irvic Beltran

Specific Purpose: To express gratitude and highlight the significant role my godparents have played in
shaping my life.

Thesis Statement: My godparents, with whom I initially connected through heartfelt letters, have become
an integral part of my life, influencing my growth, sharing pivotal moments, and leaving a lasting impact on
my heart.


I. Attention-getter: imagine summing up your life in just one sentence. Tough, right? I tried it, and it made
me rethink everything.

II. Thesis statement: Today I would like to share with you the great life adventure I’ve had. Since 2008 I’ve
been living at NPH

III. Preview:

▪ Adventure of my life.

▪ Explore the shared activities during Christmas, Special Events and connections and loss


1. Adventure of my life.

I. Main idea 2 (Activities during Christmas): A. During Christmas, my godparents brought a burst of joy
into our lives. We engaged in various activities, from cooking delightful meals together to embarking on
scenic walks in the mountains. These moments of shared laughter and culinary creations strengthened the
bond between us. Picture us, gathered around the kitchen, creating delicious memories that would last a
lifetime. As we swam together and enjoyed meals in the warmth of my home, it became clear that these
were not just festive traditions but a celebration of our unique connection.
Transition: Now, let's delve into the second main point, which revolves around their attendance at
significant life events.

II. Main idea 3 (Attendance at Special Events): A. The support and presence of my godparents during
pivotal moments have been unparalleled. At my graduation, their cheers echoed louder than anyone else's
in the auditorium. Their attendance at my 15th birthday turned an ordinary celebration into an extraordinary
one. The shared joy and pride during these milestones created indelible memories. Imagine them sharing
in the triumphs and challenges, standing by me as I crossed each life milestone. Their commitment and
involvement in these events solidified the sense of family beyond blood.

Transition: While these events were undeniably special, they were just one facet of the connection I share
with my godparents. Let's move on to explore the lasting impact of our connection.

III. Main idea 4 (Connection and Loss): A. Our connection extended beyond festivities and milestones.
During their visits in 2022, my godmother and I shared numerous heart-to-heart conversations. These
moments allowed me to gain insights, guidance, and love. Her passing that year left a profound void. The
pain was immense, but the lessons she imparted and the memories we created became a source of
strength. I discovered that even in loss, the connection with my godparents endures, shaping my values
and outlook on life.

Transition to Conclusion: In the face of such profound experiences, expressing gratitude through annual
letters has become a meaningful tradition.


I. Summary:

Recap the main points, emphasizing the shared activities during Christmas, their attendance at special
events, and the enduring connection even in the face of loss.

III. Final Thoughts:

Express how writing letters annually has become a meaningful way to update your godparents and
maintain the connection.

Highlight the enduring lessons and values your godparents have imparted to you.

IV. Closing Statement:

Conclude by emphasizing the profound impact your godparents have had on your personal growth and the
invaluable lessons they've taught you, making them an integral part of who you are today.

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