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Question 1

Engineering ,is the activities or function of an engineer and the application of

science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the sources of
energy in nature are made useful to people in structures, machines, products,
systems, and processes.

After looking at the headings the following are the key task that an engineer has

1. Verification and Compliance,

-Plans and Specifications, here an engineer will compare the ongoing work to the approved plans and
specifications. This will ensure the project adheres to the design intent and meets safety standard of the

-Building Codes and Regulations, this will verify compliance with relevant building codes and regulations
set by local authorities. This is crucial for ensuring the final structure meets safety and functionality

2. Quality Control

-Materials and Workmanship,The engineer will inspect the quality of materials used and the
workmanship of the construction crew. This involves checking things like concrete strength, proper
installation techniques.

-Equipment and Systems , this will assess the functionality and safety of installed equipment and
systems. This might involve testing electrical systems, plumbing lines, or HVAC equipment.

3. Safety Inspection,

-Hazard Identification,this is a crucial aspect it is used in identifying potential safety hazards for workers
and the public. This could involve trip hazards, improper use of equipment, or unstable structures.

-Following safety protocols, The engineer will ensure proper safety protocols are being followed on-site.
This includes checking for personal protective equipment use, adherence to all protection measures,
and safe handling of hazardous materials.

4. Documentation and Communication,

-Inspection Reports,The engineer will document their findings in a detailed report. This report will detail
any non-compliant work, safety hazards, and recommendations for corrective actions.
-Communication,the enginer will communicate their findings to relevant parties, such as the project
manager, contractor, and architect. This ensures everyone is aware of any issues that need to be
addressed and a task to be done.

5. Progress Monitoring,

-Schedule and Budget,The engineer might also monitor the project's progress against the schedule and
budget. This will help the enginer to identify potential delays or cost overruns early on the inspection of

All in all,the engineer plays a vital role in ensuring a safe, high-quality construction project that meets all
the requirements and is completed on time and within budget.

Question 2

Claims,is the formal request that an insured make in consideration of terms and conditions and it can be
claimed by the claimant either the first or the third party.

Claim handling procedure, is the process of filling and resolving claims in engineering insurance.

The following are three key instructions a claim handling procedure ,

1.Notification, this is the first steps to take right after a loss occurs. It could include tasks like securing
the area to prevent further damage, notifying the insurer all information about the loss that happened,
verification of information provided but also the claim form which is the document that an insured
completes all the information that are submitted to insurer. Emphasize the importance of promptly
reporting the loss to the insurance company. Provide clear instructions on how to report, including
contact details and any necessary reference numbers. They should also begin gathering any relevant
documentation, such as photos, videos, witness statements, and repair estimates.
2.Claims Investigation and Assessment, after receiving notification, the insurance company will assign an
adjuster to investigate the claim. The adjuster will review the policyholder's documentation, interview
witnesses, and may even visit the site of the incident. The purpose of the investigation is to determine if
the claim is covered under the policy and to assess the value of the damages.

3. Settlement or Denial, based on the investigation, the insurance company will decide to either settle
the claim or deny it. If the claim is settled, the insurance company will pay the policyholder the agreed-
upon amount for the damages. If the claim is denied, the insurance company will provide the
policyholder with a written explanation for the denial.

By outlining these clear steps, the claim handling procedure empowers site management to take control
of the situation and efficiently initiate the claims process.

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