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The Atlas of Past Times: The Age of Enlightenment

1. What century is known as the Age of Enlightenment?

2. What was the first body in Europe to be founded for the study of science?

3. Who was Frederick the Great? What was he known for?

4. Read the Industrial Revolution:

a. When did the IR begin?

b. What sped up the pace of it?

c. How did industrialization lead to urbanization?

5. What is an absolutist?

6. What was the ancien regime?

7. What did philosopher-essayist Voltaire attack? What types of things did he say?

8. What was a touchstone of the Enlightenment?

9. What was the Social Contract? What philosopher came up with it?

10. Why did King Louis XVI raise France’s taxes? What did this lead to?

11. What happened at the Bastille?

12. What was the French Revolution slogan? What does it mean in English?

13. What was the Declarations of the Rights of Man?

14. What happened to Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette?

15. What was the Reign of Terror? How long did it last?

16. Which empire came to have the largest navy in the world?

17. Who rose up to lead France?

18. Read Voltaire and the Enlightenment:

a. What did Voltaire devote his life to?

b. What happened to him?

c. Where is he buried?

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