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Patterns of Interaction – chapter 22, section 3

The Enlightenment Spreads

1. Why do you think that the philosophe’s ideas would get them into trouble?

2. What is a salon?

3. How did Marie-Therese Geoffrin help with the spread of the Enlightenment?

4. Who was Denis Diderot – what did he create? How did this spread the Enlightenment?

5. What other mediums could Enlightenment ideas be seen in?

6. What is baroque?

7. What is neoclassical?

8. Who were some of the new artists from the classical period?

9. How did writing change in the Enlightenment?

10. What is the book Pamela about?

11. What is the book Tom Jones about?

12. What is an enlightened despot?

13. Why were the enlightened despots not really enlightened? (What didn’t they want to lose?)
14. How was Frederick the Great an enlightened despot?

15. What did Frederick fail to do during his reign?

16. How was Joseph II an enlightened despot?

17. What happened to Joseph’s reforms after his death?

18. How was Catherine the Great an enlightened despot?

19. What did Catherine fail to improve in her kingdom?

20. How does the old idea of rulers compare to the new ideas of the Enlightenment?

21. Why do you think the rulers of the time undertake reforms? Do you think they had ulterior


22. How did Catherine the Great expand Russia?

23. Read the History Makers on page 639 – how did Catherine rise to power in Russia in the first


24. What are two generalizations you can make about the Enlightenment ideas?

25. What advantages did salons have over earlier forms of communication in spreading ideas?

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