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Unit 3 Db: Iep Meeting

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Unit 3 Db: Iep Meeting

Describe two (2) critical components of the IEP meeting, which provided information to

develop an appropriate IEP for Hayden.

The discussion about Hayden's Individualized Education Program (IEP) offered valuable

information that was used in the formulation of a suitable transition roadmap for him. The

meeting's two most important parts were discussing Hayden's strengths and inadequacies and

establishing a plan for helping Hayden make the transition. Notably, the meeting highlighted

Hayden's admirable qualities, including his sociability and initiative. His needs encompassed the

improvement of his abilities in self-advocacy and the acquisition of the capacity to make more

seamless transitions from one activity to the next. The team was able to develop targets relating

to Hayden's transition roadmap after having a conversation about Hayden's capabilities and

requirements. Among these aims was fostering more autonomy and self-assurance in Hayden by

developing his self-advocacy abilities.

Identify the sections of the IEP addressed in the video.

In the video, the student's abilities and needs, functional performances, educational

recommendations, and yearly goals were shown to be part of the IEP. During the IEP meeting,

the team made a transition plan to meet Hayden's needs as he moves to the next school level

(Utah Parent Center, n.d.). Hayden's unique requirements and skills were considered while the

strategy was developed. The IEP team will keep working with Hayden and make adjustments as

needed as he develops.

Explain how the team members set the tone for a good transition meeting and made sure

Hayden's parents were heard. Give specific examples from the video.

Team members made sure Hayden's parents were heard, setting the stage for a productive

transition discussion. They started the meeting by introducing themselves to each other. Then,

they gave the parents the floor and asked them to introduce themselves and talk about anything

else they thought the group should know. During the meeting, the team asked Hayden's parents

questions, listened to their ideas, and worked together to come up with a plan that met Hayden's

needs and took into account the parents' involvement.

Discuss how you think you would feel as Hayden's parents regarding the IEP meeting.

What did the team do well, and what is something you think should be changed?

If I were Hayden's parents, I would feel a sense of relief and gratitude that the team had

taken the time to build a tailored strategy that took into account the specific requirements of my

son. The IEP meeting was productive because the team worked well together, made accurate

assessments, and presented concise data. On the other hand, I believe the team might have been

clearer about the timing for achieving the IEP objectives and the method by which Hayden's

progress would be monitored and evaluated.


Utah Parent Center. (n.d.). Transition from Early Intervention to Preschool: Model IEP

Meeting [Video]. YouTube.

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