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AP Comparative Government

Intro Unit Study Guide Unit One Themes:

I. Comparative Government & Politics; methods of analysis, indices, and


1. What is Comparative Politics & Government? How is it a combination of

political science and International Relations? (definitions of each).

Comparative politics is the systematic study and comparison of diverse political

systems in the world.

Comparative politics focuses on comparing different domestic government

systems, while International Relations analyzes the policies they have regarding
the relationship between each country. To understand the global context, we
need to understand what is happening within the country and outside the

2. Discuss the usefulness of typologies and understand the common ways of

categorizing and differentiating countries.

3. Why is a marketplace of subjectivities a useful method of studying history

and politics?

Because the subjectivity is a result of our understanding and experiences which

makes our history. The study of history and politics is a dynamic subject, and
understanding each point of view helps us analyze history.

4. How is all history and politics subjective and selective?

The nature of history and politics is based on the perception of each one, this
makes it inevitable subjective, and it is selective because we choose what suits
works for arguments.

II. Analyzing themes within a country. (See The Comp Gov Playlist).

1. Why this case study? (the basics)

2. Critical junctures
3. Political economy
4. Political structure of Gov’t
5. Citizen, Society and The State
6. Current Issues and Challenges
III. Know and memorize all the vocabulary terms found in the Intro vocab

google slides approx... (65+ words). If you have to choose a definition between
two sources, you should use the google slides one. Also know the word post
truth politics- which means that

1. Make sure you know the different economic indicators and what each one

measures. (HDI, GDP, GINI)

2. Which one gives a more accurate picture of wealth distribution in a country

vs which one measures economic activity overall?

GDP measures economic activity overall

GINI measure wealth distribution

IV. Understand the differences between the various stages of democracy.

Know the different types of regimes possible in a country.

1.For example- Democratization, Illiberalism, Liberalism, Authoritarian

Populism, etc.

V. The United States as a case study

1. Summer Reading- What were Zakaria’s main ideas/definition? How

did Black Americans contribute to the foundations of Democracy in the

U.S.? (review your Hannah Jones’ article notes- I’m looking for general


They established the process to incorporate more people into the voting

2. Which values do Republicans emphasize more than Democrats and vice

versa? What is moral mirroring and what do the presenters suggest works
better for dialogue? (Review Haidt and Willer Ted Talks Notes)

Republicans emphasizes in loyalty and authority, while Democrats justice and

3. What problems is American Democracy facing currently? (know racial,
political, regional and economic cleavages).

Democratic backsliding.

4. How have the following been important critical junctures in the U.S? (2016

elections, Jan 6th Riots, 2020 elections). What are the implications of these

events on America’s Democratic Regime?

V. Globalization vs fragmentation, globalization-its positive and negative


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