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Name: Patrick S.

Fajardo Score:
Course, Year, and Section: BSEd English 3-B Date: December 13, 2023


Children with emotional disturbance/or learners with ASD have problems with transition or
changing of activity to another. It can be tension-producing. This is due to the child’s
inability to detach himself from what he is doing (routine). Impulse release may follow and
tantrums can occur.

Being a teacher is not as easy as babysitting children, although this is in fact a part of it. Specifically
the topic of transitions, this can be a little bit tricky for every teacher, as the process of doing it
requires extensive knowledge of the situation and unmatched dedication to the optimum learning
of the learners. Handling learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for instance — the
process of which we design our activities greatly affects them depending on how we approach the
procedures on transitioning, mainly the preparation, implementation, and follow up phases where
we can truly assess whether or not our instruction is effective to them.
Match and Roll Dice Game
First, I will walk the students through the phases of transitions by introducing them to a game
where they can learn more about advancements and adjustments. For preparation phase, I will
design a visually appealing game board with numbered actions. Afterwards, I will present the game
to the kids, highlighting the idea that transitions may both be predictable and fun. During the
implementation phase, the kids will roll a die, find the number on the die that matches the visual
representation on the schedule of actions in the board, and then transfer the matching picture to
the "completed" portion for every actions done. Lastly, I will employ positive reinforcements, like
compliments or modest gifts, to acknowledge and celebrate effective transitions throughout this
time. I will also have a thoughtful conversation with the kids during this follow-up phase, taking
into account their emotions and experiences during the changes.
5…4…3… Craft!
In the preparation phase, I will set up a visually engaging countdown timer with clear visuals or
auditory cues, give the learners a clear and structured instruction of how the activity will be done,
and hand the art materials to them. During the implementation phase, the children will start each
activity with the countdown timer running, and a structured transition routine will be established,
from the creation part to the very last part of the activity which is cleaning up. Positive
reinforcement will be provided for successfully completing the transition within the allocated time.
In the follow-up phase, after the activities are completed, I will review the experience with the
children, considering their feedback to potentially adjust the timer duration and reinforcing the
positive aspects of successful transitions.
Reflective Social Story About Transition i.e., A caterpillar in metamorphosis to a butterfly
In the preparation phase, I will create a social story or visual narrative describing the upcoming
adjustment for the learners, incorporating pictures or symbols. I will then introduce the social story
to the children, emphasizing the routine and positive aspects of the outcome for transitioning. In
the implementation phase, the children will read and actively participate in the discussion of the
social story with me, they will engage in role-playing to practice the transition in a controlled
environment, allowing them to implement the transition with guidance, referring back to the social
story as needed. As usual, positive reinforcements will be consistently provided for successful
transitions. Further, in the follow-up phase, I will reflect on the experience with the children,
encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings, and revisit the social story for future
transitions, making adjustments based on their feedback and continuing to reinforce positive

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