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Jose Rizal, a man comprised of intellect, passion,
and love for his country, wrote the famous novel Noli Me
Tangere in 1887. This literary piece is notably one of
the most significant works in Philippine literature and
has gone down in history as a catalyst for the country's
revolution against Spain. This paper is a reaction to
Rizal's masterpiece, delving into the themes,
characters, and relevance of the novel in today's
The novel's title, "Noli Me Tangere," is Latin for
"touch me not," taken from the Bible verse in John
20:17. This verse signifies a duality between accepting
and rejecting a relationship. Rizal implemented this
division in the novel by highlighting the imbalance
between the colonizer and the colonized. The novel's
narrative centers on the life of Crisostomo Ibarra, a
wealthy young man who returns to his hometown of San
Diego. He seeks to reform the Philippine society by
building a school that would educate the local people,
but his plans were disrupted due to corruption and
oppression of the Spanish colonizers. The novel's
underlying themes of colonialism, religion, social
injustice, and the privileged class are still relevant
in today's society.
The protagonist, Crisostomo Ibarra, serves as an
embodiment of Rizal himself. His character represents a
man who has lived and studied in Europe, has embraced
westernized values, but still holds dear his country's
cultural heritage. He is a symbol of a man in search of
reform and awakening of his fellow countrymen's
On the other hand, the friars and the Spanish civil
government personify the oppressive Spanish regime in
the Philippines. The characters Padre Damaso, Padre
Salvi, and the enigmatic Elias embody the different
aspects of the colonial system, from religious tyranny
to political corruption. Rizal's portrayal of these
characters gives a glimpse of the colonial government's
harsh reality, where religious institutions and civil
authorities were often used together to oppress and
exploit the natives.
Rizal's writing style in "Noli Me Tangere" is
renowned for its descriptive nature. He painted vivid
pictures of the Philippine society, customs, and
traditions with an impressionistic approach. In his
writing, Rizal masterfully fused the realities of
Philippine society with the art of storytelling, where
the novel's characters represented different aspects of
the era's society. The novel's relevance extends beyond
a mere critique of the Spanish colonial era, as it
serves as a historical account of the Philippine
society's evolution and struggles towards independence.
The novel "Noli Me Tangere" by Jose Rizal is one of
the most significant works in Philippine literature.
This novel sparked a revolution against Spanish
oppression in the late 19th century and played a vital
role in the country's independence movement. The novel
is a powerful allegory, providing deep insights into the
social and cultural context of the Philippines during
the Spanish colonial period.
One of the most striking features of the novel is
the depth of its social commentary. Through the
narrative, Rizal portrays the various facets of
Philippine society, including its culture, traditions,
and beliefs. The novel is a powerful indictment of the
Spanish regime and its oppression of the Philippine
people. Rizal skillfully depicts the struggles of the
Filipino people in the face of colonial rule, making a
strong case for the need for social justice and reform.
The novel's characters, particularly the
protagonist Crisostomo Ibarra, serve as powerful symbols
of the struggle against colonial oppression. Through
Ibarra's journey, Rizal highlights the importance of
personal freedom and self-determination in the face of
external forces. Ibarra represents the educated Filipino
who has lived abroad, seen the injustices of foreign
rule, and returned to his homeland with a vision of
One of the most memorable characters in the novel
is Padre Damaso, the corrupt and oppressive friar who is
a symbol of the Spanish religious establishment. Through
Damaso, Rizal portrays the corruption and hypocrisy that
often characterize powerful institutions. The novel
criticizes the church's involvement in politics and the
state's use of religion to control the populace.
Another character of note is Elias, a revolutionary
who represents the more radical elements of Philippine
society. Elias's character is driven by a passion for
social justice, and he represents the frustration of
those who feel that peaceful reform is impossible.
Elias' character shows the danger and risks of resorting
to violence, highlighting how complex and difficult the
struggle for change can be.
Rizal's characterization in the novel is excellent.
Each character has a distinct personality, reflecting
different elements of society. The protagonist,
Crisostomo Ibarra, is a well-developed character who
serves as a symbol of the educated and affluent Filipino
who saw the injustices of colonial rule. Padre Damaso,
on the other hand, is cast as a villain who symbolizes
the corrupt and oppressive Spanish religious
Moreover, the novel is written in a way that
captivates and engages the reader's emotions. It uses
vivid imagery and language to describe even the
slightest of details. The narrative is compelling and
keeps the reader interested in the story until the end.
In this way, Rizal's writing style in "Noli Me Tangere"
enhances the novel's message and creates a profound
impact on the reader.
As a college student Noli Me Tangere affects me in
three ways. Firstly, studying "Noli Me Tangere" helped
me gain an understanding of Philippine history and
society. Through the novel, I learned about the
conditions and struggles of the Filipino people under
colonial rule, including the exploitation,
discrimination, and repression. The themes and issues
raised in the novel may provide insights into the
present-day problems of the Philippine society, leading
to a greater appreciation of the country's cultural
heritage and identity. Secondly, "Noli Me Tangere" serve
as an inspiration for me as a student to actively work
towards addressing social injustices and promoting
reforms. The novel highlights the importance of
education and enlightenment in achieving social change,
and its message motivates me to take on roles as agents
of social transformation. I’m also inspired by the
heroism and sacrifices of the novel's characters, such
as Crisostomo Ibarra and Elias, and seek to emulate
their courage and ideals. Finally, studying "Noli Me
Tangere" as a literary work provide me with an
appreciation for literature as an art form that speaks
to the human condition. I learned how to analyze and
critique literary works, and how to express my own
thoughts and insights through writing. Through reading
and studying "Noli Me Tangere," I developed a deeper
sense of empathy, critical thinking skills, and cultural

In conclusion, the writing of "Noli Me Tangere" is
impressive and adds to the beauty and power of the
novel. Jose Rizal's ability to use symbolism, develop
compelling characters, and captivate the reader's
emotions is unparalleled. The novel's writing style has
made a significant contribution to its impact on
Philippine literature and history. It is the perfect
balance of art, literature, and politics, making it one
of the most remarkable works of literature in Philippine
"Noli Me Tangere" is a literary masterpiece,
representing an era of Philippine history that is often
overlooked. Rizal's genius in presenting the harsh
realities of the colonial period through a beautiful and
captivating narrative has made this work a cultural
landmark of the Philippines. The novel's relevance is
still apparent today, where the issues of colonialism,
abuse of power, and social injustice still exist. The
novel serves as a warning of the dangers of colonialism
and the importance of one's identity in shaping a nation
and its people. The novel is a powerful critique of the
colonial system and its effects on Philippine society.
Through its complex and multifaceted characters, the
novel provides insights into issues of social justice,
identity, and the role of institutions in shaping a
society's destiny.
"Noli Me Tangere" is not just a literary
masterpiece, but a significant historical document that
portrays the struggles of the Filipino people during
the colonial period. Through its themes of oppression,
nationalism, and revolution, the novel has become an
influential tool for promoting social reform and
raising national consciousness. It has inspired
generations of Filipinos to fight for their rights,
their identity, and their freedom. "Noli Me Tangere"
stands as a testament to the power of literature to
shape national identity, to inspire movements for
social change, and to inspire generations to fight for
a better future. Its legacy continues to endure,
inspiring young Filipinos to think critically about
their own society, and to work towards shaping a
brighter, more just and more equitable future for all.

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