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Hospitality Architects Outline Emerging Hotel Design Trends

By: ROGER SANDS 23 DEC. 2020

The hospitality industry is facing significant challenges in the coming years, with architects and designers working to adapt to the new
normal. To ensure the safety and well-being of guests and staff, innovative architects are exploring new ways to bring wellness into
hospitality spaces. Contactless tech will allow guests and staff to meet the highest level of sanitation from the properties they choose
to patronize, with hotels forgoing carpeting and bedspreads for the ultimate in clean. Hotels that proactively embark on meaningful
and strategic collaborations with the right brands will differentiate themselves in the years to come.

With the expected long-term increase in remote workers, there is an opportunity to provide specific daytime services, such as private
offices, co-working spaces, or zoom suites, with minimal adjustments to the guest room. One of the hospitality design trends for future is
the reimagining of guest room amenities to support remote work capabilities.

Hotels have started converting otherwise empty guest rooms into office spaces, offering larger suite-type guestrooms with adequate
lighting and appropriate backgrounds for video conferencing. Mobile apps and other touchless technologies will continue to ease the flow
and capacity of spaces. The new normal will be one of change and exponential growth of ideas, just as Modernism was born from the
experience and rubble of WWI.

Public spaces will need to be highly curated with controlled density, whether it's an airline club, hotel, restaurant, gym, or any hospitality
venue. As architects and designers continue to redesign the word "safe" to help guests understand cleanliness, there's a fundamental
need for flexibility in hotel design.


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