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Student name: Huynh Gia Le Student ID number: 23004870

Student name: Nguyen Hoang Thien An Student ID number: 22003211
Student name: Tran Trung Tin Student ID number: 23006360

Unit name: Business Academic Skills Unit number: FOU104

Tutorial/Lecture: Class day and time: Tuesday 8:00-11:15 AM
Lecturer or Tutor name: Anna Loseva

Title: Annotated Bibliography

Length: 2452 words Due date: 8:00 - 17/10/2023 Date submitted: 23:59 - 20/10/2023


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Student’s signature: Gia Le
Student’s signature: Thien An
Student’s signature: Trung Tin

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Annotated Bibliography

Group G: Le, G. Huynh, Tin, T. Tran and An, H.T. Nguyen

Department of Business, Western Sydney University
FOU104: Business Academic Skills
Anna Loseva
October 20, 2023

Source 1 (Writer: Nguyen Hoang Thien An)

Albassam, W. A. (2023). The power of artificial intelligence in recruitment: An analytical review of
current AI-based recruitment strategies. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(6),

In this article, Albassam (2023) examines comprehensively AI usage in the process of recruitment
nowadays. At first, the author discusses the way AI was applied in recruitment in the past. Following
this, the categories of technology involved in AI are pointed out, thanks to which, he mentions the
upsides and downsides of each type of technology. In addition, he broadly reports the benefits and
limitations of recruitment procedures combined with AI. Moreover, the author states that there are
dangers that are relevant to ethics when AI is used in data collection and analysis. Besides, he offers the
ways of using AI in the recruitment process in this day and age. ‘The power of artificial intelligence in
recruitment: An analytical review of current AI-based recruitment strategies’ is an incredibly useful
article for the group essay to support the arguments. The main points of the article are supported by
others cited by the authors. Therefore, it is credible and highly persuasive. Moreover, the publication
year of the article was 2023, which increases the accuracy of the content of the article. Although the
parts of the article are arranged inappropriately, they have different subheadings so it is easy for readers
to follow. Finally, the information in the article is related to the topic sentence of the fourth paragraph
of the group essay.

Source 2 (Writer: Nguyen Hoang Thien An)

Aleisa, M. A., Beloff, N., & White, M. (2023). Implementing AIRM: a new AI recruiting model
for the Saudi Arabia labour market. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 01-41.

In this article, Aleisa et al. (2023) examine the new technology combined with AI, which helps
companies seek ideal candidates for their vacancies in the labor market. At first, the authors discuss the
reasons why the new technology was researched. Next, they mention the stages in which that new
technology supports HR employees. Finally, they state that technology brings a host of benefits to
companies. ‘Implementing AIRM: a new AI recruiting model for the Saudi Arabia labour market’ is a
useful article for the group essay. The authors cite other articles and research to support their
arguments, making this article credible and persuasive. Although there are some advanced and
academic words that are hard to understand, the authors attach charts that assist readers in
comprehending the content. Finally, the information in the article is related to the topic sentence of the
fourth body paragraph of the group essay.

Source 3 (Writer: Huynh Gia Le)

Arman, M., & Lamiya, U. R. (2023). Exploring the implication of ChatGPT AI for business: Efficiency
and challenges. Journal of Innovation Information Technology and Application (JINITA), 5(1), 52–64.

In this article, Arman and Lamiya (2023) examine how ChatGPT AI impacts various business sectors
and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. The authors use data collected from 50 business
background students from the University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh to try to identify the applications
of ChatGPT AI in business fields and the positive and negative impacts that businesses would face.
Fields mentioned in this article include customer service, e-commerce, healthcare, finance, marketing,
and developer business sectors. This article provides valuable insights that strengthen the evidence for
our essay topic as Arman and Lamiya suggest that there are numerous potentials and drawbacks of
applying AI in business. The limitations of this article are that it might not capture the total scope of
ChatGPT’s influence on businesses and it does not consider the varying acceptance levels of AI or
ChatGPT across diverse enterprises. Despite these limitations, this article would be useful for the first
body paragraph of our essay, which is related to the upsides and downsides of AI use in the Marketing

Source 4 (Writer: Tran Trung Tin)

Bussin, M. (2018). Retention Strategies : The key to attracting and retaining excellent employees. KR

The ebook focuses on essential ways to help anyone who currently manages a group, a team, or a
company implement viable measures to gain and build trust with the staff and the customers. Mr.
Bussin's aim is to persuade readers to apply a wide range of his methodologies to retain employees. He
dispenses different retention strategies for different generations of employees, such as millennials, Gen
X, and baby boomers, and different types of remuneration options for retention, such as base pay,
bonuses, stock options, and benefits. However, the drawback of this article is that the author only
discusses the benefits of successful planning strategies without analyzing any drawbacks or clear
analogies. Despite this, most of the book provides invaluable insights and unique ways to help broaden
my research viewpoint and inclusivity of any important point in this book.

Source 5 (Writer: Nguyen Hoang Thien An)

Cubric, M. (2020). Drivers, barriers and social considerations for AI adoption in business and
management: a Tertiary Study. Technology in Society, 62, 01-12.

In this article, Cubric (2020) examines the benefits and limitations of AI use in companies regarding a
host of industries. At first, the author analyzes other articles about the upsides and downsides of using
AI. Next, the author mentions the types of benefits and dangers of AI. Finally, the author offers
approaches to deal with the limitations of AI use in companies. ‘Drivers, barriers and social
considerations for AI adoption in business and management: a Tertiary Study’ is a useful article for the
group essay. The author cites other articles and research to support the arguments in this article.
Moreover, these articles are selected carefully across a large number of fields, making this article
credible and persuasive. Although this article includes different information that can confuse readers,
the main points are arranged properly and they are easy to follow. Finally, the information in the article
is related to the topic sentence of the group essay.

Source 6 (Writer: Tran Trung Tin)

Ghosh, B., Daugherty, P. R., Wilson, H. J., & Burden, A. (2019). Taking a systems approach to
adopting AI. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2–6.

The article discusses the benefits of integrating AI into the core systems, rather than using it as sole
applications. Should firms invest their budget in AI, chances are they could boost revenue, innovation,
and efficiency. Looking through the example of Alibaba Group mentioned in the article, we can
discover the meticulous functioning of the company that deploys AI to offer various viable services and
solutions. The article includes Alibaba's founder, Jack Ma, is an exemplar of a 21st-century top-
manager who has devoted to artificial intelligence applications so that he could cut costs, boost
productivity, and be ready when dealing with unplanned external factors such as pandemics, recessions,
or even war. Some points in this article might not support my research; however, gives readers a broad
view of AI applications and how successful AI can boost revenue for the company.

Source 7 (Writer: Tran Trung Tin)

Lane, M., & Williams, M. (2023). Defining and classifying AI in the workplace. OECD Social,
Employment & Migration Working Papers, 290, 1–39.

In this article, Lane and Williams (2023) demonstrate how much power Artificial Intelligence has in
the workplace. The authors use databases gained through empirical surveys they carried out over many
years, many of which suggest that although the majority of workers and employers are generally
satisfied with the introduction of AI on performance and working processes, the fact is problematic,
including job loss and human laziness. Their research scope concentrates on AI management in
employment sectors. The article is invaluable to my research topic, as both authors suggest that there
are numerous reasons for employee turnover and variances in employee motivation and performance.
However, there is still a lack of sound data and evidence related to building trust when it comes to the
implementation of AI in the workplace, thus, it would be advisable for the author to undertake more
extensive research on this aspect to develop a more in-depth comprehension of employee turnover and
job performance. Some of the aspects in this article do not support my research; however, those have
enlightened positive impacts that can be gained if the company applies both training and worker
consultation in the digital business workplace.

Source 8 (Writer: Huynh Gia Le)

Maple, C., Szpruch, L., Epiphaniou, G., Staykova, K., Singh, S., Penwarden, W., Wen, Y., Wang, Z.,
Hariharan, J., & Avramovic, P. (2023). The AI Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges for the
Finance Sector.

In this article, Maple et al. (2023) examine the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the financial
sector, outline its benefits, and identify its challenges with the purpose of effectively utilizing its
potential while minimizing associated risks. Additionally, the authors also provide recommendations
related to supporting collaboration and addressing the threats and challenges for academia, regulators
as well as the finance industry. ‘The AI Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges for the Finance
Sector’ is useful for our group essay since the key points of this study are completely relevant to our
essay topic. One limitation of this article is that there is too much advanced and academic terminology
which is hard to understand. Despite this, the content of the article is still relevant to the third paragraph
of our group essay, which is related to the merits and demerits of AI use in the Finance sector.

Source 9 (Writer: Nguyen Hoang Thien An)

Masoodifar, M., Arslan, İ. K., & Tekeoğlu, A. N. T. (2023). Artificial intelligence in global business
and its communication. Journal of International Trade, Logistics and Law, 9(1), 278–284.

In this article, Masoodifar et al. (2023) investigate the importance of AI in global business. At first, the
authors examine the categories of AI, and the ways of using it in business. Following this, they mention
its upsides and downsides, thanks to which the authors state that AI has potential in various industries.
In addition, they discuss how to apply AI in business effectively. Moreover, the authors mention the
potential of AI in business in the future. Besides, the dangers of AI are pointed out and the authors
conclude that recognizing AI limitations can help businesses utilize it. ‘Artificial intelligence in global
business and its communication’ is a useful article for the group essay to support the arguments. The
article provides a large amount of information about AI in global business. Although there should be
more evidence and examples for it to be more persuasive and credible, the authors explain advanced
and academic words successfully. Moreover, parts of the article are arranged properly, which is easy
for readers to follow. Finally, the content of the article is relevant to the topic of the group essay.

Source 10 (Writer: Tran Trung Tin)

Sjödin, D. 1983, Parida, V. 1983, Palmié, M., & Wincent, J. (2021). How AI capabilities enable
business model innovation: Scaling AI through co-evolutionary processes and feedback loops. Journal
of Business Research, 134(1), 574–587.

This journal heightens the development of AI capabilities with respect to job performance and business
models, turnover rates, and employee motivation. The authors use statistics gained through the study
case conducted in the six companies. Hence, they could deliver insightful details related to the AI's
crucial strengths that need to be taken into serious account such as data analysis, short-term predictions,
and high accuracy for any business venture. The journal fits my research topic because it includes
important aspects and solutions to make a company well-integrated with AI and incentivize employee
motivation and performance. The main limitation of this journal is that the framework offers important
insights for all stakeholders, the boss, and employees, so understanding the AI function is rather
obscure. In order to showcase the full use of these capabilities, the journal is required to visualize
business models by focusing on customer orientation, fluid operations, and ecosystem integration.

Source 11 (Writer: Huynh Gia Le)

Zhu, C. (2022). Construction and risk analysis of marketing system based on AI. Scientific
Programming, 2022, 1–9.

In this article, Zhu (2022) transforms and constructs the links between various factors in the marketing
system. The author examines how AI helps companies in the Marketing sector such as understanding
customer needs more comprehensively and finding market opportunities more quickly. This study also
analyzes the existing and potential risks as well as puts forward the solutions to address these problems.
‘Construction and risk analysis of marketing system based on AI’ is useful for our group essay since
the key points of this study are related to our essay topic. In addition to its logical structure, this
publication provides up-to-date insights on our topic, as it was published in 2022. As a result, this
article is a useful reference for the first paragraph of our group essay which is related to AI use in the
Marketing sector.

Source 12 (Writer: Nguyen Hoang Thien An)

Zhang, H., Zhang, X., & Song, M. (2021). Deploying AI for new product development success.
Research-Technology Management, 64(5), 50–57.

In this article, Zhang et al. (2021) examine how and where many high-tech companies apply AI to new
product development procedures to make them successful via the results of the surveys they conducted.
Moreover, other studies are cited about the impacts of AI on developing new products. In addition, the
stages in the procedures combined with AI and its abilities in those stages are analyzed, thanks to
which they investigate the impacts of AI on the success of new product development. Finally, they also
mention the three best ways to use AI in new product development successfully. ‘Deploying AI for
new product development success’ is an incredibly useful article for the group essay to support the
arguments. The main points are supported by the results of the surveys and their participants were
selected from a host of fields. Therefore, the article is credible and highly persuasive. Moreover, its
structure is logical, and easy to follow the key points of the authors. Although some advanced and
academic words are hard to understand, the authors successfully explain them. Finally, the content of
the article is relevant to the topic sentence of the fourth paragraph of the group essay.

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