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Long Quiz #1 in RWS

Directions: Read the ff questions carefully.

1. Which of the following is a global hypertext system of
information residing on servers linked across the
A. Domain address B. http
C. Uniform Resource Locator D. World Wide Web
2. What do you call a reference to a web resource that
specifies its location on a computer network and a
mechanism for retrieving it?
A. Universal Resource Locator
B. Uniform Resource Locator
C. Universal Resource Identifier
D. Uniform Resource Identifier
3. Clicking on a hyperlink can take you to which of the
following locations?
A. Another website
B. Another place in the document you have opened
C. Another document other than the one you have
D. All of the above
4. Which of the following refers to other forms of
multimedia (pictures, sounds, and videos) that could
stimulate more senses and are incorporated in the links?
A. Hyperlinks B. Hypermedia
C. Links D. URL
5. In 1963, the term hypertext was coined by ________.
A. Ned Nelson B. Ted Jackson
C. Ted Nelson D. Ned Jackson
6. The term ‘intertextuality’ was rooted between 1857-
1913 by Swiss linguist__________?
A. Ferdinand de Saussure B. Laurent Jenny
C. Julia Kristeva D. Graham Allen
7. Which of the following is not a kind of an intertextual
A. bibliography B. quotation
C. retelling D. allusion
8. Intertextuality was first observed in the work of
A. Ferdinand de Saussure B. Laurent Jenny
C. Julia Kristeva D. Graham Allen
9. It is the method of directly lifting the exact statements
or set of words from a text another author has made.
A. allusion B. pastiche C. quotation D. retelling
10. It is a text developed in a way that it copies the style
or other properties of another text without making fun of
it unlike in a parody.
A. allusion B. pastiche
C. quotation D. retelling
11. Hedges are used to be courteous in expressing
A. Evidence C. Counterclaims
B. Assertions D. Critical reading
12. It is the act of giving a statement for justification and
A. Hedges C. Asserting
B. Reasoning D. Evidence
13. It is an engaging in analytic activity which involves
the reader by asking questions about the text and the
author’s claim.
A. Evidence C. Counterclaims
B. Assertions D. Critical reading
14. The following are the forms of hedges, except:
A. Modals C. Location adverbs
B. Frequency adverbs D. Probability adverbs
15. It is a body of facts given by the authors to support
their claims?
A. Counterclaims C. Evidence 16. "The Earth revolves around the Sun" is an example 16.
Long Quiz #1 in RWS
B. Opinion D. None of the above of which type of assertion? of
Directions: Read the ff questions carefully.
2. Which of the following is a global hypertext system of A. Fact B. Preference A.
information residing on servers linked across the C. Opinion D. Convention C.
internet? 17. "Wearing a suit to a formal event is a common 17.

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