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PC 101 25 MARCH 2024

5:30 - 7:00 PM MW DM 302 MONDAY
Journal Title: Lola's 82nd Birthday Celebration
Dear Nanay Gingging,
1. I hope this journal entry finds you well and brings a piece of the joyous celebration we had
for Lola's 82nd birthday.
2. The day was a beautiful portrayal of love, togetherness, and cherished moments that I am
happy because we experience it together.
3. Here is a detailed account of the heartwarming event.
4. The sun graced us with its warm rays as we gathered at Lola's house for her 82nd birthday
5. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation as relatives from near and far came
together, creating a family reunion ambiance that was truly special.
6. The house buzzed with the laughter and chatter of different faces, making it feel like a
melting pot of love and connection.
7. It was heartening to see so many loved ones come together to celebrate Lola's milestone
8. You, along with the rest of your siblings, were present, adding to the warmth and joy of the
9. It was a touching sight to witness the family united in celebration of Lola's special day.
10. You together with my aunties and uncles help each other to cook and prepare foods for
birthday celebration of Lola.
11. I really love to witness your teamwork to make sure that your mother's birthday will be
12. The rooms were adorned with decorations that mirrored Lola's vibrant spirit and zest for
13. Balloons, streamers, and a colorful birthday banner created a festive atmosphere that
uplifted everyone's spirits and added to the joy of the celebration.
14. Relatives from all generations shared stories, memories, and laughter, forming a beautiful
tapestry of love and connection that enveloped the house in warmth.
15. It felt like a gathering of hearts united in love for Lola.
16. Grandchildren, nieces, and nephews added to the joyous atmosphere with their presence,
running around and spreading happiness in every corner.
17. Their energy and innocence brought a special charm to the celebration, reminding us of
the beauty of family bonds.
18. I was touched by my little niece and nephew who give lola a letter, greeting here and
wishing here a happy birthday.
19. Despite the distances that separate us, family members made a concerted effort to be
present and honor Lola on her birthday.
20. Their presence was a testament to the love and respect they hold for her, bridging the gap
of miles with heartfelt emotions.
21. There is a bible service first and sharing and greeting Lola for her bornday.
22. All of my aunties and uncles give messages and some of her grandchildren.
23. I see in the eyes and expression of Lola that she is very happy.
24. I am also happy to witness that happiness and joy for this moment.
25. Expressions of love and support poured in from all corners of the house, with relatives
presenting thoughtful gifts, heartfelt messages, and delicious cakes in tribute to Lola.
26. Each gesture was a symbol of the deep affection and appreciation felt by all.
27. The children of Lola, with their wide-eyed innocence and pure hearts, took center stage to
convey their love and admiration for their grandmother.

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