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 Pharmacist: Maya, a pharmacist with 2 years of experience.

 Patient: Emily, a 25-year-old woman with a cold and a craving for vitamin C.


Emily: Hi there! I'm feeling absolutely awful – stuffy nose, sore throat, the whole package. I need
something to boost my immune system, like, right now!

Maya: (Smiling warmly) I understand how you feel, Emily. Colds can be the worst. What have you
tried so far?

Emily: Not much, honestly, I saw an ad for those fizzy vitamin C tablets, and they seemed perfect!
Can you give me a tube?

Maya: (Chuckling) I know those ads are tempting, but it's important to choose the right remedy for
your symptoms. While vitamin C can be beneficial, it's not a miracle cure for colds.

Emily: (Slightly deflated) Oh, darn. So, what should I do?

Maya: Well, let's start by understanding your needs. Have you had a fever, chills, or any other
concerning symptoms?

Emily: No, just the usual cold stuff. I'm mostly worried about getting better quickly, because I have a
big presentation on Monday.

Maya: Okay. In that case, getting enough rest and fluids is crucial. You can also try over-the-counter
pain relievers like ibuprofen or Paracetamol for fever and aches. For your sore throat, gargling with
warm salt water can help.

Emily: Okay, that makes sense. But what about the vitamin C?

Maya: Vitamin C can support your immune system, but it's not a substitute for a balanced diet and
proper rest. If you're set on trying it, remember to choose a brand with the recommended daily dose
(around 1000mg). However, it's important to note that research on its effectiveness against colds is

Emily: Hmm, interesting. So, maybe I should focus on the basics first?

Maya: Exactly! Let your body rest and recover naturally. If your symptoms worsen or persist, always
consult a doctor.

Emily: You're right. Thanks for the advice, Maya! I appreciate you taking the time to explain

Maya: You're welcome, Emily! Feel free to come back if you have any questions or need more

Emily: I will! Thanks again, and have a great day!

Maya: You too, Emily! Take care!

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