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Blog 8

14 April 2024

We are in our Eid vacation week as I said we al needed that vacation but I did a wrong thing, I did not
work the whole vacation and now I feel that I have no energy and I feel little tired, however me and
my group talked yesterdays and we realized that we hare done with everything but our technical
report but we have a lot of time until the due date, we did all of our group memos, we are done with
the presentation, and we are done with the poster, I think that the only thing left is presenting our
presentation, so what we did yesterday was that every group member started writing his part and
what is he going to say, the problem is that we do not know how many minutes we have to present, I
think we have like 10 minutes, but the problem is that when we set a timer we discovered that every
one of us will take 5 minutes, and we are four so that is a total of 20 minutes, and we have 5 parts so
if we calculated that in a write way we will take 25 min, and of course that is not write because there
are 3 other groups that will present and all of us will present in the same class and at the time class
which is a hour, adding to that we will take 10 minutes to wait for our guests and to open our power
points, so ten mis for the preparation and 40 to the groups, and as I said there will be 4 groups so for
each group 10 min without questions, if there is going to questions from our guest we definitely
need to give them a couple of minutes. Our group think of that so we decided to remove some
information like the : definition and the feature, also the examples, I mean there are not that
important, so we removed 3 pages that have the definition and the features from our power point
for the 3 solutions which made the power point slides reduce to 26 pages, but for us it is enough we
are actually scared of the dr opinion, I mean what if she said that this is not enough or what if she
did not like the power point, we will need to delete the whole presentation and do a new one.

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