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Blog 10

23 April 2024

Today was the presentation day and we were the third group, the other two groups did good but
when I saw their presentation I felt better because I always wondered if our presentation or our
project is good, and what if ours is the worse one and the other groups were better, but after
watching their power point and their presentation, my confidence increased a bit. When it was our
time to present, I got a little anxious and I started breathing in a fast way, so I felt like my heart was
going to fall because of my strong beating, however my team member did his part which was the
intro, and I started after him by describing the underground water tanks and then I read the
definition of the two types of tanks where they were ( detention and retention tanks ), then I talked
about how different they are and their benefits, and by that I ended my part and my other team
members started talking but when they were presenting I realized that I did a presentation and did
not feel the stress so I stressed, I do not know why, I mean I am already done what am I stressing for.
We did the conclusion and finally we are done the presentation and the whole course and the
preparations we did yesterday helped us, we finished the presentation in 7 and a half mins, I really
think it is good, now the only thing left for our group is the technical report but for me bot the report
and the E-portfolio, I wish I finish it by time because it is stressing me out. I did half of my PML’s and I
still have five to go, the project part is done, and the resume so the only thing is finishing this last
blog and uploading all the files because I am having a huge problem with the website, it is
complicated and I do not have any patient so for someone like me it is really hard to create just a
page, literally I spend 2 hours just to create the first page which had nothing just my name and my
major, so finishing it in my exams week will be one of my biggest achievements. But this was a simple
course compared to the other course, I hope I finish it with a good grade.

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