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Webster University in Tashkent

ESLG 4250 4T Research writing and Library skills

#1 Reflection
Rasuljonov Hasanboy
Professor: Feruza Jumaniyozova

During these six sessions, we have learned more things from Research writing and Library skills.

Firstly, I thought that course, improving our English language like our writing and plus reading

skills as extra course for us who has 5.5 Ielts score. And my thoughts was absolutely correct. My

expectations were reading articles and that is occurred. First week, started with briefly

introduction that what things we learn in this course? And the next lessons we read more articles

and textbooks to improve our understanding and plus precious information like taking risks and

so on. Secondly, our professor taught us how to write summary and response. For example: last

semester I had a problems with my writing. I mean, I could not write correctly my summary and

response tasks but in this course, professor gave us full information about it. Additional, I liked

so much practical tasks individually and also did peer review our work like exchanging and we

also did things like it. After theoretical, professor aske from us to do it and write it by chat.

Shortly, we learned writing summary and mainly understanding articles namely improving our


In my opinion, after this six session, my understanding and writing skills rose and improved.

Before, I could not understand the articles and also did know how to write summery, citation that

I had problem with those. I mean, it leads to positive impact on my comprehension and writing


Frankly writing, I have faced with a lot of problems that things are: internet connection, camera,

electricity and things like that. Firstly, you know, I had difficulty internet connection. Many

times I did rejoin class because my internet did not work well but then it is fixed with connecting

to Wi-Fi. Next problem was about camera because my camera did not produced with my laptop.
I just bought it individually then I suddenly throw it like broken. Then I did purchase again. Last

but not least, we all knew that, in Uzbekistan electricity was switch off unexpected and its during

2 or 3 days one by one through region. Then, it is clear that, it is fixed.

All things are going well. Course plan and time but I woult like to change offline regime. I think

that, all students want to it. If we do not include it. I would not like to change because all things

have been delivering with good strategy to us..

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