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Blog 1

ENGL 210

Dr.Naqaa Abbas


In our second week I knew that we have to do an E-portfolio, I was really stressed because a

year ago I was supposed to do one but the Dr on the last couple days changed his mind and

we ended the course with just a poster, so I have no idea how I am going to do this

assignment. When I started doing the website or creating the E-portfolio I had a lot of issues

and I literally watched many and many videos just to understand the website, I tried to create

just one page, but it didn’t work out with me. I ended up with doing multiple websites and

deleting them. After creating 5 websites I kind of understood the web, so I did a simple first

page and I was really happy about it. On Sunday the Dr asked us to see the website and I

showed her the page that I did, and she liked it, after her reaction I got motivated and did the

second page, I included the resume in it and for the third page I am thinking to add my blogs

there. I hope the Dr likes my E-portfolio because I tried my best with creating the website

especially when I didn’t have any idea about it. The team work assignments also stressed me

out because I have communication issues so I am always scared like what if people didn’t

understand me or what If I said something wrong without knowing and embarrassed someone

without realising, I also remember that the Dr said we will present our project and

presentations are my biggest fear, I get stressed then I talk fast so half of the word come out

wrong. I don’t know if I am going to do good in this course but I wish and hope for an A if I

couldn’t at least a B I can’t lose marks this is like a nightmare for me, and the first week I

was sick that my voice disappeared and I got embarrassed when the Dr asked about my name
and I had to answer her of course so I did but she didn’t hear so she asked me to speak louder

and I was dying just so she can hear a letter of was I’m saying until I broke down and did

hand gestures, that was so embarrassing but I feel fine about it now. The thing that I’m

thinking about right now is my attendance I had to take couple of days of because I had

inflammation of the tonsils and a bad fever but I hate something called hospital so I didn’t

give the Dr any sick leaves which made everything worse.

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