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University of Puerto Rico Ponce

Gian L. Rodriguez
Course: Tech Report Writing Biol ING4021
Section: M03
Prof. LeCompte

Trip Report: UPRP U-RISE Summer Research Opportunities Information Session,

Thursday, January 25th,2024


On Thursday January 25th, 2024, an information session about Summer Research Opportunities was held at
room 115 at the Ruth Fortuño Academic Building. The information session was presented by the UPRP U-RISE
program. The session started at 12:15 pm and adjourned at 1:15 pm. In the information session the presiding professor
discussed the purpose of doing a summer internship, what they offer, where to find them and how to apply. The
professor also discussed the requirements and gave helpful tips on the process of applying for the summer internships.
Most of the attendees of the session were students who are interested in applying for a summer internship, and students
who already have done research internships.

Content of the conference

The first thing that the professor discussed in the session was what is a summer internship. The professor
defined the summer internship as a valuable experience that can help students develop professional mentality and gain
work experience. Then the professor discussed what the students do in a summer internship. She explained that
students will learn new scientific and experimental techniques, attend seminars and other activities, present a
symposium of the results from the research, and socialize with their colleagues. The professor also discussed why the
students should do an internship. The professor explained that the internships will help the students enrich their
professional experience. The advantage of the experience is that the students will gain research experience and
scientific knowledge and development of new ideas. The students will also learn to speak new languages and
experience different cultures. The professor also discussed the offers of the summer internship program. The professor
explained that most summer internships will last between 8-10 weeks (May-August) and will pay you between $1,500-
$4,500. The program can also cover airfare, housing, and a meal plan. These offers will depend on the institutions that
offer the programs. For the last topic, the professor explained the requirements to apply for a summer internship. She
explained that the students must possess a general/science GPA of 3.00 or higher (some with 2.50), an unofficial
transcript, two or three letters of recommendation, complete application, and a personal statement. The professor also
encouraged the students to apply for at least ten internships.


As a biomedicine major, I should use this information to apply for as many internships as I can. By applying,
I can gain research experience and use what I learned in college and become a professional. The information presented
in the session was well organized and very clear. At the end of the session some students who had already done
internships shared their experiences with the audience. As of now I should start acquiring the requirements necessary
to apply for summer internships.

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