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Nama : Nur Diana Maulidiyah (25/9H)

Wardatus Sholehah (31/9H)

Tangled Rapunzel

Once upon a time, in a distant land, there lived a couple who longed for a child. They
were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, but their neighbor was a wicked witch who had a garden
surrounded by a high wall. To reach the garden, the couple had to steal the witch's lettuce. When
the witch discovered their secret, she demanded their baby in return.

The couple had no choice but to give the baby to the witch, who named her Rapunzel. As
Rapunzel grew, she was locked in a tall tower in the middle of the forest. The only way to enter
the tower was to climb Rapunzel's long, golden hair.

One day, a prince heard Rapunzel's beautiful singing and found the tower. He called to
her, and she let down her hair. They fell in love, and the prince visited Rapunzel regularly,
bringing her food and sharing their dreams.

However, the witch discovered their secret love and cut off Rapunzel's hair, banishing her
to the wilderness. When the prince returned and found the witch in the tower, he was blinded
and wandered in despair. He eventually found Rapunzel, and her tears healed his eyes. The
couple was reunited, and they lived happily ever after.

The story of Rapunzel teaches us about love, bravery, and the idea that true love can
overcome any obstacle.

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