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v i e w v

r e
P ew P r e
r e v i r e v
P ew P
Directions: Write opinion pieces in which they
introduce the topic or book they are writing about,
state an opinion, supply reasons that support the
opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to

connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding

v v
statement or section.

r e r e
Students will use the graphic organizer to write an

argument to persuade their audience to read their
favorite book. Then, students can publish their
writing on the template.

Graphics by Scrappin Doodles

v i e w v
r e r e
Introduction Sentence:

P ew P
My favorite book is_______________

r e v r e v
P ew P
Because Because Because

r e v i r e v
Concluding Sentence:
v i e w v
r e
P ew P r e
r e v i r e v
P ew P
r e v i r e v

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