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Karnataka: Several ores are found here such as:

1. Iron Ore:
 Karnataka is one of the major producers of iron ore in India. The state is
known for its vast and rich deposits of high-grade iron ore.
2. Bauxite:
 Bauxite, the primary ore for aluminum production, is found in
significant quantities in Karnataka.
3. Manganese:
 Karnataka has manganese ore deposits, and the state contributes to
the production of manganese in the country.
4. Gold:
 Gold is found in various deposits in Karnataka. The Kolar Gold Fields
(KGF) in Karnataka were historically significant for gold mining.
5. Copper:
 Copper deposits are present in Karnataka. The metal is valuable for its
electrical conductivity and other industrial applications.
6. Limestone:
 Karnataka has abundant limestone deposits, which are essential for the
production of cement and various industrial processes.
7. Dolomite:
 Dolomite, a mineral used in construction and industrial applications, is
found in significant quantities in Karnataka.
8. Mica:
 Mica deposits are reported in Karnataka. Mica is used in electrical and
electronic equipment.
9. Chromite:
 Karnataka has chromite deposits. Chromite is a key ore for chromium,
primarily used in stainless steel production.
10. Magnetite:
 Magnetite, an iron ore with magnetic properties, is found in Karnataka.
11. Granite:
 Karnataka is known for its abundant granite deposits, which are
extensively used in the construction industry.
Ladakh, a region in the northern part of India, is known for its rich mineral resources.
Some of the ores found in Ladakh include:

1. Limestone: Ladakh has substantial deposits of limestone, which is a key raw

material for the cement industry.
2. Copper: Copper ore deposits are found in some parts of Ladakh. Copper is an
essential metal used in various industries, including electrical and construction.
3. Lead and Zinc: Deposits of lead and zinc ores have also been identified in
certain areas of Ladakh.
4. Gold: Some regions in Ladakh are reported to have gold deposits, although
the extent and feasibility of extraction may vary.
5. Tungsten: Tungsten is another metal found in Ladakh. It is used in the
production of hard materials such as tungsten carbide and has various
industrial applications.
6. Gypsum: Gypsum deposits are present in Ladakh. Gypsum is commonly used
in the construction industry for making plaster and drywall.


CLASS: 11 A, 13

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