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- According to Oxford Language, it is the condition of being protected from or

unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
- those activities that seek either to minimize or to eliminate hazardous conditions
that can cause bodily injury. (Britannica, 2024)
- Safety is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical,
psychological or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the health and
well-being of individuals and the community

Concept of Safety
In order to understand the accident causation, it is necessary to consider what is meant
by "safety".Depending on one's perspective, the concept of safety may have different
connotations, such as:
- zero accidents (or serious incidents);
- the freedom from danger or risks, i.e. those factors which cause or are likely
to cause harm;
- the attitude towards unsafe acts and conditions by employees (reflecting a "safe"
corporate culture);
- the degree to which the inherent risks in industry are "acceptable";
- the process of hazard identification and risk management; and
- the control of accidental loss (of persons and property, and damage to the
environment).Safety is the state in which the risk of harm by accident to persons
or of property damage is reducedto, and maintained at or below, an acceptable
level through a continuing process of hazardidentification and risk management.

Definition of concept of safety

a climate of social cohesion and peace as well as of equity protecting human
rights and freedoms, at thefamily, local, national or international level;
- the prevention and control of injuries and other consequences or harm caused by
- the respect of the values and the physical, material and psychological integrity of
individuals; and
- the provision of effective preventive, control and rehabilitation measures to
ensure the presence of thethree previous conditions

- According to wikipidea is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time
- often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun".
- refreshment of strength and spirits after work (merriam webster)

Example of Recreation
- Hobby
- Bricolage
- Games
- Outdoor Recreation
- Dance
- Music Creation
- Playing Video games
- Drawing
- Literature
- Painting
- Photography

Moral of Citizenry
- A good citizen is one who properly fulfills his or her roles as a citizen
Concepts of moral of citizenry
- Good citizenship requires moral values such as respect for diversity, understanding, and
respect for the rights of others, and the ability to coexist peacefully with different
individuals and groups .
- Additionally, good citizenship involves being aware of one's rights and responsibilities,
devotion to one's homeland, and a strong sense of national identity . Civic virtues such
as rationality, moral obligation to pursue the common good, social engagement, and
political activism are also considered important for good citizenship
- . Furthermore, education plays a crucial role in instilling moral values and developing
critical thinking skills necessary for good citizenship [4].
- The concept of good citizenship is broadly defined and incorporates normative, active,
and personal dimensions [5]

Relationship of safety to community

- Safety and security in local communities are crucial for development, as they contribute
to stability, social cohesion, and the overall well-being of residents. Safety and security
in local communities are crucial for development as they create an environment
conducive to economic and social activities.
- Community safety is about helping communities to be and feel safe. It is
important that you feel safe where you live, work or spend your leisure time.
Relationship of recreation to community
- Recreational facilities like parks and game houses are places that members of
the community go to stay fit, energised and build healthy relationships. These
facilities contribute to ensuring residents of the community maintain and improve
their health through physical activity.
- Communities that participate in sport and recreation develop strong social bonds,
are safer places and the people who live in them are generally healthier and
happier than places where physical activity isn't a priority. Sport and recreation
builds stronger, healthier, happier and safer communities.

Relationship of moral of citizenry to community

- Moral values serve as the foundation for a healthy and flourishing society. Here's why
they are of paramount importance: Social Cohesion: Moral values create a sense of
unity, fostering cooperation and understanding among individuals.
- Moral community refers to the network of those to whom we recognize an ethical
connection through the demands of justice, the bonds of compassion, or a sense
of obligation. (Spohn, W.)

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