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1-Ripe: of a fruit mature

Fully developed
2- intervene: get involved- happen between events

3- anticipate: EXPECT- foreshadow

4- demonstrate: show how something is done
Reveal- show
5- grace: politeness- stylishness- honor
6- humid : climate that is very damp , and usually very hot
7- flesh: muscle tissue
8- glances: look quickly
9- dapper: neat and trim in dress and appearance
10- residential: designed for people to live in
11- regaled: amuse and entertain
12- subdued: sad- low spirited
13 contribute: give money in order to achieve something
Donate\ supply\ play part in
14 revenue: earning
15 illiterate: can’t read or write
16 illogical: not clear in thought
17- illegible: can’t be read
18 tenuous: unstable
19 complex: a mental state of abnormal being
20 occupying: take up space literally or metaphorically
21 inherently: necessarily\ it is a required part of
22- capital : the money needed to begin a business
23\ service: actions or skills that are for sale as opposed to items
24 interest: money( usually a percentage) on top of a base amount that
must be returned
25goods: items which are for sale
26- investments: when an investor gives money for capital to a company
with the intention of receiving money back.
27- business plan: what every business needs to start up
28- price point: the price for which something is sold on the market
29 profit: financial benefit or origin
30 goods: tangible things a store sells.

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