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Social Media Presence of Mehak Foods

M. Ameer Hamza
Umar Butt
Salman Hafeez

Submitted To: Prof. Nauman Zaheer


“In The Name Of ALLAH who is The Most Beneficial and Merciful”

First of all I would like to thank my teacher Prof. Nauman Zaheer who gave us
an opportunity to write this report and for their excellent lectures. Also we
would like to thank and appreciate all those who guided us, supported,
encouraged us, and those who provided us information to complete this
This report outlines strategies for enhancing the digital marketing efforts of
Mehak Foods, a fast food restaurant, through the creation and optimization of a
Facebook page and Google Maps location. In today's digital era, establishing a
strong online presence is crucial for businesses to reach their target audience
effectively. By leveraging social media platforms and online directories, Mehak
Foods can establish a robust online presence, engage with potential customers,
and drive more foot traffic to its physical store.
The report emphasizes the importance of creating a dedicated Facebook page to
showcase menu items, share updates, and foster meaningful interactions with
customers. By implementing strategies such as profile optimization, content
planning, visual appeal, and community building, Mehak Foods can build a loyal
online community, strengthen brand identity, and attract new customers.
Optimizing the Google Maps location is equally essential to increase visibility
among potential customers searching for nearby restaurants. By claiming the
business, providing accurate information, uploading high-quality images, and
encouraging reviews, Mehak Foods can enhance its online reputation and drive
more foot traffic to its physical store.
The report concludes by highlighting the significance of monitoring and analyzing
the performance of social media accounts and online presence. This allows for
adjustments and improvements based on audience preferences and feedback,
ensuring the restaurant's digital marketing efforts remain effective and relevant.
By implementing the strategies outlined in this report, Mehak Foods can establish
a prominent online presence, strengthen brand awareness, and ultimately drive
more sales and revenue. Embracing the power of social media and online
platforms is essential for staying competitive in today's digital landscape, and
Mehak Foods can benefit greatly by optimizing its Facebook page and Google
Maps location to maximize their impact.
Table of Contents
Abstract............................................................................................................. 3

Introduction....................................................................................................... 5

Facebook Page................................................................................................... 6

Setting up the Profile:...........................................................................................6

Content Management:..........................................................................................6

Engagement and Community Development:........................................................6

Promotional Campaigns:.......................................................................................6

Google Maps Location.............................................................................................7

Claiming the Business:..........................................................................................7

Photos and Reviews:.............................................................................................7

Local SEO Optimization:........................................................................................7

Menu and Pricing:.................................................................................................7

Building a solid online presence is crucial for businesses to succeed in the modern
digital age and successfully reach their target audience. This paper outlines tactics
for increasing Mehak Foods' digital marketing initiatives through the construction
and optimization of a Facebook page and Google Maps location. By making use of
these effective tools, Mehak Foods can build a strong online presence, interact
with potential consumers, and increase foot traffic to its actual shop.
Facebook is a top platform for connecting with and interacting with a large user
base in the social media era, which has fundamentally changed how businesses
interact with their consumers. Mehak Foods may highlight its menu offerings,
post news and specials, and promote deep consumer engagement by setting up a
dedicated Facebook page. By using this platform, it is possible to reinforce brand
identification and develop a devoted community.
In order to draw in local clients, it is also essential to optimize the Google Maps
location. Mehak Foods is more visible to prospective clients looking for nearby
eateries because to a well-designed Google Maps listing. Mehak Foods may
improve its internet reputation and attract more customers to its physical shop by
claiming the business, offering correct information, uploading high-quality
photographs, and encouraging reviews.
Mehak Foods may become a major force in the digital marketing industry, build
brand recognition, and promote company expansion by successfully applying
these techniques. The parts that follow will go into great depth on how to
maximize the impact of Mehak Foods' Facebook page and Google Maps location.
Facebook Page
Mehak Foods will have the chance to engage with a large user base and build an
online community by setting up a Facebook page. To optimize the Facebook page,
execute the following actions:

Setting up the Profile: Make sure the profile photo appropriately

represents the brand and displays the delectable meals Mehak Foods offers. Give
a brief but persuasive outline of the restaurant in your description.

Content Management: To keep a regular publishing schedule, create a

content calendar. Post appetizing pictures of the food on the menu, advertise the
daily specials, and make any new additions or one-time deals known. Run
competitions to encourage user-generated material, or invite consumers to
contribute their favorite recipes.

Engagement and Community Development: Respond to messages

and comments from the audience on a regular basis. Customers should be
encouraged to discuss their eating experiences and opinions. To build a feeling of
community and show the restaurant from the inside out, think about holding live
videos or Q&A sessions.

Promotional Campaigns: Make interesting advertising campaigns with

one-time deals, discounts, or menu items just for Facebook fans. Users are
motivated to frequent the Facebook page and the real business as a result of this.
Google Maps Location
Mehak Foods has to optimize its Google Maps position if it wants to attract more
people looking for local eateries. Take into account the next actions:

Claiming the Business: Make sure the company is listed on the Google My
Business network. Give precise and current information, such as the location's
address, phone number, and business hours.

Photos and Reviews: Upload stunning pictures that show off the
restaurant's décor, food offerings, and general atmosphere. Encourage clients to
submit reviews and swiftly address both positive and constructive criticism.

Local SEO Optimization: Use geotags in postings and include pertinent

keywords in the company description. Mehak Foods will have a better chance of
showing up in local searches thanks to improved search engine rankings.

Menu and Pricing: Make sure the Google Maps listing has a current menu
with accurate price information. This facilitates the decision-making process for
potential consumers and lessens any uncertainty or surprises during their visit to
the restaurant.

Responding to Reviews: Quickly react to both favorable and unfavorable

comments on the Google Maps listing. By responding to comments and issues,
Mehak Foods displays its dedication to client satisfaction and earns the trust of
new clients.
The fast food chain Mehak Foods has a lot of chances to build a strong online
presence, interact with its target audience, and increase foot traffic to its physical
shop using the digital marketing tactics described in this research.
Mehak Foods can exhibit its menu selections, post updates and specials, and
promote deep relationships with clients by setting up a well-optimized Facebook
page and taking use of the platform's large user base. The restaurant may develop
a devoted following, encourage good word-of-mouth, and fortify brand
identification by posting interesting material frequently and engaging in
community building activities.
Mehak Foods has to optimize its Google Maps position if it wants to draw in local
clients. The restaurant may improve its online reputation and raise exposure
among potential consumers looking for nearby eating alternatives by claiming the
business on Google My Business, giving accurate and up-to-date information,
uploading high-quality photographs, and encouraging reviews.
Mehak Foods may establish itself as a significant participant in the field of digital
marketing by successfully adopting these methods and continually offering good
content. The restaurant may increase customer loyalty, boost brand recognition,
and eventually increase sales and income.
Mehak Foods must continuously track and evaluate the effectiveness of both its
Facebook page and Google Maps presence. This will enable modifications and
enhancements based on the tastes and comments of the audience. The
restaurant may continually hone its digital marketing efforts to maximize their
impact by remaining aware of the wants and demands of its target market.
Staying competitive in today's digital environment requires embracing the
potential of social media and internet platforms. Mehak Foods can successfully
reach its target audience, increase brand awareness, and prosper in the quick-
paced digital world of the food sector with a well-optimized Facebook page and
Google Maps location.

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