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Nguyễn Thị Thanh Lam

Nguyễn Thị Huyền Trang

Trần Thị Sương
Phan Ý Nhi
Đinh Thị Tuyết Nhung
There are many activities that can help us have good health,
specially yoga brings benefits to everyone. Practicing yoga regularly
can be good for your mind, your body and your emotion.
First, practicing yoga can develop mental benefits, when you
cultivate yourself, your brain will easily boots your reasoning power
to help you make better decision, and your mind feels lighter. Beside,
It will help you improve concentration, by combining breath, Yoga
trains your mind to stay focused on present moment and decrease
your stress
Second, practicing yoga also offers several physical benefits.
Research shows that consistent by doing yoga can enchance the
blood circulation. For example, some of the factors contributing to
heart disease, including high blood pressure and excess weight, can
also be reduced through yoga. Moreover, yoga can strengthen our
digestion systems especially bowels and intestines
Finally, Practicing yoga can be a great way to stimulate your mind
and promote feelings of calm and peacefulness. Not only can it help
you control your emotions, but it can also improve your
concentration. Stress and fatigue often lead to a lack of focus, but
practicing yoga can help combat this issue. It's important to note that
experiencing an emotional release during a yoga session is
completely normal and nothing to worry about.
In summary, Yoga is an activity that brings our body many good
benefits from inside to outside the body. Therefore, to build mental,
physical and emotional health, consider practicing yoga.

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