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Topic 5.

Turning Effects of forces

1. 5054_s13_qp_21 2 turning effect of forces moment

2. 5054_s13_qp_22 2 turning effect of forces forces newton's law moment

3. 5054_s15_ turning effect Energy transfer and turning effect energy good mom
qp_21 2 of forces Sources of Energy of forces conversion one ent
4. 5054_w03_qp_2 2 turning effect of forces forces moment
5. 5054_w06_qp_2
9 turning effect of forces centre of mass s tability scale diagram
6. 5054_w08_qp_2 2 turning effect of forces centre of mass moment

5054_w09_qp_2 7 turning effect of forces pri nciple of moments cal culati ons moment
8. 5054_w11_qp_22 1 turning effect of forces moments density
5054_w11_qp_22 9 turning effect of forces forces kinematics speed ti me graph forces centrip etal forc e
10. 5054_w13_qp_21 2 turning effect of forces moments principle of moments
11. 5054_w14_qp_21 2 turning effect of forces moments weight density
12. 5054_w14_qp_22 2 turning effect of forces moments

See these questions as well

Topic num ber Topic name Question number
7 Pressure 21
8 Energy trans fer and Source of Energy 28
12 Transfer of Thermal Energy 12

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