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Have you ever seen someone drowning right in front of your eyes? I have seen 2
people drown together at the beach during high tides. That’s when my dad came to the
rescue. But he could only save one of them. It is important for everyone to learn how to
swim, since we all are likely to encounter water in our lifetime. In Malaysia, an average of
286 children died yearly due to drowning. It was a low statistic compared to the other
countries. However, accidents could happen anytime, and it is unexpected, which is why we
should take a safety action to avoid this from happening. During my high school year in
MRSM Kuala Terengganu, my PE teacher trained us with basic swimming skills physically
since we had our own pools. We did it during our physical education classes for a year,
enough for each of the students to enhance their skills. Learning how to swim is essential
around water as it improves your physical fitness and provides life skills during emergencies.

Now, let’s look more closely on why swimming lesson should be teach at schools


Although swimming lessons are important for everyone, the fee for classes is expensive and
time consuming. Swimming is one of the exercises that requires you to wear extra
Some families from the lower income household are not able to afford the equipment needed
in the lessons. Swimming lessons are time consuming for you to learn.
a. On average, it tooks
b. Minor detail 2:

(Transition: How do we solve these problems?)

Schools should consider including swimming lessons into the curriculum because
swimming is a basic skill set that can prove to be beneficial for the children in their life
ahead. Government should provide an allowance for the government schools to provide a
pool for students to do the swimming lessons. Providing pools for the public schools for the
students to learn swimming is a long-term investment as it will continue to provide an
opportunity for a younger generation next ahead. The Parent-Teacher Association should
help schools in the maintenance of the school’s equipment so the students could enjoy the
swimming lessons together. With a lot of kids being active, it increases the rate of
productivity in the schools academically. Next, schools should include the swimming lessons
in the students' physical education classes as they would have their turn to learn it physically
despite the schools having a large number of students. Swimming is a part of the water
safety training that is being mandatory in some countries such as the United Kingdom and
Norway, which should act as a model for the other countries which are yet to take up this
Swimming lessons gives a lot of benefits in individual’s life

Your health will improve if you join swimming lessons . First of all, swimming helps to boost
your cardiovascular system. When you keep practicing swimming in the water, your lungs
and heart will keep working together and boost your cardio and fitness. Your lung capacity
would be greater because of your breathing patterns used during the exercises . You will
notice that you can even hold your breath longer than before . Next, swimming helps to
release your stress. Your body releases endorphins that make you feel good and release
your stress and during the night, you will get a good night's sleep. Other than that, swimming
increases social interaction and self-esteem. Unintentional learning will occur during
swimming classes as the students gain more self-assurance and strengthen their
communication and social abilities.


In conclusion, learning how to swim is essential around water as it improves your physical
fitness, and provides life skills during emergencies Swimming saves lives. Do start learning
the basics and sign up for swimming lessons nearby for your kids.

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