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AY : 2023-2024

Manouba National School of Engineering Section : MPI1/MPC1

Algebra II
Series 4

Exercice 1 :
Let  
0 2 1
A =  16 4 −6
−16 4 10
1) Find the eigenvalues of A.
2) Find the eigenvectors corresponding for each eigenvalue.

Exercice 2 :
Consider  
0 3 2
B = −2 5 2
2 −3 0
1) Given that 1 is an eigenvalue of B, find all the eigenvalues of B.
2) Find the eigenvectors corresponding for each eigenvalue.

Exercice 3 :
7 −15
2 −4
1) Find the eigenvalues of A.
2) Find the eigenvectors corresponding for each eigenvalue.
3) Find an invertible matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that P −1 AP = D.

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