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Unravelling the



Ms. Abhilasha Singh

Literature Learning Centre

Ms. Smriti Verma

Literature Learning Centre
Se hrawa
ita tX
sh e/he II
Sh r

an Jain XII
v e/Him -A Boa
rd Adv isor -C Povaiah XI
a pronoun I-
e r B
D Ve All
H s

lla t es r o

tin e n ig n n t
g Tea m M Tea m me
N anda XI
ha I|-
is /they
r She




an a m
d Ed ng
iti te
ae Reeves X anshi Jha XI
a M I riy -C
sh I-C P

am Jain XII
Dev -A
they/the m ME

tiya Naren X h e/hi m i Bhardwaj

Ni -B njv XI-C
A Sa

h e/hi m s h e /i t

Prisha Nanda Jasgun Ahluwalia Anoushka Pande

She/They She/Her She/Her

Myra Jaiswal Purva Dhaka Shazmeka Buddhala

She/Her She/Her She/Her

Rajani Menon Tamanna Singh Hita Kaul

She/Her She/Her Any (they/she/he)

Vera Povaiah XII-B Amaira Kaur VIII-A Meghna Verma IX-A

any pronouns she/her she/her

Noor Mubayi X-B Tejasvi Kapur X-C

she/they/he she/her

Deveshi XI-A Zeenden Bhutia VIII-C Abeer Nautiyal X-C

she/her she/her he/him

Mishka Sajid X-B Medhini X-A

she/her she/her
Note from the Principal

Editor's Note

What's going on around the campus?

What's going on around the world?

Review Rolls

Affecting Millions with Words

The Poetic Voyage

Strike a Pose

Art Attack

साहित्य समिधा

Thank you, readers!

Unraveling the Cosmos ~
Exploring the Universe's
The cosmos, with its
shimmering galaxies,
mysterious black holes, and
dancing constellations, has
intrigued humanity for eons.
At the heart of
understanding the universe
are its fundamental
principles. Gravity, that
invisible force pulling
celestial bodies together,
and electromagnetism,
governing the dance of light
through space, are like
cosmic choreographers.
Quantum mechanics unravels the subatomic intricacies,
while relativity unveils the cosmic fabric of spacetime.
Nuclear forces fuel the stars, while the enigmatic dark
matter and dark energy remind us of the universe's hidden
depths. As we delve into the principles that govern the
cosmos, we find ourselves on a journey of discovery, driven
by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. The universe's
mysteries are vast and multifaceted, offering endless
opportunities for exploration and understanding. So,
whether you're peering through a telescope, conducting
experiments, or simply pondering the night sky, remember
that the cosmos invites us to unravel its secrets, one
principle at a time.

-Dr Sunita Swaraj

Editor's Note
Can I ask you a question?
What is the cosmos to you?
Literally defined, the Oxford Dictionary considers it "the universe, especially
when it is thought of as an ordered system." Sure, but what does the cosmos mean
to you?
When I look up to the stars (not in Delhi though because of the constant
pollution), I am reminded of a younger me. The me who watched hours of space
videos on YouTube, pored over countless pages of encyclopaedias, was constantly
fascinated by every single space mission and decided at age seven that they wanted
to live on Mars (I soon realised becoming an astronaut requires maths and gave
up). Nevertheless, the cosmos never fails to ignite that childish curiosity within me.

Thus, looking at the skies, one can't help but wonder, are we alone in the universe?
Is there even just one universe? If the multiverse exists, what is multiversal me like?
What makes space so fascinating? What all endless possibilities lie beyond the sky?
How was the universe formed? When did it begin? When will it end?

With varying answers to the infinite questions, the only thing we know for certain
is that we don't know. Yet, we all exist under the stars, wondering what they hold
for us while being built of the same stardust that created the mysterious universe
over billions of years and multiple lifetimes. And isn't it just so pretty to think; in
the grand scheme of things, we're simply a speck? We remain frozen glaring into
the vast unknown of everything before us, and thus sometimes forget to probe
beyond the known. We forget the footprints on the moon and set the sky as our

But dear reader, challenge your skies. Plunge headfirst into the unknown and see
what it brings you. Enrich yourself with the knowledge you were too hesitant to
learn because of the fear of failing. Let yourself be engulfed in the sheer
amazement and perplexity of it all.
Dear reader, I hope this newsletter allows you to fall in love with the unknown, the
daunting, the confusing, and the uncertain.

Dear reader, I hope it brings you the same feeling I had at seven; eyes glimmering
with excitement reflecting the stars across the sky.

Dear reader, I hope it assures you that when you feel like the only thing you know
is not knowing, you look up at the stars and know that you're not alone.

Dear reader, I hope it reminds you that as an individual star, you might not feel
significant - but look around, you're a part of something much bigger than
yourself. Together, you and everyone around constitute the entire galaxy.

This edition was created with the hard work and enthusiasm of every single one of
you. Every single submission we received piece by piece built our own little cosmos.
It is an ode to humanity's neverending fascination with the world beyond us. We
don't just dive into what the cosmos is, we learn what it means to you. Together, we
created this beautiful compilation of stories, articles, poems, pictures, and artworks
that keep the spirit of wonder alive.

Dear reader, join us in this multiverse of madness and let us unravel it together. In
doing so-
let the craze prevail!

Vera Povaiah
Design Team Mentor
What's Going On
Around the
Technology makes everyone's lives
easier, but it also brings with it the
vulnerabilities and dangers of cyber
attacks and crimes.

In a quest to equip the Heritage

community with the best and safest
modes of technology and the
internet, The Heritage School,
Vasant Kunj routinely conducts
Cyber Safety Workshops for all the
stakeholders of the school. This
time around, in an endeavour to
empower our helping staff- the didis
and bhaiyas of THSVK family- a
student-led session on cyber
security was organised and

A workshop for Grades 6, 7 and 8

was conducted for learners on
developing emotional intelligence
with Mr Rohit!

Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ) is

an important aspect of personal and
educational development, as it
helps individuals better understand
and manage their own emotions, as
well as empathise and connect with
others on a deeper level.
An anecdote from our grade 7
learners: "It was a great learning
experience. The interactive
activities and group discussions
allowed us to practise and develop
our emotional intelligence skills. Mr
Rohit was knowledgeable and
provided real-life examples, which
helped us understand better.”
Founder's Day!
Founder's Day Celebration - Day 1

समाज की पुरानी लकीर की फ़कीर मैं ना बन पाऊँ गी,

तोड़ के समाज की जंजीरों को, मैं अपनी अलग पहचान
बनाऊँ गी| -वंदना शर्मा
१७ अप्रैल, २०२३ अर्थात् आज से आने वाले चार दिन तक हम
विद्यालय में स्थापना दिवस मनाने जा रहे हैं| चार दिवसीय उत्सव
का शुभारंभ किया गया, एक बहुत ही सुंदर और सामाजिक
परिस्थियों को उजागर करने वाली नाट्य प्रस्तुति से| कक्षा आठवीं
और नवमीं के विद्यार्थियों के लिए आगाज़ संस्था द्वारा 'भागी हुई
लड़कियाँ' नामक नाटक प्रस्तुत किया गया| यह नाटक चार
महिला पात्रों द्वारा प्रस्तुत किया गया जो अपने ही परिवार और
समाज में अपनी पहचान को लेकर उठे सवालों पर हमारा ध्यान
आकर्षित करती हैं| महफू ज़ घर की चार दिवारी और बाहरी
समाज के बीच अंतर स्थापित करने का प्रयास भी करती हैं|
विद्यार्थियों में सामाजिक चेतना और लैंगिक संवेदनशीलता को
जागरूक कर पाना ही इस नाटक के कथावस्तु का एकमात्र
उद्दे श्य है|
नाटक, मानव जीवन और उसके समाज का प्रतिबिंब प्रस्तुत
करती हैं| अतः ये कलाकार अपने अनुभवों और मन में उठ रहें
प्रश्नों का चित्र प्रस्तुत कर, उसे वर्तमान समाज के महत्वपूर्ण
विषय से हमें जोड़ती है|

Founders Day Celebration - Day 2

Learners had a magical experience

in the storytelling session with Ms
Usha Chabbra who weaved a tale
that captivated and transported
the learners to another world. The
listeners leaned in closer, their eyes
fixed on the storyteller.
Storytelling is indeed a powerful
tool that can shape and influence
individuals and societies in
countless ways.
On April 20th, The Heritage School
recognised its storied history in the field
of education by celebrating Founder’s
Day. The vision and ideology of Shri N.C.
Jain sir is deeply rooted in the institution.
This day is a great reminder of the core
values our school represents and how we
contribute and uphold them year after

To unfurl the dharmic principles of the

organisation, The Heritage School,
Vasant Kunj, warmly welcomed the
Sarvam Shakti Foundation, an institution
dedicated to the 300 young,
marginalised girls who have unshackled
the chains that prevented them from
realising their potential. The foundation
has holistically groomed them on various
physical, emotional, cultural, and
spiritual skill sets. They simply
mesmerised us with their classical dance
and rhythmic yoga performances.

मनुष्य के जीवन में नई जीवनशैली, उसकी

नई विचारधारा के कारण आती है| नई
जीवनशैली अर्थात् नई-नई चुनौतियाँ, रिश्तों
और परिवार की बदलती तस्वीर और बदलते
समय के साथ परिवार और उनमें निहित
संस्कारों में भी परिवर्तन दिखाई पड़ता है| इन
सभी बिंदुओं के बीच जो सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है,
प्रत्येक परिवार में उपस्थित बच्चों की
सकारात्मक परवरिश और उनका विकास|
माता-पिता और बच्चों के बीच का
संबंध सड़क के दो किनारों की तरह है जिसे पार तो किया जा सकता है परंतु कठिनाइयाँ भी बहुत आती है|इन्हीं मुख्य
बिंदुओं को आधार बनाकर ‘सकारात्मक परवरिश और पालन-पोषण’ विषय पर चर्चा करने २२ अप्रैल, २०२३ को 'दी
हेरीटेज स्कू ल' वसंत कुं ज, नई दिल्ली’ में जाने-माने शैक्षिक, मनोवैज्ञानिक और प्रशिक्षक डॉक्टर रवींद्रन सर हमारे
बीच उपस्थित हुए। आभासी मंच पर कक्षा चौथी से छठी के अभिभावकगण और शिक्षकगण भी उपस्थित थे| चर्चा के
दौरान रवींद्रन सर ने सकारात्मक परवरिश, बच्चों की जिज्ञासाओं और प्रश्नों के प्रति सकारात्मक अभिवृत्ति, माता-पिता
और बच्चों के बीच संवाद का महत्त्व, बच्चों की आतंरिक भावनाओं को समझने की क्षमता, बच्चों के प्रति नकारात्मक
व्यवहार से बचना, उम्र के साथ बच्चों में अपनी पहचान को लेकर उठ रहे सवाल आदि कई महत्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं पर प्रकाश
डाला| अपने बहु-मूल्य विचार और सुझाव साझा करते हुए उन्होंने बताया कि माता-पिता का व्यवहार और बच्चों के
प्रति उनका आचरण, शिशु के विकास में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है| इस बैठक में उपस्थित अभिभावकों ने अपनी
समस्याओं को साझा किया और समाधान भी पाया। अभिभावकों की हिस्सेदारी सराहनीय थी|
अतः इस चर्चा-परिचर्चा के माध्यम से बैठक में उपस्थित सभी प्रतिभागी लाभांवित हुए और सकारात्मक परवरिश और
पालन-पोषण को एक नई दिशा मिली|
Upon their return from a blissful
summer break, the learners were
greeted with open arms, reigniting
their spirits and kindling the flame of
knowledge within them. As they were
embraced by the warmth of familiar
faces and the promise of new
beginnings, their hearts were filled
with a sense of excitement.

“Their amazing teachers had a

delightful surprise in store for them.
The teachers placed a mirror in a bag,
claiming to have their favourite
student's picture inside. As the curious
learners peered inside, they
discovered their own reflections, filling
their hearts with joy and self-
appreciation. It was a clever and
heartwarming start to a new chapter
of learning and growth!"
आई आई ग्रीष्म ऋतु मतवारी
हरे- हरे पत्ते लगे और खिली फू लों की क्यारी
-Dishita Malhotra (12-B)
मौसम ने ली करवट , चहुँओर फै ली गरमाहट
लदे मंजरी आम वृक्ष और करें लीची का स्वागत
आहा! आनंद उठाएँगे, ग्रीष्मावकाश नानी के यहाँ बिताएँगे ।

तीखी धूप में जो खिलनें का हुनर रखते हैं

वह अमलतास की तरह बेबाक़ निखर उठते हैं

स्वर्णांश , गरमाल, राजवृक्ष, कृ तमाल, सोनहली, बेहया तथा

गोल्डन- ट्री के नाम से विख्यात है , अमलतास । के रल में
यह के न्नीकोना है और वहाँ का राजकीय वृक्ष है । विचित्र
स्वभाव है इसका - फू ल आते हैं तो पत्ते झड़ जाते हैं इसके ।
साहित्य कहता है-
अयं प्रसूनोंद्धुरकर्णिकारः (राजशेखर)। अमलतास का
स्वास्थ्यवर्धक उपायों में भी ख़ासा उपयोग है। जेठ की
दुपहरी की चिलचिलाती धूप में तन और मन दोनों को राहत
पहुँचाते हैं अमलतास । गर्म हवाओं में घुँघरूओं से बजते हैं
अमलतास ।विषमताओं में जीना सिखाते हैं अमलतास ।एक
और भी गुण है इसका- इसकी सूखी फली लेकर सो जाइए,
बुरे सपने नहीं आते।
जब भी मिल जाते है मुझे,बिठा लेते हैं अपनी छाँव में ।
करते हैं ढे रों बातें,वृक्ष ये अमलतास के ।
स्वस्थ तन में ही स्वस्थ मन का
निवास होता है । हमारे पूर्वजों ने
स्वास्थ्य को सबसे बड़ा धन
माना और इसी को ध्यान में
रखते हुए भारतीय संस्कृ ति में
मानसिक तथा शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य
को सर्वोपरि स्थान पर रखा गया
है ।
इसी क्रम में आगे बढ़ते हुए विश्व
यकृ त दिवस २० अप्रैल,
२०२३ को लीवर एंड बिलियरी
साइंस (ILBS) द्वारा आयोजित

परिचर्चा में दी हेरीटेज स्कू ल वसंतकुं ज की प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती सुनीता स्वराज ने अपने अमूल्य विचार और
सुझावों को साझा किया ।कार्यक्रम का संचालन जाने-माने पत्रकार श्री प्रभु चावला ने किया । जहाँ पर "शराब
से संबंधित यकृ त रोगों से लड़ाई " विषय पर उपाख्यानों और कहानियों के साथ गहन चर्चा की गई। वही इस
अवसर पर श्रीमती सुनीता स्वराज जी ने शिक्षक समुदाय को सन्दे श दे ते हुए कहा कि शिक्षक के रूप में, हमें
अपनी अहम भूमिका निभाते हुए लिवर और पित्त विज्ञान संस्थान (ILBS) द्वारा शुरू किए गए "प्ले-सेफ
अभियान" में शामिल होकर लिवर रोग की रोकथाम के बारे में जागरूकता को बढ़ावा दे ने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका
निभाने की आवश्यकता है। लिवर की बीमारियों की रोकथाम के मिशन के प्रति समारोह में एकत्रित प्रतिबद्धता
अत्यधिक प्रशंसनीय रही। कार्यक्रम में आई. एल. बी. एस.के प्रमुख डॉ शिव सरिन ने लीवर से संबंधित कई
महत्वपूर्ण बातों की ओर ध्यान आकृ ष्ट किया साथ ही समारोह के मुख्य अतिथि जाने-माने पत्रकार व समाज
सेवी डॉ कै लाश सत्यार्थी ने अपने विचारों से सभा को एक नया आयाम दिया ।कु ल मिला कर विश्व यकृ त दिवस
पर आयोजित यह संगोष्ठी लिवर संस्थान द्वारा लिवर से संबंधित जागरूकता फै लाने की ओर एक सराहनीय
कदम रहा।

"The purpose of a storyteller is

not to tell you how to think, but to
give you questions to think upon.”
-Brandon Sanderson, fantasy and
science fiction writer

The Heritage School, Vasant Kunj

celebrates the art of storytelling
that instigates profound ideas,
unique perceptions and insightful
learnings through provocative
incidents, mind-blowing
characters and splendid
Exciting news! Our school has
launched a ‘Take a Book’ camp to
promote literacy and a love of
reading among our students.

The book selection committee has

chosen a diverse range of books for
students to choose from, including
classics, contemporary literature,
and non-fiction titles.

Throughout the camp, students will

have the opportunity to read and
discuss their chosen books with their
classmates, expanding their critical
thinking and language skills.

We are thrilled to offer this initiative

to our students and hope it will
inspire a lifelong love of reading.
Let's get lost in the pages of a great book and embark on new adventures together!

Greetings from I Am A Teacher! After the

thunderous response to the webinar-
Teaching in the Age of AI, hosted by IAAT
and after receiving several requests to
share more about the latest developments
in this space, we are back with a sequel. In
the highly dynamic world of artificial
intelligence where innovations are
changing the teaching-learning landscape
in a blink, not keeping up is barely an
option. The second webinar in our series of
Teaching in the Age of AI will introduce
some exciting new AI applications and
enhancements to existing applications like

Spreading the message 'Fit on Beat', our

dear Heritans danced their way to
happiness on the occasion of
'International Dance Day'.

The learners of The Heritage School,

Vasant Kunj celebrated by organising
events like Zumba performances and
Flash Mobs on all floors of the school
building during break time. They left us all
with food for thought: ‘Take more
chances, dance more dances!’
The Heritage family celebrates 10
years of leadership and love under our
beloved Principal, Dr Sunita Swaraj.
What better way to celebrate than ask
our learners to share a message for
our favourite mentor and guide!

"Dear Principal ma’am

People say that school is like your
second home. Indeed, you have made
it our second home. We've seen you
work with all your heart and soul,
devoted to all of us.

You are nothing short of an inspiration, ma’am. Thank you."

- Kshitij Aggarwal

"I still remember the day I had my interview with our beloved principal ma’am to join
the school. March 10, 2018 - I just got done with my grade 6 exams one day before
and ma’am tells me, “Alright, great! See you Monday.” Our principal is an
indomitable force, and I am fortunate to have her as a leading member of our school.
Over the past five years of my school life, I have experienced personal growth that I
couldn't have found elsewhere. I am filled with nothing but gratitude for our
principal and this school, which has truly shaped me into the person I am today.
Congratulations to our principal on her ten-year tenure. I eagerly anticipate many
more years of her leadership."
- Maanya Ailawadi

"Here's to completing a decade of being a guiding beacon of hope! There is nothing

but gratitude for our dearest Principal Ma'am as she has worked hard to create a
humbling environment where the students are evolving with discipline. Her steadfast
leadership skills and dedication have inspired students, staff members and parents
immensely. We truly appreciate you, ma'am, and look forward to many more years of
- Deveshi

"Congratulations to our beloved Principal ma’am for completing 10 whole years.

Thank you for being the light that sparkles incredibly in our lives. No words can
express our love for you, ma'am. "💗
- Misha Sharma

"Dear ma'am,
We love you not just for how you come through for us but also for the person you are!
Your personality is inimitable and honestly, you're the best person I have ever met!"
- Chetna Naagar
“The best debates are not just verbal clashes,
but intellectual dances." - Richard Paul

Debate is a valuable activity for students.

Debating teaches you useful skills for life and
academics. By debating, one can develop
excellent oral and written communication
skills and develop excellent critical thinking

We are sure our learners learned a lot from the

experience, both about debate and about
themselves. They learned how to research and
present their arguments effectively, and how
to communicate their ideas clearly and
persuasively. They also learned how to work as
a team and how to handle pressure.

That being so, we are delighted to share that Navan, Ayan and Aaryan from grade 7
bagged the runner-up trophy in MahaBehes, Varanasi with Navan receiving the Best
Speaker Award in the Cubs division.

Celebrating French Independence Day with

a touch of creativity!
On this historic day, observed annually on
July 14th, we commemorate the date when
France gained its freedom. This significant
occasion marks the French Revolution and
symbolises the triumph of liberty, equality,
and fraternity.

Our vibrant school community embraced

the spirit of French Independence Day with
great enthusiasm! Students across all
grades adorned their classroom doors with
captivating French-themed decorations.
Class 6 students channelled their artistic
talents by creating captivating bande
dessinées, while Class 7 engaged in a lively
game of word housie, immersing
themselves in the beauty of the French
language. Additionally, they showcased
their artistic flair through captivating
French-themed hand paintings. Together,
we celebrated the rich cu
“Passion first and everything will fall into place.” —Holly Holm

It is the devotion and determination paired with motivation that helps one to
achieve their desired goals. This is what made Ansh Divetia, a student at The
Heritage School, Vasant Kunj, bag the Best Player Trophy (under 18 boys
category) at the 17th Ramjas Inter School Table Tennis Tournament 2023.

“After a lot of hardships, finally,

it was an amazing kickstart to my
year. I am looking forward to
many more accomplishments
ahead. I am becoming more
passionate towards the game
every day”, shared Ansh

लबों पर उसके कभी बद्दुआ नहीं होती,

बस एक माँ है जो हमसे खफ़ा नहीं होती|

माँ शब्द में ही पूरा संसार समाया हुआ है|

माँ का प्यार हमें जीवन के सभी क्षणों में
कोमलता, दया, समझ और शक्ति प्रदान
करता है।⁣ एक मात्र माँ ही है जो हमें
अपने परिवार और ज़मीन से जोड़ें रखती
हैं| संतान और माँ के बीच का यह अद्भुत
बंधन ही इस दिन को और ख़ास बनाता
है| ज़रा इन नन्हें-नन्हें हाथों से बने फू लों
को दे खिए।
दी हेरिटेज स्कू ल, वसंत कुं ज के
विद्यार्थियों ने मातृदिवस को और अधिक
ख़ास बनाने के लिए अपनी कलाकृ तियों
का सुंदर प्रदर्शन प्रस्तुत किया है| कक्षा में
बच्चे नन्हें प्यारे हाथों से अपनी माँ के
लिए सुंदर फू ल की पंखुड़ियों को
व्यवस्थित करते हुए दिखें।
माँ का मातृत्व अतुलनीय है| माँ तुम्हें
शत्-शत् नमन
चलती फिरती आँखों से अजां दे खी है,
मैंने जन्नत तो नहीं दे खी है माँ दे खी है|
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way,
and shows the way."

The newly elected Student Council of The Heritage

School, Vasant Kunj recently stepped into
leadership roles and the entire community was
present to mark the occasion. The Investiture
Ceremony was woven around the theme 'Nurturing
Leadership' and was beautifully hosted and
As the council of learners took an oath to deliver
their duties with honesty and sincerity, the audience
also partook in the pledge to honour and uphold a
value system based on respect, compassion,
integrity, equality and excellence. The presence of
our alumni, Shradhya Verma and alumnus turned
intern Jigyasu, only served to be the cherry on top
for this momentous occasion.

The event culminated with a

transformative panel discussion with
our chief guests - Mr Manit Jain,
Chairman of The Heritage School, Ms.
Swapna Liddle, an author and
historian, Professor Ravi Thapar, the
renowned lawyer-diplomat, and Mr
Himanshu Gupta, Director Of
Education. The dignitaries responded
discerningly to the questions posed by
our learners about their expectations
from our nation's young leaders and shared their idea of leadership with the Heritage

As the summer fades away, the excitement of

coming back to school takes centre stage!

The hallways of THSVK are filled with the sound of

laughter, chatter, and eager footsteps as our
students return to a revamped school, breathing
new life into our learning community! From
welcoming classrooms to stylish new furniture and
colourful walls that spark creativity, we've created
the perfect backdrop for your educational journey.
So sharpen those pencils and get ready to immerse
yourself in knowledge, discover new passions, and
make memories that will last a lifetime!
What's Going On
Around The World?
"Unacceptable": White House on Harassment of Reporter Who Asked
Modi Human Rights Question
A reporter pointed out that the harassment, which targeted Sabrina Siddiqui for
her Muslim faith, was being led by politicians who were linked to the Indian

Titanic submarine Titan deep sea tragedy

The incident took the lives of five people, including 61-year-old Stockton Rush,
the CEO of OceanGate. Previously, OceanGate had planned two more journeys
to explore the ruins of the Titanic in June 2024.

-Priyanshi Jha (11-C)

Chandrayaan - 3: ISRO’s third shot to the moon
On July 14, 2023, the Indian Space Research Organization successfully
launched the Chandrayaan - 3 spacecraft towards the Moon’s South Pole
along with a Lander and Rover. This mission is the second attempt to land on
the Moon’s surface and has to achieve multiple important milestones to
successfully complete its journey to the moon in 40 days. It carries the
aspirations of a billion people to the Earth’s immediate natural satellite, taking
India to greater heights in the field of Science and Technology.

-A Nitiya Naren (10-B)

Modi in USA yet again!

The three-day state visit, his first in nine years, included at least three
meetings with President Joe Biden, an address to members of the US Congress,
and interactions with some of Silicon Valley’s top CEOs. India and the US have
agreed on a broad sweep in ties, declaring that “no corner of human enterprise
is untouched by the partnership between our two great countries, which spans
the seas to the stars.”

-Devam Jain (12-A)

Tomato gets its revenge…
While India can feast on the cake and pat itself on the back for climbing to the
fifth rank in the world’s largest economy list, the struggle for the commoners to
acquire tomatoes is getting tougher as India is facing a tomato crisis as prices
have skyrocketed more than 300% due to extreme weather conditions. The
government has reduced the price of subsidised tomatoes to Rs 70 per kg in
order for the common man to afford them.

-Devam Jain (12-A)

A Battle for Inclusion and Equality
In the United States, ten states have taken action to implement or propose bans
that prevent transgender athletes from participating in girls' sports. This
controversial issue has sparked heated debates on both sides. Supporters argue
for protecting the integrity of women's sports, while opponents advocate for
inclusivity and equal opportunities for transgender athletes. The discussion
highlights the ongoing struggle to balance fairness and diversity in sports.

Double Disaster Strikes Russia

In a devastating turn of events, Russia faced a double disaster when two tragic
incidents struck simultaneously. A massive earthquake shook a prominent
region, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. Simultaneously, a
powerful cyclone unleashed its fury, triggering flash floods and leaving
communities in chaos. The nation now grapples with the overwhelming
aftermath and humanitarian challenges.
-Sanjvi Bhardwaj (11-C)
Genre: Science fiction, Adventure, Drama
Release Date: 7 November 2014
Available on: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video

Interstellar! The movie that got me into science and I’m sure this was also the case
for many other people. It is a visually breathtaking and cerebrally invigorating sci-fi
film that explores the vastness of space. Christopher Nolan’s films have always
intrigued me but Interstellar instilled an interest in all things cosmic. Matthew
McConaughey and Anne Hathaway brought depth to this composition. The director
took help from the Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Kip Thorne, to aid in its accurate
representation of the theories of wormholes and blackholes. While this film may be
challenging to watch for some viewers because of its complex scientific theories, it
is a journey which explores the themes of love, time, and of course physics! This
movie’s stunning visuals and an epic score by Hans Zimmer really create a
captivating experience. With the storytelling and dynamic themes, it is truly one of
the most remarkable feats of the film industry.

-Shazmeka Buddhala (IX-C)

Back to the Future
Title- Back to the Future
Release Date- 3 July 1985
Director- Robert Zemeckis
Genre- Science fiction, Comedy, Adventure

“Back to the Future,” is an exemplary masterpiece that effortlessly

amalgamates the arenas of science fiction, comedy and adventure,
enthralling audiences with its sheer brilliance and utter creativity.

Helmed by the visionary Robert Zemeckis, this cinematic gem dwells into the
constraints of time and discoveries, captivating viewers across generations.
Michael J. Fox’s portrayal of the audacious Marty McFly is nothing short of a
character that perfectly embodies farce and fun, while Christopher Lloyd’s
portrayal of the distinctive Doc Brown is an absolute stroke of genius.

The narrative’s intricately woven plot seamlessly juxtaposes the intricacies of

time travel with moments of levity, engrossing viewers in an outstanding
cinematic odyssey.

The film’s immaculate craftsmanship, direction, and evocative portrayal of

nostalgia-riddled ages, render it an indelible cultural classic- a must-watch
for all cinephiles.
“Back to the Future” undoubtedly leaves an indomitable imprint on its
audience, securing its rightful place among the pantheon of cinema’s all-
time favourites.
-Jasgun Alhuwalia (XI- C)
Spider-Man: Across
the Spider-Verse
Genre: Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi
Release Date: 1 June 2023
Prequel: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Miles Morales is back, and so are his friends and his brand-new enemies, in
this much-awaited, riveting sequel to a movie loved by everyone all
around the world: ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’. While in that movie,
they only grazed the multiverse, in ATSV, it's all hands on deck when Miles
disrupts an important event and enters the world of spider-people of every
kind imaginable. There, he meets a new ultimatum, and when he finds
himself fighting against every single spider-person in the entire multiverse,
he has to find what HE believes in, to remain the hero he wants to be, and
prove that he too, is Spider-Man. This film features a phenomenal
soundtrack, superb art in every art form imaginable to fit each spider-
person, and a storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So
follow Miles in his story to be a hero, even when the odds aren’t in his
favour. It has to be one of the best movies I’ve ever watched, and the whole
time I was mesmerised by the unique art
and colour palette used for each different verse and hero, as well as the
awesome plot, and hysterically laughed at the funny scenes. I highly
recommend it, but do try to watch out for cliffhangers… and maybe bagels

-Purva Dhaka IX-B

Genre: Historical non-fiction, biographical thriller, drama
Release date: 21 July 2023
Available in: PVR/IMAX theatres

Boom goes the dynamite! Or should I say plutonium 239? Christopher

Nolan’s done it again folks with his latest addition to his thought-provoking
films, Oppenheimer. It is adapted from the book American Prometheus
written by Kai Bird & Martin J. Sherwin. It isn’t simply about the chain reaction
that occurs when a neutron strikes an atom's nucleus, but about the chain
reaction that J. Robert Oppenheimer caused when he created a power that
could destroy worlds. From his early scientific achievements to developing
the atomic bomb in WWII, the movie paints a picture of how a person can go
from having everything to having nothing. Cillian Murphy’s portrayal of
Oppenheimer was near perfect and genuinely captured his essence. The
Manhattan Project which led to the making of the atomic bomb not only
gives us the grizzly view of the aftermath of the thousands of deaths, but
also the guilt he felt and the blood that he had on his hands. Now, you’re left
with a broken man who started out accomplishing something enormous
with moving ambitions but slowly realises what he had done to the rest of
the world. Now he had become death, the destroyer of worlds...

-Shazmeka (IX-C)
The Summer I Turned
Pretty- Season 2
Title:- The Summer I Turned Pretty
Release Date:- 14 July 2023
Available on:- Amazon Prime Video
Genre:- Coming-of-age; Drama; Romance
Cast:- Lola Tung, Christopher Briney, Gavin Casalegno, Sean Kaufman,
Rachel Blanchard, Jackie Chang, David Iacono.

‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ season 2 picks up right where the first season
left off, immersing viewers once again in the picturesque world of Belly,
Conrad, and Jeremiah. Based on Jenny Han's beloved novels, this coming-of-
age drama series continues to tug at heartstrings and capture the essence of
summer love and self-discovery.

The second season delves even deeper into the Fisher family's and their
friends' lives at Cousins Beach. The storylines are intricately woven, offering
both fans of the books and newcomers alike a compelling narrative to follow.
We witness Belly mature further as she navigates the complexities of
relationships and her own identity, making it easy to empathise with her
struggles and triumphs.

The chemistry between Belly, Conrad, and Jeremiah remains electric, as the
love triangle takes centre stage once again. While it would have been easy for
the show to rely on predictable cliches, the writers manage to keep things
fresh, adding unexpected twists and turns to the characters' paths. Each
episode builds tension, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting the next

This season takes on a more sombre and melancholic tone from season 1
which creates a bigger opportunity for nuance and character development.
Season 2 reminds the fans with a soft sigh that our lives can never fully be
contained in summer reveries. These reveries too tend to be washed away by
the bitter waves that life sends our way.
We follow our beloved characters while they fall and climb and fall again as
they attempt to deal with their adversities of grief, love, and teenage angst.

The acting performances in the show are raw and capture the various
sentiments of the characters befittingly in their moments of bereavement.
This season’s first few episodes use flashbacks to structure a juxtaposition in
events to showcase the overarching conflict and its origin which results in a
more intriguing viewer experience. A sensational soundtrack, comforting
cinematography and gorgeous sets accompany and accentuate the storyline.

In the upcoming episodes, we expect viewers’ curiosities to meet a crescendo

as the anticipated love triangle between Belly, Jeremiah and Conrad is bound
to meet an apt conclusion. It is hard to predict the exact course the following
episodes will take but one can wholeheartedly expect the show to continue to
be a trustworthy addition to the coming-of-age genre as the characters grow
out of their adolescent shells and navigate life and love amidst loss.

-Myra Jaiswal (XI-B), Tamanna Singh (X-A)

Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)

The Music Industry released Speak Now (TV) on July 7th, it was a re-recording
of her third album, Speak Now, which was written solely by her, it included 16
re-recorded tracks and six Vault Tracks.

One of the most striking things about this album is the lyric change in her
song, ‘Better Than Revenge,’ which she wrote at 18. The song is indeed the
embodiment of teen angst
and rage, and it perfectly portrays the feeling of betrayal and the need for
vengeance one feels when young. The song originally included the lyric,
“She’s not a saint, she’s not what you think she’s an actress (woah-oh), she’s
better known for the things that she does on the mattress.” which was
changed to, “He was a moth to the flame, she was holding the matches
(woah-oh).” Though there are opposing views on whether the new lyric fits, it
it does not fail to bring forth how she has matured through the years and the
way her songwriting capabilities have enhanced and improved.
Though the original lyric is marked by its brutal honesty and unfiltered
confessions, it is also marked by the internalized misogyny we hold onto in our
girlhood - one that she has since outgrown. The alteration carries a
bittersweet undertone, it feels like the loss of something more candid, even if
it wasn’t perfect, politically correct, or entirely accurate, but the lyric change
conveys that with time come new perceptions and was a perfect example of
her vocalizing how her views have changed since then.
-Anoushka Pande (XI - B)

Taylor Swift: ‘I Can See You’

Music Video Analysis
'I Can See You,’ written by the twelve-time Grammy winner Taylor Swift, was
the third vault track on her re-recorded album titled 'Speak Now (Taylor's
Version)'. The song was given its own music video, which she described as a
visual representation of having her master stolen by Scott Borchetta and
Scooter Braun in 2019. This led to her rerecording her previous records along
with unheard vault tracks.

The video featured Joey King and Presley Cash, who previously starred in her
2010 MV for 'Mean' on the original version of Speak Now, alongside her ex-
boyfriend Taylor Lautner, about whom she infamously wrote the song 'Back to
December' on the same record. She successfully portrayed the theft of her
masters by seemingly being locked inside a vault, along with a portrait
representing the art she's spent her life creating. The other characters are
seen trying to break her out of the vault, which is placed inside a museum. The
museum is filled with archived dresses and instruments associated with the
Speak Now album, all locked up in glass cases, out of reach. Taylor is seen
patiently awaiting her release from the vault as they fight off bodyguards and
attackers. When Joey and Taylor finally break her out, the look on her face and
her instinct to grab the portrait show her cosmic relief and excitement. As
they flee the museum, you see everything she spent years building start to fall
apart, and just as they are about to board their escape van, she looks back
one last time. She reminisces about the memories she made and the hard
work she put into her art that was taken from her without her permission. But
even after losing everything, she always strived to be better and vowed to re-
record and reclaim her life's work.
Besides her visual representation in music videos, she has also, through her
lyricism in previous
records beautifully walked her fans through her feelings about not owning her
music. Many songs in her recent records explain the situation from her
perspective, for example, referring to Scott Borchetta having her past frozen
behind glass and giving him her all for fifteen years and receiving nothing in
return (‘it's time to go,’ evermore 2020) and even using metaphors to describe
how she never deserved what Scott Borchetta did to her because she loved
him till the day he killed her by selling her work, and how it killed him just the
same (‘my tears ricochet, folklore 2020).

After not only rerecording her masters but also breaking new records with
them and surpassing charts of her original work, she has proved once again
that she truly is the music industry.

-Rajani Menon (XII-C)

Archived dress, Speak Now

Affecting Millions
With Words
Galactic Rogues – The Droids
Hello, my name is Ryan and I am an astronaut. My mission to
Europa failed because I crashed into an unknown planet. The
skies were covered with aurorae everywhere and the ground was
as hard as diamonds. The surface was so shiny that it looked like
glass tiles. I looked around. There were shooting stars and
comets which collided and blasted in the air. Because the
surface was solid, my fellow astronaut, Atharv Yadav and I took
out our “electric bounce shoes” and bounced around. After
some time, Atharv stopped and felt a rumble in the ground.
Suddenly a robot appeared out of nowhere and almost attacked
Atharv. Meanwhile, I ran to an X-L1 laser shooter. The robot’s
hand turned into a 3-dart gun and just before it could fire, I fired
the laser and the robot was knocked to the ground. I went to
Atharv who sighed with relief. I got back into the machine and
fired at a wall which blocked the entrance to the other side. But
unfortunately, we walked over a circle of metal and were sucked
in before we could realise it was a… DEMAGNETIZING RAY! Then a
humongous robot appeared! Our ship X-71 was close to us. We
jumped in and picked up hyper speed. After some time, our
hyperspeed dropped to 0%. The droid was also flying and in a
booming voice, it said, “I know you, Ryan. The planet that you
crashed into was Galactic Rogues. My magnet attracted you
here only to DESTROY YOU!” The robot had pulled out the crystal
for hyperspeed so there was no escape. Suddenly the suit rocket
button began beeping. I pressed it and the ship’s door opened
and we flew up. The rockets were pointed at the droid and due to
the heat it blasted, sending the crystal towards Atharv. He
caught the crystal and plugged it in. Then we jumped into the
ship and flew back to Earth.

- Ryan Shrivastava (IV-A)

If I Could Rule A Planet

Hello everyone, my name is Shivain Rohatgi from 5-C and I

am going to talk about If I could rule a planet, which one
would it be? So let’s start, if I could rule a planet, you
guessed it, it would obviously be Earth. This planet has a lot
of vital resources and is the only livable planet in the entire
universe, for example, trees give us oxygen but alas, there
are no trees on the other planets, it is unfortunate but that's
how it works. There’s an upside too, Earth has everything:
video games, natural resources, and beauty but space has
no gravity. When you jump it feels like you are jumping to a
hundred feet, it’s so fun and nothing can beat it. If I could rule
Earth, I would be a good leader and protect everyone from
contingencies and calamities. This means a future event
which can happen but cannot be predicted with certainty. I
would also fulfil my dream of ending poverty, I would tell the
human race to avoid plastic and not increase pollution. But, I
know I’d never be able to rule Earth because that will happen
when pigs fly but if you follow your dreams you’ll just maybe
fulfil them. I hope you enjoyed it and I’m thankful that you
read this article. Bye!

- Shivain Rohatgi V-C


Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you about my dream

planet! The name of my planet is DREAMS.

It is the largest planet in our solar system. It has life on it like

Earth and it’s located just beside Earth.

You can’t visit my planet if you don’t have any wishes. So,
first make a wish and then a doorway will appear at the back
of your cupboard which will be hidden by all your clothes.
Once you enter the planet, you will see a teleporting
machine with your wish so that you can bring your wish to
Earth. If you want to visit my dream planet often, you have to
sleep with sweet dreams and a fairy will wake you up and
open a doorway again at the same place.

On my planet, there are three layers named ‘Candyland’,

‘Carland’ and 'Shopland’. In Candyland, there will be a river
made of chocolates, trees made of candies and houses
made of marshmallows. In Carland, you can drive any car for
free and you can get free lessons for it. In Shopland, you can
find shops from all around the world with free things but you
can only take five things every six months.

To go back home, you need to think about your house and a

doorway will appear so that you can go back to your home.

I hope you liked learning about my dream planet and will visit
- Rayna Sharma (IV-C)
Unravelling the Cosmos:
Exploring the Vastness of the Universe

The cosmos, the vast expanse of the universe, has intrigued

humanity since ancient times. Over the centuries, our
understanding of the cosmos has evolved, thanks to scientific
advancements and technological breakthroughs. Unravelling the
cosmos involves delving into the mysteries of the universe,
exploring its origins, structure, and the incredible phenomena
that occur within it.

One of the most fundamental concepts in understanding the

cosmos is the Big Bang Theory. According to this theory, the
universe originated from an immensely hot and dense state
around 13.8 billion years ago. In a fraction of a second, the
universe expanded rapidly, setting in motion the formation of
galaxies, stars, and all the structures we observe today. Black
holes, regions of spacetime with incredibly strong gravitational
forces, have captivated both scientists and the public alike.
Formed from the remnants of massive stars, black holes possess
gravitational pulls so strong that nothing, not even light, can
escape their grasp. The study of black holes has shed light on the
nature of gravity, the warping of spacetime, and the potential
existence of wormholes and other exotic phenomena. The
multiverse theory suggests the existence of multiple universes,
possibly with different physical laws, while string theory explores
the idea that fundamental particles are tiny strings vibrating in
higher dimensions.

In conclusion, the journey of unravelling the cosmos is a

captivating exploration of the vastness of the universe. From the
Big Bang to the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets, from
the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy to the enigmatic
nature of black holes, our understanding of the cosmos continues
to evolve. With each scientific breakthrough, we come closer to
unravelling the cosmic tapestry and gaining insights into our
place in the vast cosmic web.

- Vivan Manchanda VII-A

Unravelling the Cosmos

Universe: The universe can broadly be described as all of time

and space.

Salutations, as we all know, Mother Earth is not the only planet

in our solar system, and the solar system is not the only set of
planets in the milky way. Today, I am going to tell you about
the milky way inside, and out.

Let’s start our journey from our Earth.

Are We Doomed?

On average, objects as big as asteroids (530 kilometres in

diameter) – to bodies that are less than 33 feet (10 metres
across) hit Earth roughly once in a thousand years. To kill off
species, an asteroid must be at least half a mile (about a
kilometre). These medium-sized smashers tend to visit Earth
about every 300,000 years or so. The space rock that many
scientists think helped in killing the dinosaur 65 million years
ago was probably about 10 miles (16 kilometres).
Spaced out Spectacles

Sombrero Galaxy
Viewed from the side, this spiral galaxy bulges in the middle like a
sombrero, or Mexican hat.

Scientists suspect that a black hole as massive as 1 billion suns

may lie at the galaxy’s centre.

Around its centre, lie billions of faint stars that form an enormous
bulge of light.

Horsehead Nebula
The ‘horsehead’, in this photo is a dense cloud of interstellar dust
and gas. The dust and gas fill the empty spots between stars
throughout the universe. Sometimes there is so much gas that
they form a spectacular cloud called a nebula. The horsehead
nebula consists of 2 colours blue and red. The red colour appears
as the thick dust that blocks the light from passing through, and
the blue colour appears as the dust that reflects the light of
nearby stars.
Did you know: Water is one of the key elements for life to exist
anywhere in the universe? Scientists are studying Jupiter’s moons for
big water bodies. It is believed that Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons,
may have a salty liquid ocean beneath its frozen surface! There is a
possibility that this may lead to simple forms of life on Jupiter’s moons.

The sun is 864,400 miles, it takes up about 98% of the solar system
The Sun loses a billion kilos per second
There are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way
The Moon is lemon-shaped

- Vedant Kaul (V-C)

Unravelling The Cosmos

Cosmology is a discipline which describes the physical nature of

the universe. This discipline encompasses the branch of physics,
metaphysics, and astronomy. In general, the universe is believed to
have started with the Big Bang, followed almost instantaneously
by cosmic inflation approximately 13.8 billion years ago, and it is
conjectured to end, very likely, with the Big Freeze. Cosmologists
are interested in the origin, evolution, and ultimate fate of the
universe. This chapter brings readers to take a glimpse at the
mystery of the universe. It gives a succinct elucidation on the
growing journey of the universe – from its birth, its advancement to
the present and future, and until its demise. The technology used
to detect cosmic sources, the theories which underpin the universe,
and some of the equations used to estimate its properties are also
briefly illustrated here.

When we look at the sky, we see different kinds of natural bodies

like the sun, the stars, the moon, and so on. The natural bodies in
the sky are called celestial bodies or heavenly bodies. They are
part of our universe. The universe is a huge space which contains
everything that exists. The celestial bodies that we see are just a
small fraction of the bodies that exist in the universe. One of the
reasons why we do not see more of them is that they are very, very
far away.

To measure large distances in the universe, scientists use a unit of

length called the light year. A light year is the distance travelled by
light in one year. Light travels 9.46 trillion km in a year (one trillion
is 1 followed by 12 zeroes).

One light year represents this huge distance. Proxima Centauri, the
star closest to our solar system, is 4.2 light years from us. This
means that light from this star takes 4.2 years to reach us. In this
article, we shall learn a bit about stars and our solar system. But
before that, let us see how the universe was formed.
Scientists believe that the universe was born after a massive
explosion called the ‘big bang’. A long time after the big bang,
stars like our sun were formed. At that time, clouds of hot gasses
and particles revolved around the sun. Over time, many particles
got stuck together to form large bodies. These bodies pulled in
smaller objects near them by gravitational force. This made them
larger still. These bodies finally became the planets.

Away from the lights of the city, you can see thousands of stars in
the night sky. You can also see some planets and their moons,
either with the naked eye or with the help of a telescope. These
celestial bodies are different from the stars in one important way.
Stars are celestial bodies that produce their own heat and light.
Planets and their moons shine by reflecting the light of a star such
as our sun.

All stars are huge balls of hydrogen and helium gases. In a star,
hydrogen gets converted into helium. In this reaction, a large
amount of energy is liberated. This is the source of the heat and
light of a star. Stars vary in brightness and size. Some are medium-
sized, like our sun. Some are so huge that if they were to be placed
in our sun’s position, they would fill the entire solar system!

- Sharanya (VIII-C)
Great Filter Theory:
Is Mankind Worthy or Not?

In this colossal universe, full of planets, galaxies, and who knows

what else, how is it that we have not found a single sign of
extraterrestrial life yet? How is it that in this vast world, it is
apparent that only humanity and Earth are proof of intelligent
beings and evolution?

This question can also be described as the Fermi Paradox, the term
used to describe the absence of evidence of extraterrestrial beings
in a universe that should be overflowing with it, considering the
abundance of Space. A really interesting, and quite possible
answer to this question or paradox, is a theory made by Robin
Hanson, the theory of The Great Filter.

The Great Filter, in simple terms, is a theory associating that to

become an intelligent, intellectual species, the lifeforms must
pass certain hurdles and criteria. Said criteria, or events, are things
like reproduction, creation, and colonization. The question is- are
we behind the filter, or beyond it? Is it the fact that life evolving
beyond single-celled organisms, or even life arising from a lack of
life is an extremely rare improbability and we have overcome it and
moved forward that we are past the filter? Or rather, are we so
abysmally behind, that we find not a single lifeform or species
other than on Earth?

To support the latter proposition, there is the Copernican Principle

of Mediocrity. This hypothesis states that “neither we nor our
earthly home occupies a privileged position in the universe”.
Meaning that, humanity isn’t special, and neither is Earth, or life
itself. We are quite mediocre and that is why extraterrestrial beings
are yet to find us, because they are
unable to recognize us as intelligent beings, and the standards for
extraterrestrial intelligence are completely different, or more
complicated than ours. Simply, we are too insignificant to be
noticed on a cosmic scale, hence the absence of other lifeforms in

What do you think? Are we past The Great Filter, perhaps the first
ones to be, or still lagging behind, while the others are far ahead,
also perhaps the only ones? Both possibilities are quite frightening,
with the former being better than the latter. In any case, don’t
worry too much about it, the universe may be empty, but at least
our world isn't, and that’s all that matters.

- Purva Dhaka IX-B

Unravelling The Mysteries Of Time Travel

Time travel refers to the hypothetical activity of travelling to the

future or past. One of the first references to time travel is the
Mahabharata, a mythological tale that involves the story of King
Kakudmi, who meets the creator god Brahma and, upon returning
to Earth, discovers that time has passed differently, with many
ages having already passed upon his return. Surprisingly, this tale
matches a lot with the modern-day conception of time travel,
which revolves around the concepts of time dilation and relativity.
From ancient mythological tales like the Mahabharata and
Urashima Tarō to modern-day movies like Interstellar, time travel
has been captured by the human imagination many times in the
past. The novel ‘The Time Machine’ by H.G. Wellsin 1895 was what
popularised the idea of time travel through a fictional device which
looked like a vehicle that could travel through the fourth dimension
of time, termed a ‘Time Machine’. However, the modern-day
conception of time travel and time machines is quite different from
what it used to be.

Modern-day time travel is based on the ideas of time dilation and

the theory of relativity. While time travel to the past is still a topic
of discussion because travelling at the speed of light for the same
is impossible and simply because no one from the future has yet
come to us, time travel to the future is technically still a possibility.
Let’s talk about how time travel can be possible through the
concept of time dilation, explaining it, by taking the analogy of a
field. If two people are walking on a muddy field at the same speed
and the same space between two steps but in different directions,
they will view each other’s steps differently. For example, if you
imagine that you are someone walking in a particular direction on
these grounds and walk between two trees in such a way that your
steps meet both of them at the same time. Another person coming
from a different angle from your right towards these trees will
observe that they reach one tree before reaching the other.
Coming back to you, if you think about it, you will observe that the
footsteps left by the other person are contracted because they
approached the trees from a different angle. The same can be said
if the other person and you are walking in the same direction, but if
the other person has to walk over a hill. If this happens and the
other person still maintains the same pace, their footsteps will
seem contracted to you because of the angle that they are walking
in. However, if you think about it, this contraction is only an effect
of perspective and does not happen as both individuals walk at the
same pace with the same space between each step. This is
relativity in spacetime.

Relativity and time dilation have been observed previously through

real-life examples. For example, Muons. These particles are
formed in the Earth’s atmosphere when high-energy particles from
outer space collide with particles in the Earth’s atmosphere. This
leads to the formation of particles, and being extremely unstable,
Muons have an incredibly short life span of about 2.2 microseconds
or about 22 ten-millionths of a second. One would imagine these
particles will get disintegrated long before they reach the ground
from the atmosphere, however, we observe that many Muons do
reach the Earth’s surface. How is this possible? The answer lies in
the analogy of the field explained earlier, and we can explain this
unusually long life span of Muons by using the analogy to explain
time dilation in space-time.

First of all, understand that space-time is 4D. In Mathematics, you

must have been taught about 3D figures, right? Imagine a 3D cube.
It wouldn’t be existing in our 3D world if it was 2D. You may be able
to see or imagine it, but could you interact with something 2D in
this 3D world? No. Similarly, if a cube was just 3d, it wouldn’t exist.
A spontaneous cube cannot exist, if it didn’t exist in the dimension
of time it would never be there. Thus, space-time and everything in
space-time is composed of 4 dimensions, the fourth one being
time. But for now, imagine that space-time is a 2d plane. All
objects on this plane are objects that exist in space at a certain
point in time, and while all these objects do move at the same
rate/speed through time, they don’t move in the same direction
through space. Thus, an object on this plane may observe that
another object sticking or passing through time at a different rate
similar to the example of the field, which causes this effect of time
dilation through perception and perspective. See, for a Muon, its
average life span is about 2.2 microseconds, but for us, when we
see that it is moving faster than us hence in a different direction
through the 4d model of space-time, where it is moving differently
using the fourth dimension of time. So, a time machine wouldn’t be
a sleek, metallic vehicle that passes through the dimension of time
in both directions as described in ‘The Time Machine’ by H.G. Wells,
but more likely a super-fast spaceship that only travels to the
future. I understand that the concept can be hard to grasp right
now, so you can pause for a while to ponder on it. This, however, is
time dilation in a nutshell.

Now coming back to our original theme of time travel, time

dilation is how time travel can be possible in the future. Thus the
faster you travel, the slower your clock appears to someone else,
which essentially makes you able to travel into the future. This
effect, however, is practically immeasurable and negligible in our
relatively slow world, so no, you cannot travel into the future by
moving in a regular old car your entire life. There is, however,
another type of time dilation called gravitational time dilation,
which occurs under extremely strong gravitational fields where the
fabric of space-time starts to curve and bend, but I won’t be going
into that now. You can, however, research it yourself if you want to.
What I will say, however, is that going under extremely strong
gravitational fields may be an easier and more practical way to
time travel into the future for us, and the same is portrayed through
science-fiction movies like Interstellar, where going near a black
hole affected time dilation and made ‘one hour there be seven
years on Earth’. This phenomenon is true and can occur under
strong gravitational fields.

Now, let’s move away from the world of physics for a while and
dive deeper into the world of science fiction. Let’s talk about the
limitations of time travel, and time travel into the past now. Say
that you are a scientific genius and invent a time machine that lets
you travel into the past. If this was hypothetically possible, it would
mean that whatever you do in the past now will affect the future.
So imagine that you accidentally prevent your parents from
meeting. This would mean that your parents never give birth to
you, meaning that you are never born, meaning you did not invent
that time machine, thus you didn’t go to the past to prevent your
parents from meeting, thus they did meet, thus you were born,
thus… you get the point. This is a ‘paradox’, which is self-
contradictory or absurd and cannot happen.

These sort of situations make some believe that time travel to the
past is simply not possible, while other theorists such as Igor
Novikov have suggested theories such as the ‘Novikov Self-
Consistency Principle,’ which state that the past can correct itself,
essentially that your parents will meet in the past no matter what
you do, to prevent such paradoxes from occurring. Time travel to
the past is still a highly-disputed topic which many don’t agree on.

But if time travel to the future is possible, what can its implications
be and can we create technology that allows for reliable time
travel into the future? Well, we do already use time dilation in
particle accelerators and GPS systems for applications such as
accurate measurements, precision engineering and studying the
behaviour of objects for research purposes, however going into the
future doesn’t have as many real-life applications as you would
think. This is because, assuming that time travels into the past is
indeed impossible, going into the future has little to no
applications other than possibly personal purposes as we cannot
communicate information back to the past from the future. Time
dilation and time travel as we know, it doesn’t have many
applications other than research purposes, but to be honest, the
fact that time travel is possible to some extent is enough for me.
If time travellers do exist, they didn’t attend Stephen Hawking's
party in 2009 where the invitations were given later to see if time
travel to the past exists, that’s for sure. In all seriousness, time
travellers to the past would have to not interact with anything in
the past and be extremely careful, that’s for sure. But imagine you
were a time traveller to the past. What would it be like, in your
opinion? What moral or ethical significance would it hold to you? Is
it an experience that expresses free will, or something that
quenches your curiousness about the workings of the universe and
our future? I leave you to answer that question.

- Tanishq Saini IX-B

Tales of the TARDIS Trips
Ever since the dawn of time, humankind has ceaselessly theorised
about the concept of time. Naturally, the fascination spilt into the
realm of fiction as well. And once clasped into the imaginations of
the literary scientists, there was no end to the interpretations.

One such interpretation explored is the ‘Grandfather Paradox’ in

which a time traveller of the past contradicts the occurrence of an
integral event and the effect of this is aptly seen in the future. The
most known rendition of this is in Back To The Future when Marty
Mcfly accidentally prevents the event that caused his parents to
fall in love because of which he and his siblings begin to disappear
out of time.

Another approach is that of ‘Alternate Timelines’ spiralling again

out of the contradicting events of the past. Say you go back in time
and stop your past self from going to college unlike the
‘Grandfather Paradox’ this won’t hinder your life in the future
instead this prevention will result in the creation of an entirely
different timeline where the other version of you will lead that life
as a consequence to that action parallel to your own universe.

Equally compelling is ‘The Butterfly Effect’. This aspect derived

from the Chaos Theory argues that changes as small as perhaps
ripping leaves off a tree in a distant past may be powerful enough
to change future existence itself. The most obvious example of this
is in Ray Bradbury’s A Sound of Thunder which portrays hunters
who travel back 66 million years to hunt a T-Rex. Whilst hunting,
one hunter stumbles into a forest and inadvertently kills a mere
butterfly. Upon returning back in time, this small change sparks a
subversion in the political administration and in the physical and
verbal mannerisms of people.

- Tamanna Singh X-A

Ancient Indian Astronomy:
A Realm still Mysterious to Many
Disclaimer: This article’s motive is not to demean anyone or
disrespect and devalue any significant discovery or theory. What
this article tries to suggest is that while many around the world
attribute modern-day scientific and astronomical discoveries to
Western Scientists, such claims are highly subjective. It is the work
of many researchers, philosophers, astronomers, physicists and
scientists throughout centuries and millennia that has taken
shape in the form of present-day scientific, astronomical and
technological achievements.

We have always celebrated modern scientific discoveries and

theories as Western ones. Multiple scientists, over the course of
centuries, discovered many scientific and astronomical
phenomena and celestial bodies, taking science and technology
to where it is today. Yet all of them seem to come from only one
part of the world. Why is it so?

I have always wondered why all scientific discoveries have been

done by Westerners. Is the Indian Civilization, which boasts a
thousand-year-old culture and history, just an amalgamation of
myths and hoaxes? These questions made me search for answers.

The truth is, the attribution of modern scientific discoveries to

Western scientists is highly subjective. Multiple scientists,
throughout the world, right from ancient times, participated in
these discoveries and brought the world to where it is today. As
historical evidence and statistics pile up, we do find out that many
scientific discoveries and technologies could be dated back to
thousands of years.

One of the first such theories I came across was the ‘Atomic
Theory.’ Yes, you heard it right! While a 2600-year-old Atomic
Theory might sound like 5G internet in Mahabharata times, it
actually is true. Maharishi Kannad, an ancient Indian physicist,
philosopher, astronomer and researcher, talks about the same
and various other things in his book, ‘Vaisheshika Sutras.’ In this
book, he says that all matter in this Universe can be divided further
and further till a constituent unit of this matter is indivisible. It was
called Parmanu (atom). These atoms combine to form Dvayanuka
(diatomic molecules) and Trayanuka (triatomic molecules).
These atoms are indestructible and eternal. These atoms also
have two states, a state of absolute rest and a state of uniform
motion. Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Well, Maharishi Kannad had even postulated the three laws of

motion. He described the first law of motion, inertia, state of rest,
uniform motion, force and motion, momentum, change in
momentum, conservation of momentum and the action and
reaction forces, similar to Newton’s definitions of the same. Along
with this, he also describes gravitational force and how it attracts
different objects having mass towards each other. He has
described various other physical phenomena in his book and also
given philosophical teachings and opinions.

Other notable scientists like Bhaskaracharya, who extended

Brahmagupta’s works, also provided detailed explanations of
gravity. He also developed the basic principles of Differential
Calculus and Integral Calculus. Multiple scientists in Kerala and
South India progressed in developing Mathematics to the next
level and developed many of the essential concepts and theories
of theoretical physics and mathematics. We all know
Aryabhatta’s scientific accomplishments and how he developed a
helio-geocentric model of the Solar System thousands of years

We also have the Surya Siddhanta, which is one of the most

prominent Indian astronomical doctrines. It describes the motion
of planets, the true places of the planets, eclipses: lunar and
solar, planetary conjunctions and much more. It provides
extremely accurate measurements of the diameters of the Earth
and Moon and the distances between the Earth and Moon, which
are just a tad more or less than present-day values. It also
provides sine tables, trigonometric functions, various
constellations, and many more astronomical and mathematical
concepts. It also describes the Earth as spherical and puts forth a
heliocentric model of the Solar System, years before ancient
Greece or Nicolaus Copernicus postulated the same.

While we have no evidence of modern Western scientists taking

cues from the works of these Indian scientists, we can definitely
say that the timeline of such discoveries and theories extends
much beyond the current ones. In fact, it is astonishing to even
imagine how these amazing minds of ancient India discover and
postulate so much without any modern experimentation,
technology and machines. The only difference between these
theories and the theories of modern scientists like Nicolaus
Copernicus, John Dalton, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Enrico
Fermi, etc. is that Indian theories are more directed towards
philosophical motives and are not backed by experimentation and
proofs. It is derived from pure logic, accurate mathematics and
observation of the surroundings and physical phenomena.

Along with these scientists, scientists from other parts of the world
also contributed. Scientists from China, the Middle East, Europe
and many other parts of the world contributed to such theories
with their own discoveries and inventions, with the greatest
contributions coming from the modern world. It is even possible
that someone from another civilization around the world could
have discovered similar discoveries even before ancient Indians

Even though there is solid proof in Indian manuscripts and ancient

books of the same, most people, even in India, dismiss them as
hoaxes and myths. In a world where we don’t even celebrate the
achievements of modern Indian scientists like Homi Bhabha, JC
Bhose, Vainu Bappu, Subrahmanyam Chandrashekhar and many
other esteemed scientists, we have completely ignored the
contributions of ancient Indian scholars. It is important to respect
these contributions and celebrate them as achievements. While it
is not necessary to demean and devalue the contributions of
others, we should give equal importance to these too.

Let’s pass these on to the next generations and cultivate scientific

and technological interest and acumen in the young population of
India, to regain our lost scientific glory and revolutionize the world
with our scientific and technological contributions, leading by our
example. If we won’t celebrate our culture and our scientific and
technological achievements, who would then?

- A Nitiya Naren (X-B)


The passage delves into hypothetical and philosophical ideas

regarding the possibility of living in a simulated reality. It begins
with a scenario where a car passenger sees the word "render" in
the sky, leading to reflections on the nature of reality and the
potential existence of a simulated world. The design of the
simulation seemingly prevents inhabitants from proving their
simulated nature, making definitive proof unattainable. Elevators
are mentioned as settings for glitches, suggesting that transitions
between floors can cause momentary disruptions in the simulated
reality. These glitches are often associated with paranormal
incidents. The text suggests that if the simulation is of high
quality, it would erase memories of glitches, maintaining the
illusion of a seamless reality. The parallels between the laws of
physics and video game rules hint at the possibility of a simulated
existence. The speed of light is highlighted as a potential
limitation in the simulated world, to information transmission in a
computer network. While these musings raise deep questions,
they acknowledge that definitive answers may forever dodge us,
encouraging exploration and contemplation.

- Bikranto Sarkar (X-C)

Sweet Laika, the dog-star.

In his poem, ‘First Dog in Space,’ Brennig Davies says, “They say
that, from space, the Earth looks like a small, blue ball. I'll throw it
for you, Laika, if you’ll chase it, dart through the Stratosphere like a
comet, undeserving of its fate." This poem is written, just as the
title suggests, about, or rather, FOR, the first dog in space. Her
name was Laika. Laika the dog. Laika was a stray dog from the
streets of Moscow, but she was also one of the first animals in
space, and the first to orbit the Earth.

Laika was taken off of the streets, along with other dogs, because
she was female, which meant she was smaller and apparently
more docile. These dogs were forced to live in pressurized capsules
for weeks, and their reactions to different environments were also
tested. After a long series of training, a dog by the name of
‘Kudryavka’ (which means little curly) was chosen as Sputnik 2’s
little astronaut. Later, Kudryavka came to be known as 'Laika,’ or,
‘barker’ in Russian, due to the fact that she had barked when she
was introduced via public radio. A dog by the name of Albina was
chosen as her backup. Some rumours suggest that Albina ended up
outperforming Laika, but their keepers felt a certain fondness for
her because she had recently given birth, so she wasn’t chosen as
the number one contender for the spot. Surgeries were performed
on both dogs, which embedded medical devices in their bodies to
monitor their heart rate, blood pressure, etc.

By this time, Laika's fate was sealed. She trained relentlessly and
had multiple tests and surgeries done on her, just to prepare her for
an inevitable death. Laika, the space dog, was chosen to die.
Before her flight, one of her keepers, Vladimir Yazdovsky, took her
to his home to play with his children. “Laika was quiet and
charming… I wanted to do something nice for her: she had so little
time left to live,” he wrote in a book about the story of Soviet space
medicine. Laika was chosen to die in space, but in a way, it's
reassuring to know that she was at least loved, and is continued to
be loved, on Earth.
On the 3rd of November, 1957, Laika was launched into space. She
was expected to die seven days after her launch, out of oxygen
deprivation, which would have been quick and painless. Laika
reached the Earth’s orbit alive, but terrified. However, the loss of
the heat shield made the temperature in the capsule rise to an
extreme, which turned out to be fatal for her. She died soon after.
Sputnik 2 continued to orbit Earth for five months without her.
Laika, the barker. Laika, the space dog. Laika, the dog who died,
confused and terrified, cramped and alone. So very alone. She
didn’t know that no one was planning to bring her back. She didn’t
know anything. I wonder what she felt then, as she looked at the
earth from an angle she had never before. I wonder what she
thought. Did she feel betrayed by humanity? Did she think
someone might get her? Did she think someone would let her out
of her capsule, just like they did before, and she could go play
again? There was no way she was loved so much for so long just
for it to end like this, right? But unfortunately, the only thing we
know she felt was… scared. Which is a horrifying thought to think.
There's a dead dog in space, who died alone. Who died scared.

Laika was sent into space with the knowledge that she would
never come back. Laika was sent into space because her life was
somehow less valuable than a person’s. But people still mourn
her. People still miss her. People write to her, about her. People
draw her and make sculptures of her. People remember her. And if
you look up at the night sky, just know that she’s up there
somewhere - playing with asteroids, running amongst the stars.
Perhaps she IS a star. Laika, the barker. Laika, the space dog.

- Hita Kaul (XI-A)

Moon: A satellite so intimate

When Phoebe Bridgers said, "We spent what was left of our
serotonin to chew on our cheeks and stare at the moon," or Taylor
Swift said, "Love you to the moon and to Saturn," they proved that
the moon is a personal thing to us. The Moon is the Earth's sole
satellite and the easiest celestial object to spot in the night sky, but
for us, it's so much more than that, it's one that is incessantly
personified and romanticised.The moon is one object in the cosmos
that is associated with mystery, intimacy, vulnerability, lost love,
grief and a plethora of other emotions.
The moon is a symbol associated with divine power, femininity, and
love; it has been one of the most popular poetic symbols for as long
as poetry and literature have existed. Whether it be in Richard
Aldington's poem 'London’, where he compares the moon to a
pregnant woman who is walking cautiously over the slippery
heavens, in Emily Dickinson's poem ‘The Moon' where she
personifies it to be a face of a charming woman with “lips of amber”
and “chin of gold” or Rimisha Arif's poetry, where she says “it's my 3
am partner, that knows the reasons for all my scars,” in her poem
she imagines the moon to be her friend, the one who listens, who
understands, and feels like home when it's too far away.
The intimacy and vulnerability we feel towards it is because the
moon is a loyal companion, it's there watching us when we're broken
and also when we're healed. It knows our scars, and quite like us, it
changes every moment, it's a different version of itself every day.
The moon understands what it's like to be a human because, like us,
it too is full of scars and catered by flaws and imperfections.
So maybe it's true, the love songs they wrote about the moon, it's
true how they said that it's a big luminous life in itself and it's true
when they said we too must go through phases of emptiness like it to
feel full again.
I must take your leave now, but I hope you're on the other side
talking to me too, and I'm not just a fool who sits alone talking to the
moon (Bruno Mars reference haha).

-Anoushka Pande XI-B

Beyond the Event Horizon:
A Voyage through the Abyss
Maybe if I hadn’t stopped reading that night to pick up my phone, I
wouldn't be five trillion miles away from Earth, being sucked into a
black hole collision. Perhaps I would have stayed inside, wrapped in my
daisy-covered blanket, sipping my detox tea and absorbing the end of
Cassandra Clare's final book. At the very least, my greatest challenge
would have been determining whether or not she truly killed off my
favourite character.
The deafening silence of the black hole's grasp seemed to seal our
fate. The immense gravitational pull stretched every fibre of our
existence, threatening to rip us apart. The weight of remorse pressed
over me as I realised my insatiable thirst for knowledge had led us here.
Harlan's frantic shouts filled the room, his terror echoing through the
nothingness. His anxious hold on his crucifix necklace matched the
vulnerability of our predicament. I redirected my eyes to James, whose
expression was a mix of resolve and resignation, reflecting our shared
"Harlan, don’t let go!" As I shouted, my voice reverberated into the void.
"We can’t simply give up now; we have to remain calm and figure out
how to get out of this." Despite all the turmoil all around us, James
spoke out, his voice breaking. "You’re right. Panicking will do nothing to
help. We’ve gone through bad things before, it isn’t over until it's over."
As we sank deeper into the spinning vortex, I couldn't help but
contemplate the choices that had led us here. Maybe I would have
taken a different path. Instead of diving into the wonders of the
universe, I might have been a writer, putting my heart into words.
Regrets and what-ifs were meaningless in the face of the inexorable.
Our surroundings were twisted by the strong gravitational pressures,
twisting and warping the fabric of space itself. Colours flickered with
unearthly brilliance as they danced together in a bizarre dance. Time
itself appeared to stretch and contract, deceiving us.

I had a startling realisation in the middle of the chaos. It wasn't just our
lives at stake; it was the summit of our being, the essence of our goals,
dreams, and achievements. Our curiosity had brought us to the point
where the enormity of the cosmos threatened to swallow us whole.

A spark of clarity broke through the fog.

Harlan's eyes brightened, and they caught a glimpse of optimism.
James agreed, his scientific mind already mulling over the possibilities.
We pooled our knowledge, experience, and determination to survive.
We re-entered the black hole's dangerous currents, riding the waves of
its gravitational power like seasoned sailors on an undiscovered sea.
We methodically plotted our path, using the energy of the black hole as
a catapult to propel us to safety.

A bright blast of light exploded in front of us as we pushed ahead,

defying the odds. We were racing away from the black hole's embrace
when the vortex let go. A wave of relief rushed over us, coupled with
the lingering wonder of the enormous force we had experienced. As we
returned to the safety of our spaceship, gratitude filled our hearts. We
had nearly avoided the black hole's devouring jaws, leaving with a
renewed understanding of life, its fragility, and the Universe's limitless

Our adventure had forever changed us. We carried the weight of our
near-death experience with us as a lesson to cherish every moment,
follow our passions, and approach the unknown with wonder and
reverence. We moved forward, free of regrets, united in our shared
survival, and with a great awareness of the difficult balance between
inquiry and humility.

The story of persistence, camaraderie, and the indomitable human

spirit that we carried with us when we exited the black hole will live on
as a constant reminder of our triumph over the depths. Because it isn't
over until it is over.

- Rajani Menon (XII-C)


Poetic Voyage
My Universe
Earth is our home, so blue and green,
With oceans and forests a beautiful scene.
Where we live, learn and grow,
A beautiful planet, as all we know.

Up above, the moon does shine,

A glowing globe, like a silver dream.
In the darkness, stars so bright,
Sparkling like diamonds in the night.

Mercury is small and close to the Sun.

Venus is hot, a fiery one.
Mars, the red planet, rusty and dry,
With valleys, canyons that reach the sky.
Planets spinning all around;
In the vastness, they are found.
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn- each with their own moons.

The Universe, a wondrous place,

Full of marvels and endless space.
A place of planets and shiny lights,
Oh! What a magical, beautiful sight.

-Mitakshi Sharma (III - C)

La Luna
Love...oh love! How your presence makes me
feel alive.
No way I'd ever give up on you- The Moon,
always and forever.

We'll grow old together.

And whenever it gets too cold or too lonely,

I'll be there for you.
Talk to you, comfort you like a sweater in
rainy weather.
The Moon might be ages away from me, yet
you still shine your light to me.

Ed Sheeran was right; you are perfect, your

imperfections are perfect.

So are your phases.

No matter how much humans might have

discovered about you, you will still always
remain a mystery to us, shrouded in darkness.
Just the way Jvke said, ''I don't need no light to
see you shine."

Oh! How I felt that.

Just when the Sun collides with the horizon,

the magic sparkles.
The Sun loved the Moon so much she died
every day to let her shine
Moon, I'll meet you one day, trust me, and
we'll have a blast.

Cosmic, over and out!

- Arushi (IX - C)
Star child are you listening?
The moon wants to see you.

She looks at you,

Cavities and calderas alike.

She will go till saturn for you,

No closer, no farther.

She cannot afford to,

They have already ruined her.

With their flimsy declarations of love in her name,

With their love for a crater in the sky.

Don’t they understand?

Her beauty isn’t real, a facade.

She thieves it from the sun,

Her glory a sad mirror of its rays.

But her curse; love her with all you will,

And she will too.

- Purva Dhaka (IX - B)

The Moon and
In the realm of celestial delight,
Where dreams take flight, like birds in the night,
There reside two wonders, shining bright,
The Moon and Saturn, enchanting my sight.

Oh, Moon, you're the queen of the velvet sky,

With your silver glow, you make my heart sigh,
Taylor Swift once sang, "Love you to the Moon,"
And I feel that love, like a heartfelt tune.

Your gentle beams caress the earth's face,

Guiding lovers in a tender embrace,
Through whispered secrets and stolen kisses,
You witness the depths of young love's wishes.

Saturn, with your rings so grand,

Like a crown bestowed by a celestial hand,
You symbolise dreams that reach the far,
Inspiring hearts, like a distant star.
Taylor's lyrics echo in my mind,
"We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the
same time,"
In the vastness of space, I find solace and fears,
As adolescence dances between smiles and tears.

With each passing night, I look above,

Seeking solace and a beacon of love,
The Moon and Saturn, steadfast and true,
Reflecting the dreams of a girl like me and you.

So, I'll sing along with Taylor's tune,

Whispering love to the Moon and Saturn's dune,
For in their ethereal embrace, I'll find,
A universe of hope and dreams entwined..

- Samaira Sood (IX - B)

Cosmic Dreams: A Journey
Through the Stars
In a galaxy far, far away,
Where stars twinkle and planets play,
A kid dreamed of cosmic wonders,
With an imagination that truly thunders.

The universe, a vast unknown,

A playground where dreams are sown,
Spaceships zooming through the night,
Aliens dancing in the pale moonlight.

Twinkling stars, like diamond dust,

Whisper secrets of cosmic trust,
Black holes swirling with cosmic might,
Bending time in a dazzling flight.

Astrology, a magical art,

Connecting stars to our human heart,
Seeking answers in the constellations,
Unraveling celestial combinations.

In dreams, we soar on silver wings,

Exploring worlds where wonder sings,
Walking on moons, with footsteps light,
Bathing in comets' fiery might.
Sci-Fi tales, oh what a delight,
With robots and spacesuits shining bright,
Brave explorers on a quest for truth,
In a universe full of endless youth.

Technological marvels, a world ahead,

Where inventions fill our curious heads,
Hovering cars and teleportation,
Unleashing the power of imagination.

The complexity of the cosmos, oh so grand,

We try to understand, hand in hand,
From quasars to nebulae, a cosmic ballet,
Revealing the mysteries that come our way.

So let's embrace this cosmic ride,

With wonder and awe, side by side,

For in our hearts, the universe gleams,

As we explore the realms of our wildest dreams.

- Myra Jaiswal (XI - B)

Alien Friend
Cosmic beings do you like the taste of raw rice too?
Do you too sit at your wing chair, holding your glass
of chardonnay
And letting it dip low in your hand, like a menial task,
As you stare off into the ether, forming tulips on your

Yesterday, the day was so bad I took to my balcony,

and tip-toeing, dilly-dallying over the stars was you.
And yes I know “it's not scientifically possible, stars
are gaseous giants blah blah blah”,
But I swear it was you with your bloated skin.

No, not beady eyes but beads for eyes, the sight
forcing me to pluck them,
And a nose that looked like those metal door knobs
with tails at the end.
I don’t mean to shame, you were a dancer in a box for
me that day,
And I wondered if I saw you, did you see me too?

And I wondered under the putrid purple skin, did you

have an estranged,
Heart like mine curbing at lanes near inches away
from accident,
Well red and purple are one in the same.
I thought of you for mindless hours, What were you like?
How do you speak?

Were the people on your planet better than the oafs on

mine, or were they
Just the same big men in suits, with moustaches hiding
smiles and whatnot.

I wish I could talk to you, I’d have so much to tell you..

We could trade spaceships, teach each other languages
Throw darts at the crooked faces of concepts like time
And continuity and existence and work and life and love
and anguish.

I could never tell it to them, they are immune to it all,

they don’t understand,
That the mist of this existence dulls my senses but i
know you would,
Because I buried the longing and only dreamt of the
stars but you
Actually walked through them, escaping it all.

Strike A pose
Vivaan Mittal

A Nitya Naren
Art Attack
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."
-Edgar Degas

Let us look at some artworks made by the learners for

this edition!

Adhira: III-B Akshita Kashyap: III-A

Aina Sajid: VI-C

Sharma: IV-A

Rohatgi: V-C
Meera Purnima Vutts: Mahi Abbasi: III-B
I once visited the Pradhanmantri
Sangrahalaya where I got to
know about the story of space. I
came across a lot of new
information, for example, I got to
know that the Indian flag was
placed on the moon. I wish to go
to the moon one day and touch
the flag, the stars, fly in outer
space, spill water to see how it
flies and I wish to become an
astronaut so that I get to travel in

Bhavika Jain: III-C

Nabhit Rana: III-C

Graavit Chugh: II-A

इस बार के हमारे न्यूज़लेटर की थीम 'ब्रह्मांड के उलझे हुए रहस्यों की
खोज' के द्वारा आइए हम सब ब्रह्मांड की गहराइयों की खोज पर निकलें।
आकर्षक दृश्यों के पीछे के रहस्य, खगोलशास्त्र में नवाचार और खासकर
अंतरिक्ष, समय,अस्तित्व की प्रकृ ति पर चर्चाओं के द्वारा अपने मनस को
विस्तार दें। एक ऐसे ब्रह्मांडीय यात्रा पर निकलें, जो जिज्ञासा को उत्तेजित
करे और आपके ब्रह्मांड के ज्ञान को विस्तृत करें । ब्रह्मांड के उलझे हुए
राजों की खोज में, 'अनरिवेंलिंग द कॉस्मोस' हमें आध्यात्मिकता से लेकर
भौतिकी तक के रहस्यों की ओर ले जाता है। यह प्रेरणादायक संस्करण,
हमें ब्रह्मांड की महत्वपूर्ण घटनाओं और सिद्धांतों को समझने में मदद
करता है, जिससे हम अपने असीम गुणों का पता लगा सकते हैं। तो
आइए प्रकृ ति के रहस्यों के सागर में गोते लगाएँ तथा कई अनसुलझे
रहस्यों को को एक नई रोशनी में देखें, सुलझाएँ।

-सांजवी भरद्वाज (११ C)

हमारे निरं तर और जिज्ञासु वै ज्ञानिक।
मेरे पसंदीदा वैज्ञानिक है, विक्रम साराभाई। भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान
संगठन (ISRO) की स्थापना उनकी सबसे बड़ी उपलब्धियों में से एक
थी। उन्होंने अहमदाबाद स्थित अन्य उद्योगपतियों के साथ मिलकर
भारतीय प्रबंधन संस्थान, अहमदाबाद के निर्माण में प्रमुख भूमिका
निभाई। वह एक भारतीय भौतिक विज्ञानी और उद्योगपति थे जिन्होंने
अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान शुरू किया और भारत में परमाणु ऊर्जा विकसित
करने में मदद की।
उन्हें रॉके ट बॉय के नाम से भी जाना जाता है और रॉके ट बॉय नामक
एक फिल्म भी उनके जीवन और उपलब्धियों पर आधारित है। उन्हें
भारत में रॉके ट विज्ञान के जनक के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। उन्हीं
के नाम पर चंद्रयान 2 का नाम "विक्रम लैंडर" रखा गया था। वह
भारत के परमाणु कार्यक्रम के जनक माने जाने वाले होमी जहांगीर
भाभा के भी करीबी दोस्त थे। उन्होंने ऑपरेशंस रिसर्च ग्रुप (ओआरजी)
की स्थापना की, जो देश का पहला बाजार अनुसंधान संगठन था। जिन
संस्थानों की स्थापना में उन्होंने मदद की, उनमें सबसे उल्लेखनीय हैं
अहमदाबाद में नेहरू फाउंडेशन फॉर डेवलपमेंट, इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट
ऑफ मैनेजमेंट अहमदाबाद (आईआईएमए) आदि। 30 दिसंबर 1971
को, साराभाई को उसी रात बॉम्बे के लिए प्रस्थान करने से पहले
एसएलवी डिज़ाइन की समीक्षा करनी थी। उन्होंने एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम
से टेलीफोन पर बात की थी। बातचीत के एक घंटे के भीतर ही
साराभाई की 52 वर्ष की आयु में त्रिवेंद्रम (अब तिरुवनंतपुरम) में हृदय
गति रुकने से मृत्यु हो गई। उनके पार्थिव शरीर का अंतिम संस्कार
अहमदाबाद में किया गया।

सुहानी भारद्वाज (८- सी )

समय यात्रा
अगर इस समय टाइम मशीन होती तो मैं २०१९ में जाना पसंद करती, क्योंकि
२०१९ में कोविड नहीं था और मैं स्कू ल रोज़ जाती थी। दोस्तों से मिलती थी।
२०२० में कोविड आ गया और स्कू ल बंद हो गया। मैंने स्कू ल जाना बहुत मिस
किया, स्कू ल ऑनलाइन था पर मैंने अपने शिक्षकों को बहुत मिस किया, उनसे
स्कू ल में मिलना। इसलिए अगर मेरे पास समय मशीन होती तो मैं २०१९ में
जाना पसंद करती, क्योंकि २०१९ में मैंने अपने शिक्षकों से रोज़ मिलती थी,
उन्हें गले लगाती थी। स्कू ल अब पहले के जैसे हो गया है, पर मैं अब भी वो
पुराने दिन याद करती हूँ।
- अक्षिता कश्यप (३-ए )

पृथ्वी गृह

मैं पृथ्वी ग्रह पर रहना पसंद करती हूं क्योंकि यहां पर हमारी जिंदगी है |
पृथ्वी पर जल उपलब्ध है जो हमारे जीवन के लिए आवयशक है | पृथ्वी
पर ऑक्सीजन है जिससे हम सांस लेते हैं। पृथ्वी पर न ही अधिक ठं डा है
और न ही अधिक गर्मी | यहाँ मैं कहीं भी आराम से घूम सकती हूँ और
खेल सकती हूँ |
-समृद्धी सिंह (३ बी)
चाँ द, तारे और हम
रात को छत पे बैठकर चाँद-तारो को देखना, किसको नहीं पसंद?
इतना रोमाँचक दृश्य, तो टीवी सिनेमा में भी नहीं दीखता,
हर रोज़ वही दृश्य, लाखों तारे और उनमे एक चाँद।
फिर भी ऐसा प्रतीत होता, जैसे रोज़ वह तारे हमसे कु छ अलग कहना
चहाते हों.
तारों से तो हर बच्चे का एक अलग संबंद्ध होता है,
बचपन में नानी- दादी जब भी कोई कहानी सुनाते उनमे चाँद तारों का
वर्णन तो अवश्य होता।
जब कोई अपना ही अपने बीच ना रहे,
तो यह बोल देना, वो तारा बनकर आसमान में चला गया, और उधर से
हमें देख रहा हैं|
बैठकर तारों को गिनना, इस खेल में तो आज भी मज़े आते हैं,
बीच में गिनती गलत हो जाए, तो वापस शुरू कर देना।
ऐसा बचपना तो कोई खोना नहीं चाहता,
जिसमें हम सबने एक समय पर चंदा मामा को अवश्य बुलाया।
उस चाँद का हर रोज़ आकार बदलना,
हमारा चंदा मामा की लोरी सुने बिना नींद न आना, यह सब संयोग ही
अनजाने में ही सही, वह आकाश, तारे, तारामंडल, चाँद, ग्रह,
अंतरिक्ष हम सब जुड़े ही तो हैं|

-बबीता परीदा (११ C)

अं तरिक्ष

दादी नानी से सुनी थीं कहानियाँ हज़ार,

सुनकर जिन्हें चंदा मामा से हो गया था प्यार।
अंतरिक्ष, यह बहुत है रहस्यमयी
बहुत सी बातें हैं अनकही।
चंद्रमा सबसे नज़दीक हमारे,
जिससे देखते ही खुश हो जाते हैं सारे l
सूरज बेशक है बहुत चमचमाता,
पर आग का यह गोला गम में बहुत है सताता।
इसे देखें ज़रा प्यार से,
एक से एक तारें बढ़कर हैं हज़ार से!

~ आयषु दास (८-ब)

अं धे री दुनिया
विज्ञान का रंगमंच हमें हर दिन नए रहस्यों और चमत्कारों से परिचित करता है । जैसे कि
हमारे सूर्यमंडल में डार्क मैटर और डार्क एनर्जी नामक दो अदृश्य तत्व हैं, जिन्हें वैज्ञानिक
अभी भी पूरी तरह समझने में सक्षम नहीं हुए हैं। इस निबंध में, हम इन रहस्यमय तत्वों
के बारे में संक्षेप में जानेंगे।

जब हम रात में आसमान की ओर देखते हैं, तो हम उन चमकते हुए तारों को देखते हैं
जो हमारे लिए ज्योतिषमयी छवि बनाते हैं। लेकिन वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार, सूर्यमंडल में जो
तारे दिखाई नहीं देते,वे हैं "डार्क मैटर"। यह तत्व आकारशास्त्र में मौजूद मानवीय नजरिए
से दृश्य नहीं होता है।

डार्क मैटर की पहचान करने के लिए वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं। इस अदृश्य
शक्ति का मुख्य कारण यह है कि इसकी भारी गुरुत्वाकर्षण शक्ति नहीं होती, जिसके
कारण यह अपने आस-पास के तत्वों के साथ संवेदनशील नहीं होता है। वैज्ञानिक
अनुमान लगाते हैं कि सूर्यमंडल में लगभग 27% तक का भार, डार्क मैटर से मिला हुआ
है। यह रहस्यमयी तत्व हमारे ब्रह्मांड की संरचना और गतिशीलता को समझने में मदद
कर सकता है।

वैज्ञानिकों के लिए, दूसरा रहस्यमयी तत्व है "डार्क एनर्जी"। यह अदृश्य तत्व उस सामान्य
एनर्जी से भिन्न है जो हमारे सूर्यमंडल के तत्वों के बीच गतिशीलता और आकर्षण का
काम करती है। वैज्ञानिक अध्ययनों से पता चलता है कि ब्रह्मांड में करीब 68% तक की
कु ल एनर्जी डार्क एनर्जी से बनी हुई है।

डार्क मैटर और डार्क एनर्जी ब्रह्मांड के अदृश्य और रहस्यमयी तत्व हैं जो हमारे सूर्यमंडल
के संरचना और गतिशीलता को समझने में मदद कर सकते हैं। ये वैज्ञानिकों के लिए
चुनौतीपूर्ण क्षेत्र हैं। जब तक वे इन रहस्यों को सुलझाने में सफल नहीं होते, हमारे ब्रह्मांड
का सम्पूर्ण रहस्य खोलना असंभव हो सकता है। लेकिन इन तत्वों की रहस्यमयी दुनिया
में हमें नई खोजों की उम्मीद जगाती है और वैज्ञानिकों के प्रयास से यह शक्ति और
एनर्जी के अनोखे रहस्य का पर्दाफाश किया जा सकता है।

-सांजवी भरद्वाज (११ C)

रात का चाँद
रात का चाँद आसमान में निकल आया है,
साथ में तारों की बारात लाया है,
ज्यों आसमान की ओर देखा
वह भी आराम फ़रमाया है
गुड नाईट कह कर रात निखर आया है।
यह अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा है आपको साथ आना है

अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा बड़ी है सुहानी

मैं उसमें हो गई हूँ दिवानी
बना लें अपना अंतरिक्ष मन में यह समाया है
तब से दुनिया में और कु छ न भाया है
रहस्य का पर्दा और भी गहराया है
यह अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा है आपको साथ आना है

पर्दा हटा रहस्य हुआ साफ़

तब हमने की स्वयं से मुलाक़ात
शुरू हुआ अनगिनत इत्तफ़ाक़
फै ल गया मनस पर आकाश
अंतरिक्ष ने खोले रास्ते बेबाक़
यह अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा है आपको साथ आना है
नीली स्फटिक पृथ्वी है हम
अग्निपिंड सूर्य है दोयम
झूम झूम घूमें अनवरत संग
टिकें रहे शून्य में ही हरदम
एक चाँद हो रातों में उजास भरने वाला
बलैंया लेकर घूमता इठलाता चलने वाला
किंवदंतियों सा दिखा करे छिपा करे
तयशुदा दूरी पर मंडलाता फिरे
अंतरिक्ष की शून्यता को भरे
यह अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा है आपको साथ आना है

अंतरिक्ष होगा पूरा

अनगिनत जब तारे गढ़ेंगे हम
दिपदिप अंधकार में ढूंढा करेंगे हम
कौन है जो झिलमिलाता है
कु छ कहता है बुलाता है
किसी के शायद सितारे हो जाएँ हम भी
यह अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा है, आपको साथ आना हैं

अनगिनत लोगों के साथ

रहते हैं हम बिसर जाते हैं
जब बनाएँगे अंतरिक्ष
कोई बिसरेगा न बिछड़ेगा
अंतरिक्ष की शून्यता को भरेगा
अनंत की छाती पर टंके गा
टिमटिमाएगा झिलमिलाएगा
इतने पास होगा हमारे कोई फ़र्क़ नहीं नज़र आएगा
यह अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा है, आपको साथ आना है
-तान्या सिंह (११ C)
ब्रह्माण्ड: एक पहेली
आकाश की ऊँ चाइयों से
सागर की गहराइयों तक
छु पे है अनगिनत राज़
जिन्हें जानने को रहता
मेरा मन बेताब
इन रहस्यों को सुलझाने का
सदा से रहा है ख़्वाब
ना जाने कब मिलेगा
इन अद्भुत रहस्यों का जवाब
इन रहस्यों की सुलझाने के लिए
की गयी कोशिश अनंत
पर दखु की बात यह है
कि ब्रह्माण्ड की पहेलियों
का शायद ना हो कभी अंत

-वरुण कपूर (८-बी)

Thank You,
This page marks the end of our newsletter
‘Unravelling the Cosmos’ but your views and
words of wisdom are always appreciated. So,
keep the words flowing and keep expressing
yourselves, because without you none of this
would have been possible.
We'll be back soon with a new theme, a new
edition but...

Until then,
let the craze prevail!

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