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Name: Zacky Affandi

Class: 6D

1. Question: What are some advantages of using observation as a research method?

Answer: Observation offers several advantages, including the ability to capture real-time data,
observe natural behaviors in their authentic context, provide rich and detailed information, and
generate hypotheses for further investigation.

2. Question: What are the main differences between participant observation and non-participant
Answer: Participant observation involves the researcher actively participating in the setting or group
being observed, whereas non-participant observation entails the researcher remaining as an
observer without direct involvement. Participant observation allows for deeper immersion and
understanding of the observed context, while non-participant observation offers a more objective
and detached perspective.

3. Question: How can researchers ensure the reliability of their observations?

Answer: Researchers can enhance the reliability of observations by employing inter-rater reliability
checks, using standardized observation protocols or coding schemes, training observers for
consistency, conducting repeated observations, and ensuring clear documentation of the observed
events or behaviors.

4. Question: In what situations would indirect observation be more appropriate than direct
Answer: Indirect observation is often used when direct access to the phenomenon or setting is not
feasible, too costly, or ethically challenging. For example, studying historical events, observing
inaccessible wildlife, or analyzing archival records are situations where indirect observation can
provide valuable data.

5. Question: How can researchers address ethical considerations when conducting observations?
Answer: Researchers should obtain informed consent from participants, ensure confidentiality and
privacy, minimize intrusion or harm, and provide debriefing and opportunities for participants to
withdraw their data if desired. Additionally, researchers should adhere to ethical guidelines
established by relevant professional associations or institutional review boards.

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