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"Building Lasting Bonds: Strategies for Nurturing and Sustaining Friendships"

Exposition Essay by Samantha D. Mamuad

Friendship is a beautiful bond that enriches our lives and makes us better
people. As we grow and are exposed to a diverse community, we meet people
whom we connect with, but it’s not always easy to meet the right people, make a real
connection, and maintain friendship. While some friendships may fade away over
time, there are certain qualities and actions that make a friendship last for a lifetime.

One of the key factors that makes a friendship last is trust. According to a
study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, trust is one of the
most critical factors in maintaining a long-lasting friendship. When we trust our
friends, we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts, feelings and secrets with them.
This leads to a deeper understanding of each other, which strengthens the bond
between friends. According to an article published in Psychology Today, trust is
essential in a friendship because it allows us to be vulnerable and authentic with
each other. Moreover, trust helps in resolving conflicts and misunderstandings
between friends. When there is trust, friends can communicate openly and honestly
without fear of being judged or criticized.

According to a study by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),

effective communication is essential for maintaining long-lasting friendships. It
helps to build trust and understanding, as well as maintain a healthy and positive
relationship between friends. Effective communication enables both parties to
express their thoughts and feelings freely. This helps to prevent misunderstandings
and conflicts, as friends are able to understand each other's perspectives and work
together to find solutions to any issues that may arise. Another important aspect of
effective communication in a friendship is the ability to listen actively. According to
the National Communication Association, active listening involves paying attention
to what the other person is saying, asking questions, and providing feedback. This
not only helps to improve understanding between friends, but also shows that they
value and care about each other's thoughts and feelings.

Bonding with friends is an essential part of life. It helps us to build

meaningful relationships, create memories, and share experiences with people who
"Building Lasting Bonds: Strategies for Nurturing and Sustaining Friendships"
Exposition Essay by Samantha D. Mamuad

are important to us. According to a study conducted by the University of California,

Los Angeles (UCLA), bonding with friends releases oxytocin, also known as the
"love hormone," which creates a sense of trust and intimacy between individuals.
This hormone also reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure, and promotes
overall well-being. Furthermore, bonding in a friendship fosters communication and
empathy between individuals. The American Psychological Association (APA)
suggests that friendships provide a sense of belonging, which is a fundamental
human need that contributes to mental health and emotional stability. When friends
bond, they develop a deeper understanding of each other's thoughts, feelings, and
experiences, which leads to greater compassion and support.

In conclusion, trust, effective communication, and bonding are the essential

ingredients that make up a healthy and fulfilling friendship. Without these key
elements, a friendship may struggle to thrive and sustain itself through tough times.
By investing in these qualities, we can build stronger, more meaningful relationships
that bring joy and fulfillment to our lives. So, let's prioritize trust, effective
communication, and bonding in our friendships, and reap the benefits of stronger,
more fulfilling connections with those we care about.

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