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Fly agaric mushrooms

by Natalia Erkhova

translated by Ella Kovalyova

© 2020 Natalia Erkhova. All rights reserved.

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be reproduced, distributed, or resold, translated, published, altered, shared, or
posted (for sale or free) over the internet or offline.
You can sell items made from this pattern, provided they are handmade by
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Please add the following lines to your item description and any item you are
“This item is handmade by (your name) from a design and pattern by Natalia
You can find more of my patterns in my fb page
Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

The size of the mushrooms made of recommended yarn are: the largest one - 10 cm,
the middle one - 8.5 cm, the smallest one - 7 cm.

1) Yarn YarnArt Begonia (cotton 100%, 50g/169m),
● for mushroom hats - dark red (#5020), red (#6328) and orange (# 5535) colors
● for mushroom legs and lamellas - milk (#3000) color
Iris yarn (cotton 100%, 25g/150m), milk (#911) color

To make the mushrooms more realistic, I suggest using three different shades of red yarn for
hats, however you can work only one red yarn. Also pay your attention that orange yarn is
used in one round only.
You can use any cotton yarn instead of the recommended yarn, but in this case the size of
your mushrooms may change.

2) Embroidery thread or beads for decoration of the hats.

3) Fiber filler.
4) Sewing thread of fitting colors.
5) Crochet hook (I used 2.5mm), sewing needle and scissors.
6) Great inspiration.

(US standard of the Craft Yarn Council)
st/ sts - stitch/es
ch - chain/s
sl st - slip stitch
sc - single crochet
dc - double crochet
inc - increase: crochet 2 sc in 1 stitch

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

dec - decrease: crochet 2 stitches together as 1 sc

(...) - number of stitches in a row/round
(...)* - repeat the stitches in brackets the specified number of times
BLO - work in back loop of a stitch only
FLO - work in front loop of a stitch only
f/o - fasten off

All parts are crocheted in spiral rounds, if not specified otherwise. It's recommended
to use a stitch marker or contrasting thread to mark rounds.
Follow the pattern instructions on making stitches in specific rows: in both loops,

Largest mushroom
● work in spiral rounds
● work in BLO, if not specified otherwise in brackets
● start with dark red yarn
1) 8 sc in a magic ring.
2) inc*8 (16 sc).
3) (1 sc, inc)*8 (24 sc).
4) (inc, 2 sc)*8 (32 sc).

● change the yarn to the red color

5) (3 sc, inc)*8 (40 sc).
6) 1 sc, (inc, 4 sc)*7, inc, 3 sc (48 sc).

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

7) 48 sc.
8) (5 sc, inc)*8 (56 sc).
9) 56 sc.
10) 2 sc, (inc, 6 sc)*7, inc, 4 sc (64 sc).
11 - 12) 64 sc.
● change the yarn to orange
13) (dec, 6 sc)*8, 1 sl st ( in both loops) (56 sc).
● f/o, cut the yarn, weave in the yarn tail.
We have such a part.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

To make your fly agaric look like a real one, decorate its hat with white spots. You can sew
on white beads or make embroidery, for example, with French knots.

● work in back-and-forth rows
● work with the milk color Begonia yarn
● work in BLO, if not specified otherwise in brackets
Make 11 ch.
1 - 2) 10 sc, 1 ch.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

3) 7 sc, 1 sl st (in both loops), 1 ch.

4) skip 1 st, 7 sc, 1 ch.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

5) 7 sc, 1 sc (in both loops) in the skipped st of the previous row (see the arrow in the photo

1 sc (in both loops), 1 sc (in both loops) in the last stitch of the 1st row (see the arrow in the
photo below), 1 ch (10 sc).

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

Repeat the 2 - 5th rows 11 more times.

For the 13th time, do the rows 2-4th.

Put the edges of the part together and join them with 10 sc in opposite sts. This last joining
row is on the wrong side.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

In the left photo - the wrong view, in the right photo - the front view.

Cut the yarn.

Try on the parts: your lamellas should fit well inside the mushroom hat.

● work in spiral rounds in both loops of sts
● continue to work with milk color Begonia yarn
● start on the right side, work along the hole of the lamellas

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

1) 1 ch, 15 sc.

2) dec*7, 1 sc (8 sc).

3 - 6) 8 sc (4 rnds).
7) (3 sc, inc)*2 (10 sc).
8 - 11) 10 sc (4 rnds).

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

12) make a skirt around the leg:

а) work in FLO: [1 sl st + 2 ch + 1 dc] in the 1st st, (1 dc, 2 dc in next 1 st)*4, 1 dc, 1 sl st, 1

b) work in both loops: (1 sc, 1 ch)*15, 1 sl st.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

12) don’t cut the yarn; make 3 ch and continue crocheting the leg in the free back loops of
the 11th round: 10 sc.

● work in both loops

13 - 16) 10 sc (4 rnds).
17) 2 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 2 sc (12 sc).
18 - 19) 12 sc.

20) (5 sc, inc)*2 (14 sc).

21 - 22) 14 sc.
23) (inc, 1 sc)*7 (21 sc).

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

24 - 26) BLO: 21 sc (3 rnds).

● work in both loops

27) 21 sc.
28) dec, 1 sc)*7 (14 sc).
Sew together the red and white parts along the edges and at the center, around the leg
(shown in blue in the photo below).
Stuff the leg.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

29) dec*7.
● f/o, cut the yarn, close the final hole, weave in the tail.

Add Iris yarn to the 1st sitch of the 24th round, crochet around in the free front loops of the
24-26th rnds: (1 sc, 1 ch)*62; make in the last st : 1 sc, 1 ch, 1 sl st.
F/o, cut the yarn, weave in the tail.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

The largest mushroom is ready.

Middle mushroom
● Make the middle mushroom in the same way as the largest one.

● work in spiral rounds
● work in BLO
● start with dark red yarn
1) 8 sc in a magic ring.
2) inc*8 (16 sc).
3) (1 sc, inc)*8 (24 sc).
4) (inc, 2 sc)*8 (32 sc).
5) (7 sc, inc)*4 (36 sc).
6) 3 sc, (inc, 8 sc)*3, inc, 5 sc (40 sc).
7) (9 sc, inc)*4 (44 sc).
8) 44 sc.
9) 4 sc, (inc, 10 sc)*3, inc, 6 sc (48 sc).
● change the yarn to red
10 - 11) 48 sc.
12) (dec, 4 sc)*8, 1 sl st (in both loops) (40 sc).
● f/o, cut the yarn, weave in the tail

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova
We have such a part.

In the photo below: the hats of the largest and middle mushrooms.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova
Embroider the hat.

● work in back-and-forth row with milk Begonia yarn
● work in BLO if not specified otherwise in brackets
Make 9 ch.
1 - 2) 8 sc, 1 ch.
3) 5 sc, 1 sl st (in both loops), 1 ch.
4) skip 1 st, 5 sc, 1 ch.
5) 5 sc, 1 sc (in both loops) in the skipped st of the previous row, 1 sc (in both loops), 1 sc
(in both loops) in the last stitch of the 1st row, 1 ch (8 sc).
Repeat the 2 - 5th rows 9 more times.
For the 11th time, do the rows 2-4.

Join the edges with 8 sc in the opposite sts.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

Try on the lamellas to the hat.

● work in spiral rounds with milk Begonia yarn
● start on the front side, work around the hole
● work in both loops of sts
1) 1 ch, 12 sc.
2) (dec, 1 sc)*4 (8 sc).
3 - 6) 8 sc (4 rnds).
7) (inc, 3 sc)*2 (10 sc).
8 - 9) 10 sc.
10) make a skirt around the leg:
a) work in FLO: in the 1st st [1 sl st + 2 ch + 1 dc], (1 dc, 2 dc in the next 1 st)*4, 1 dc, 1 sl
st, 1 ch.
b) in both loops: (1 sc, 1 ch)*15, 1 sl st.
10) don’t cut the yarn; make 3 ch and continue crocheting the leg in the free back loops of
the 9th round: 10 sc.
● work in both loops of the sts
11 - 12) 10 sc.
13) 2 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 2 sc (12 sc).
14 - 15) 12 sc.
16) (5 sc, inc)*2 (14 sc).
17 - 18) 14 sc.
19) (1 sc, inc)*7 (21 sc).
20 - 21) BLO: 21 sc.
● work in both loops of sts

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

22) 21 sc.
23) (dec, 1 sc)*7 (14 sc).

We have such a part.

Sew the edges of the red and white parts. Sew the parts around the leg, stuff the leg.
24) dec*7.
● f/o, cut the yarn, close the final hole, weave in the tail.

Add Iris yarn to the 20th round, crochet around the 20-21th rounds in the free front loops:
(1 sc, 1 ch)*62; make in the last st: 1 sc, 1 ch, 1 sl st.
● f/o, cut the yarn, weave in the tail.

The middle mushroom is ready.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

The largest and the middle mushrooms.

Smallest mushroom
This mushroom is made as a whole piece, from the top to bottom, in spiral rounds.

● work with dark red yarn
● work in BLO
1) 8 sc in a magic ring.
2) inc*8 (16 sc).
3) (3 sc, inc)*4 (20 sc).
4) 1 sc, (inc, 4 sc)*3, inc, 3 sc (24 sc).
5) (5 sc, inc)*4 (28 sc).
6) 2 sc, (inc, 6 sc)*3, inc, 4 sc (32 sc).
7 - 9) 32 sc (3 rnds).
10) (dec, 2 sc)*7, dec, 1 sc, 1 sl st (24 sc).

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

Embroider the spots.

● change the yarn to milk color

11) (dec, 1 sc)*8 (16 sc).

12) FLO: dec*8 (8 sc).

Stuff the part.

● don’t cut the yarn, continue crocheting

The smallest mushroom hasn’t lamellas, so now we can make the leg.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova
13) make a skirt around the leg:
FLO: 1 ch, (1 sc, 1 ch)*8, 1 sl st.

13) 2 ch, work in BLO of the 12th round: 8 sc.

● work in both loops of sts
14) ( 3 sc, inc)*2 (10 sc).
15) 10 sc.
16) 2 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 2 sc (12 sc).
17) 12 sc
18) (5 sc, inc)*2 (14 sc).
19) 14 sc.

20 - 21) BLO: 14 sc.

● work in both loops of sts
22) 14 sc.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova
Stuff the leg.
23) dec*7 (7 sc).
● f/o, cut the yarn, close the final hole, weave in the tail.

We have such a part.

Add the Iris yarn to the 21th round, crochet around in FLO of the 21-22th rounds: [1 sc, 1 ch]
in each st. Make in the last st of the 22th round 1 sc, 1 ch, 1 sl st.
● f/o, cut the yarn, weave in the tail.

The smallest mushroom is ready.

Сrochet pattern by Natalia Erkhova

Your fly agaric mushrooms are ready!

Thank you for your interest in my pattern, I hope you enjoyed working with it.


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