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Aristotle: The Philosopher Who Knew Everything

Early Life
Born: 384 BCE in Stagira, Chalcidice, Greece1.
Parents: Both were members of traditional medical families2.
Education: At age 17, Aristotle enrolled in Plato’s Academy in Athens2.
Contributions to Knowledge
Philosophical System: Influenced Christian Scholasticism and medieval Islamic
Fields of Study: Covered sciences and arts, including biology, botany, chemistry,
ethics, history, logic, metaphysics, rhetoric, philosophy of mind, philosophy of
science, physics, poetics, political theory, psychology, and zoology1.
Key Achievements
Founder of Formal Logic: Created a system that was the sum of the discipline for
Zoology: Pioneered observational and theoretical zoology, with some work
unsurpassed until the 19th century1.
Philosophy and Works
Aristotelian Concepts: Remained embedded in Western thinking even after the
Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment1.
Notable Works: “Categories,” “Metaphysics,” “Nicomachean Ethics,” “Politics,” and
many more1.
The Lyceum
Founded: Upon his return to Athens in 335 BCE2.
Contribution: Assembled a collection of manuscripts, creating one of the world’s
first great libraries2.
Influence: Known as “The First Teacher” in Arabic philosophy and simply “The
Philosopher” in the West2.
Impact: Aristotle’s work significantly influenced nearly every aspect of human

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