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Tessa Phillips

Professor Norris
14 February 2023
Assignment 1

Ramsey Steel Strategic Plannings

As of recent events, it has been brought to the attention of Ramsey Steel that the
company image is at risk concerning negative publicity because of increased air pollution;
therefore, this message will contain strategic plans to uncover the opinion of various key publics
and ways to message each of these stakeholders. In the case of Ramsey Steel, the main focus is
addressing the concerns of the public who are directly impacted by the company's operations, as
well as those who have the power to influence regulatory decisions and public opinion. Ramsey
Steel should exemplify their commitment to environmental responsibility and community well-
being to the three primary publics which are the residents in the greater metropolitan area, the
city council, and those that live local to the mill.
The first key stakeholder the strategic plan will examine is the residents in the
metropolitan area. The residents in the greater metropolitan area are important stakeholders to
Ramsey Steel because their perception can directly affect consumer behavior and climate of
opinion. Ramsey Steel should be viewed as a transparent and responsible company that is
making changes to promote environmental viability. The most important concern to the
metropolitan residents would be environmental pollution and believing Ramsey Steel has poor
values. These would be major concerns because Ramsey Steel is being pictured as a company
that does not care about public welfare or the environment in local publicity. A message theme
highlighting the company’s efforts to put aside profit and create an environment with less air
pollution by replacing all the open-hearth furnaces causing emissions with electric furnaces over
time will have the greatest impact. Furthermore, a continued effort will be conveyed as Ramsey
Steel commits to reducing emissions for its furnaces as new technologies become available. In
addition, messaging regarding authenticity, acknowledgment of wrongdoing, and transparency
will be crucial in building trust with the metropolitan residents. Since this is a relatively large
public, utilizing media and digital platforms is going to be important in demonstrating our
commitment to be better as well as counteract negative publicity to the public. Press releases and
creating social media campaigns to educate the greater metropolitan residents would be fitting
ways to reach this public. Ramsey Steel Company must illustrate its authenticity and
commitment to reducing air pollution as soon as possible to this stakeholder because their
opinion can have a great impact on the company's reputation.
The second key public will be the city council members. The city council members are
important to Ramsey Steel because they are trying to bring Ramsey and other industrial plants in
line even though Ramsey has put their profits aside and created a plan to lessen emissions to
better public health. Additionally, the city council members could impact public opinion because
they are people of higher authority. As a company, Ramsey Steel wants to be viewed as an asset
to the county, not a problem. Issues like public health and environmental regulation will likely be
important to this stakeholder; therefore, using message themes regarding compliance with the
county’s regulations and their dedication to diminishing air pollution will be important to prove
Ramsey Steels' value. Ramsey could also mention their ability to provide jobs to many citizens
of the county. A messaging email campaign would be beneficial, as well as, more personal one-
on-one meetings to create a relationship with members of the city council. Reaching the city
council promptly is important because it can directly affect what Ramsey Steel can and cannot
do as a company.
The third primary stakeholders are individuals who live local to the mills causing air
pollution. Those who live near the mills are an important public to Ramsey Steel because they
have reasonable concerns. These people could directly be experiencing the effects of the
emission. As a company, we want to be viewed as a responsible business that is working to
reduce air pollution to lessen the impact on the community. The issues that will likely be of most
importance to these stakeholders are the air pollution overall, as well as, the health concerns and
environmental issues that come along with it. The theme we should convey to the individuals
who live local to the mills is our transparent communication and our investment to lessen air
pollution by gradually replacing all the open-hearth furnaces causing emissions with electric
furnaces. It may be difficult for this public to believe email campaigns or newsletters; therefore,
creating a deeper connection with the persons who live near the mills will be important in
changing their prior opinions. With these key messages, it would be influential to make the
message more personal and emotional by reaching out directly through holding community
meetings and going door-to-door.
A strategic communication plan is necessary for Ramsey Steel to improve and safeguard
its image while alleviating negative publicity. Engaging with these three stakeholders will
demonstrate the company’s devotion to bettering the environment and taking responsibility for
its wrongdoings. Executing this communication plan will be crucial for Ramsey Steel’s success
in the future.

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