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My activities.

Good morning everyone! My name is Valter and today I’m going to tell you about my 2 hobbies,
sports, obbsessions- football and cycling. Also about these 2 hobbies pros and cons, how I see them
and when I do them.

1. One of the main physical activities I’m dealing with in my spare time currently is football. I
play football usually at the weekends and Fridays. Most of the time I will assemble
team of my friends and then go play against the others that are on the football field.
For me football teaches cooperation and team work, helps develop positive social
skills and teaches respect for others.

Some Pros of football are:

1.Overall heath improvements
2.Development of team spirit
3.No need of plenty equipment

And cons are:

2.Arguments between the players
3.Team sport, so you need others to play it.

2. The other hobby I recently dipped my toes in is cycling. I always go riding my bike
either in the morning or in the late night, to mountains or forest while listening to music. I
recently started enjoying this activity alone rather than in a group of people. To me, cycling
means getting outside and having fun, being free, getting away from everything into my
own world.

Some pros of the cycling are:

1.Weight management
2.Boost mental health
3.It’s good for beginners
4.It’s environmentally friendly

And on the other side cons are:

1.Biking accidents
2.Bike can be expensive
3.Depends on weather

To sum all up cycling and football despite the injuries and cons are very beneficial to us as they
teach us patience, discipline, teamwork and dedication, so hopefully someday we will meet on the
football field! Thank you for your attention!

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