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Student: José Daniel Avendaño Morales – ID: 1017155085


My wife is a nurse, she is 38 years old, is a beautiful woman and his hair is black and long,
his name is Natalia Sánchez, she have two sons, they are 18 years old, she is shorter than
me, she is and intelillent woman, strong, decided, in this momento she doesn’t work,
because she care to my mother-in-law.



SUPER ROLL KITCHEN TOWEL RENDY 660H is more expensive than Scott Semi
Disposable Kitchen Towels, because they have a lot content than Scott, but the Scott is
better than Rendy. The rice Estío is cheaper than rice Éxito, by their differences of
content, the Grated Tuna Oil and the Navío Grated Tuna both have the same content,
but the Grated Tuna Oil is more expensive than the Navío Grated Tuna, in the D1 there is a
Special Tequila is softer than other Tequila for example José Cuervo, and last the Beer
Bahia there is in both places but in the Justo y Bueno is cheaper than D1 is a Good beer
and softer than others beers
Subject: Catching Up and Talking About Family

Hey Diego López

I hope you're doing well. It's been a while since we last talked! I wanted to catch you up on how my
family is doing.

First of all, let me tell you a bit about my immediate family. I have two siblings, an older brother,
and a younger sister. My older brother's name is [Name], and my younger sister's name is [Name].
I have to say, my older brother is quite outgoing, while my younger sister is a bit more reserved. As
for my parents, they are amazing. They have an incredible energy and are always there when I
need them. Additionally, we have two adorable dogs who are part of our family.

Speaking of extended family, it's quite large! I have many cousins, aunts, and uncles. We gather
every year to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas together. It's great to be able to share those
special moments with them.

In summary, my family is quite diverse, but we get along really well and support each other. Tell me
a bit about yours. Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are your parents like?

I hope you're having an awesome week. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,

Daniel Morales

In my life, few things have filled me with as much joy and excitement as the act of singing. Since I
was a child, music has been my refuge, my escape, and my purest form of expression. There's
nothing like losing myself in melodies, letting my voice soar and blend with the chords, creating a
unique bond between my heart and the universe.

Singing is more than just an activity for me; it's a passion that burns brightly in the depths of my
being. Whether crooning sentimental ballads in the privacy of my room or getting swept away by
the frantic rhythm of a pop song in the shower, I find an unparalleled sense of freedom in every
note I emit.
I fondly recall the times I've had the opportunity to take the stage and share my love for music with
a captivated audience. The palpable energy in the air, the quickening beat of my heart, and the
feeling of being in perfect harmony with the melody are experiences I deeply cherish in my

However, besides my devotion to music, I've also found pleasure in quieter, more contemplative
activities. Lately, I've been exploring the art of gardening, dedicating my afternoons to nurturing
plants and cultivating beauty in my backyard (false).

So, while singing remains my true passion, I've also found solace and fulfillment in the simple act of
tending to nature's wonders. It's a balance that brings harmony to my life and enriches my soul in
ways I never imagined.

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